path: root/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/elements/Volume.lua
diff options
authorJoe <>2023-01-31 14:03:59 +0100
committerJoe <>2023-01-31 14:03:59 +0100
commitefa2957045fe9ea4421ea4a0c546f62a8a27fb58 (patch)
tree816b267a9d431e28744db41429358516ab0c461b /.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/elements/Volume.lua
parentup (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/elements/Volume.lua')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/elements/Volume.lua b/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/elements/Volume.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8533ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/elements/Volume.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+local Element = require('uosc_shared/elements/Element')
+--[[ MuteButton ]]
+---@class MuteButton : Element
+local MuteButton = class(Element)
+---@param props? ElementProps
+function MuteButton:new(props) return, 'volume_mute', props) --[[@as MuteButton]] end
+function MuteButton:on_mbtn_left_down() mp.commandv('cycle', 'mute') end
+function MuteButton:render()
+ local visibility = self:get_visibility()
+ if visibility <= 0 then return end
+ local ass = assdraw.ass_new()
+ local icon_name = state.mute and 'volume_off' or 'volume_up'
+ local width = self.bx -
+ ass:icon( + (width / 2),, width * 0.7, icon_name,
+ {border = options.text_border, opacity = options.volume_opacity * visibility, align = 2}
+ )
+ return ass
+--[[ VolumeSlider ]]
+---@class VolumeSlider : Element
+local VolumeSlider = class(Element)
+---@param props? ElementProps
+function VolumeSlider:new(props) return, props) --[[@as VolumeSlider]] end
+function VolumeSlider:init(props)
+ Element.init(self, 'volume_slider', props)
+ self.pressed = false
+ self.nudge_y = 0 -- vertical position where volume overflows 100
+ self.nudge_size = 0
+ self.draw_nudge = false
+ self.spacing = 0
+ self.radius = 1
+function VolumeSlider:set_volume(volume)
+ volume = round(volume / options.volume_step) * options.volume_step
+ if state.volume == volume then return end
+ mp.commandv('set', 'volume', clamp(0, volume, state.volume_max))
+function VolumeSlider:set_from_cursor()
+ local volume_fraction = ( - cursor.y - options.volume_border) / ( - self.ay - options.volume_border)
+ self:set_volume(volume_fraction * state.volume_max)
+function VolumeSlider:on_coordinates()
+ if type(state.volume_max) ~= 'number' or state.volume_max <= 0 then return end
+ local width = self.bx -
+ self.nudge_y = - round(( - self.ay) * (100 / state.volume_max))
+ self.nudge_size = round(width * 0.18)
+ self.draw_nudge = self.ay < self.nudge_y
+ self.spacing = round(width * 0.2)
+ self.radius = math.max(2, (self.bx - / 10)
+function VolumeSlider:on_mbtn_left_down()
+ self.pressed = true
+ self:set_from_cursor()
+function VolumeSlider:on_global_mbtn_left_up() self.pressed = false end
+function VolumeSlider:on_global_mouse_leave() self.pressed = false end
+function VolumeSlider:on_global_mouse_move()
+ if self.pressed then self:set_from_cursor() end
+function VolumeSlider:on_wheel_up() self:set_volume(state.volume + options.volume_step) end
+function VolumeSlider:on_wheel_down() self:set_volume(state.volume - options.volume_step) end
+function VolumeSlider:render()
+ local visibility = self:get_visibility()
+ local ax, ay, bx, by =, self.ay, self.bx,
+ local width, height = bx - ax, by - ay
+ if width <= 0 or height <= 0 or visibility <= 0 then return end
+ local ass = assdraw.ass_new()
+ local nudge_y, nudge_size = self.draw_nudge and self.nudge_y or -infinity, self.nudge_size
+ local volume_y = self.ay + options.volume_border +
+ ((height - (options.volume_border * 2)) * (1 - math.min(state.volume / state.volume_max, 1)))
+ -- Draws a rectangle with nudge at requested position
+ ---@param p number Padding from slider edges.
+ ---@param cy? number A y coordinate where to clip the path from the bottom.
+ function create_nudged_path(p, cy)
+ cy = cy or ay + p
+ local ax, bx, by = ax + p, bx - p, by - p
+ local r = math.max(1, self.radius - p)
+ local d, rh = r * 2, r / 2
+ local nudge_size = ((quarter_pi_sin * (nudge_size - p)) + p) / quarter_pi_sin
+ local path = assdraw.ass_new()
+ path:move_to(bx - r, by)
+ path:line_to(ax + r, by)
+ if cy > by - d then
+ local subtracted_radius = (d - (cy - (by - d))) / 2
+ local xbd = (r - subtracted_radius * 1.35) -- x bezier delta
+ path:bezier_curve(ax + xbd, by, ax + xbd, cy, ax + r, cy)
+ path:line_to(bx - r, cy)
+ path:bezier_curve(bx - xbd, cy, bx - xbd, by, bx - r, by)
+ else
+ path:bezier_curve(ax + rh, by, ax, by - rh, ax, by - r)
+ local nudge_bottom_y = nudge_y + nudge_size
+ if cy + rh <= nudge_bottom_y then
+ path:line_to(ax, nudge_bottom_y)
+ if cy <= nudge_y then
+ path:line_to((ax + nudge_size), nudge_y)
+ local nudge_top_y = nudge_y - nudge_size
+ if cy <= nudge_top_y then
+ local r, rh = r, rh
+ if cy > nudge_top_y - r then
+ r = nudge_top_y - cy
+ rh = r / 2
+ end
+ path:line_to(ax, nudge_top_y)
+ path:line_to(ax, cy + r)
+ path:bezier_curve(ax, cy + rh, ax + rh, cy, ax + r, cy)
+ path:line_to(bx - r, cy)
+ path:bezier_curve(bx - rh, cy, bx, cy + rh, bx, cy + r)
+ path:line_to(bx, nudge_top_y)
+ else
+ local triangle_side = cy - nudge_top_y
+ path:line_to((ax + triangle_side), cy)
+ path:line_to((bx - triangle_side), cy)
+ end
+ path:line_to((bx - nudge_size), nudge_y)
+ else
+ local triangle_side = nudge_bottom_y - cy
+ path:line_to((ax + triangle_side), cy)
+ path:line_to((bx - triangle_side), cy)
+ end
+ path:line_to(bx, nudge_bottom_y)
+ else
+ path:line_to(ax, cy + r)
+ path:bezier_curve(ax, cy + rh, ax + rh, cy, ax + r, cy)
+ path:line_to(bx - r, cy)
+ path:bezier_curve(bx - rh, cy, bx, cy + rh, bx, cy + r)
+ end
+ path:line_to(bx, by - r)
+ path:bezier_curve(bx, by - rh, bx - rh, by, bx - r, by)
+ end
+ return path
+ end
+ -- BG & FG paths
+ local bg_path = create_nudged_path(0)
+ local fg_path = create_nudged_path(options.volume_border, volume_y)
+ -- Background
+ ass:new_event()
+ ass:append('{\\rDefault\\an7\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H' .. bg ..
+ '\\iclip(' .. fg_path.scale .. ', ' .. fg_path.text .. ')}')
+ ass:opacity(options.volume_opacity, visibility)
+ ass:pos(0, 0)
+ ass:draw_start()
+ ass:append(bg_path.text)
+ ass:draw_stop()
+ -- Foreground
+ ass:new_event()
+ ass:append('{\\rDefault\\an7\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H' .. fg .. '}')
+ ass:opacity(options.volume_opacity, visibility)
+ ass:pos(0, 0)
+ ass:draw_start()
+ ass:append(fg_path.text)
+ ass:draw_stop()
+ -- Current volume value
+ local volume_string = tostring(round(state.volume * 10) / 10)
+ local font_size = round(((width * 0.6) - (#volume_string * (width / 20))) * options.font_scale)
+ if volume_y < - self.spacing then
+ ass:txt( + (width / 2), - self.spacing, 2, volume_string, {
+ size = font_size, color = fgt, opacity = visibility,
+ clip = '\\clip(' .. fg_path.scale .. ', ' .. fg_path.text .. ')',
+ })
+ end
+ if volume_y > - self.spacing - font_size then
+ ass:txt( + (width / 2), - self.spacing, 2, volume_string, {
+ size = font_size, color = bgt, opacity = visibility,
+ clip = '\\iclip(' .. fg_path.scale .. ', ' .. fg_path.text .. ')',
+ })
+ end
+ -- Disabled stripes for no audio
+ if not state.has_audio then
+ local fg_100_path = create_nudged_path(options.volume_border)
+ local texture_opts = {
+ size = 200, color = 'ffffff', opacity = visibility * 0.1, anchor_x = ax,
+ clip = '\\clip(' .. fg_100_path.scale .. ',' .. fg_100_path.text .. ')',
+ }
+ ass:texture(ax, ay, bx, by, 'a', texture_opts)
+ texture_opts.color = '000000'
+ texture_opts.anchor_x = ax + texture_opts.size / 28
+ ass:texture(ax, ay, bx, by, 'a', texture_opts)
+ end
+ return ass
+--[[ Volume ]]
+---@class Volume : Element
+local Volume = class(Element)
+function Volume:new() return --[[@as Volume]] end
+function Volume:init()
+ Element.init(self, 'volume')
+ self.mute = MuteButton:new({anchor_id = 'volume'})
+ self.slider = VolumeSlider:new({anchor_id = 'volume'})
+function Volume:get_visibility()
+ return self.slider.pressed and 1 or Elements.timeline:get_is_hovered() and -1 or Element.get_visibility(self)
+function Volume:update_dimensions()
+ local width = state.fullormaxed and options.volume_size_fullscreen or options.volume_size
+ local controls, timeline, top_bar = Elements.controls, Elements.timeline, Elements.top_bar
+ local min_y = top_bar.enabled and or 0
+ local max_y = (controls and controls.enabled and controls.ay) or (timeline.enabled and timeline.ay)
+ or display.height - top_bar.size
+ local available_height = max_y - min_y
+ local max_height = available_height * 0.8
+ local height = round(math.min(width * 8, max_height))
+ self.enabled = height > width * 2 -- don't render if too small
+ local margin = (width / 2) + Elements.window_border.size
+ = round(options.volume == 'left' and margin or display.width - margin - width)
+ self.ay = min_y + round((available_height - height) / 2)
+ self.bx = round( + width)
+ = round(self.ay + height)
+ self.mute.enabled, self.slider.enabled = self.enabled, self.enabled
+ self.mute:set_coordinates(, - round(width * 0.8), self.bx,
+ self.slider:set_coordinates(, self.ay, self.bx, self.mute.ay)
+function Volume:on_display() self:update_dimensions() end
+function Volume:on_prop_border() self:update_dimensions() end
+function Volume:on_controls_reflow() self:update_dimensions() end
+return Volume