path: root/.config/mpv/script-opts
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authorJoe <>2023-01-31 14:03:59 +0100
committerJoe <>2023-01-31 14:03:59 +0100
commitefa2957045fe9ea4421ea4a0c546f62a8a27fb58 (patch)
tree816b267a9d431e28744db41429358516ab0c461b /.config/mpv/script-opts
parentup (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '.config/mpv/script-opts')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/mpv/script-opts/uosc.conf b/.config/mpv/script-opts/uosc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83306f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpv/script-opts/uosc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Display style of current position. available: line, bar
+# Line display style config
+# Scale the width of the line when minimized (timeline_size_min)
+# Timeline size when minimized, 0 will hide it completely
+# Timeline size when fully expanded, in pixels, 0 to disable
+# Same as ^ but when in fullscreen
+# Same thing as calling toggle-progress command once on startup
+# Comma separated states when timeline should always be visible. available: paused, audio, image, video, idle
+# Timeline opacity
+# Top border of background color to help visually separate timeline from video
+# When scrolling above timeline, wheel will seek by this amount of seconds
+# Opacity of chapter indicators in timeline, 0 to disable
+# Render cache indicators for streaming content
+# A comma delimited list of items to construct the controls bar above the timeline. Set to `never` to disable.
+# Parameter spec: enclosed in `{}` means value, enclosed in `[]` means optional
+# Full item syntax: `[<[!]{disposition1}[,[!]{dispositionN}]>]{element}[:{paramN}][#{badge}[>{limit}]][?{tooltip}]`
+# Common properties:
+# `{icon}` - parameter used to specify an icon name (example: `face`)
+# - you can pick one here:
+# `{element}`s and their parameters:
+# `{usoc_command}` - preconfigured shorthands for uosc commands that make sense to have as buttons:
+# - `menu`, `subtitles`, `audio`, `video`, `playlist`, `chapters`, `editions`, `stream-quality`,
+# `open-file`, `items`, `next`, `prev`, `first`, `last`, `audio-device`
+# `fullscreen` - toggle fullscreen
+# `loop-playlist` - button to toggle playlist looping
+# `loop-file` - button to toggle current file looping
+# `shuffle` - toggle for uosc's shuffle mode
+# `speed[:{scale}]` - display speed slider, [{scale}] - factor of controls_size, default: 1.3
+# `command:{icon}:{command}` - button that executes a {command} when pressed
+# `toggle:{icon}:{prop}[@{owner}]` - button that toggles mpv property
+# `cycle:{default_icon}:{prop}[@{owner}]:{value1}[={icon1}][!]/{valueN}[={iconN}][!]`
+# - button that cycles mpv property between values, each optionally having different icon and active flag
+# - presence of `!` at the end will style the button as active
+# - `{owner}` is the name of a scrip that manages this property if any
+# `gap[:{scale}]` - display an empty gap, {scale} - factor of controls_size, default: 0.3
+# `space` - fills all available space between previous and next item, useful to align items to the right
+# - multiple spaces divide the available space among themselves, which can be used for centering
+# Item visibility control:
+# `<[!]{disposition1}[,[!]{dispositionN}]>` - optional prefix to control element's visibility
+# - `{disposition}` can be one of:
+# - `idle` - true if mpv is in idle mode (no file loaded)
+# - `image` - true if current file is a single image
+# - `audio` - true for audio only files
+# - `video` - true for files with a video track
+# - `has_many_video` - true for files with more than one video track
+# - `has_audio` - true for files with an audio track
+# - `has_many_audio` - true for files with more than one audio track
+# - `has_sub` - true for files with an subtitle track
+# - `has_many_sub` - true for files with more than one subtitle track
+# - `has_many_edition` - true for files with more than one edition
+# - `has_chapter` - true for files with chapter list
+# - `stream` - true if current file is read from a stream
+# - `has_playlist` - true if current playlist has 2 or more items in it
+# - prefix with `!` to negate the required disposition
+# Examples:
+# - `<stream>stream-quality` - show stream quality button only for streams
+# - `<has_audio,!audio>audio` - show audio tracks button for all files that have
+# an audio track, but are not exclusively audio only files
+# Place `#{badge}[>{limit}]` after the element params to give it a badge. Available badges:
+# `sub`, `audio`, `video` - track type counters
+# `{mpv_prop}` - any mpv prop that makes sense to you:
+# - if prop value is an array it'll display its size
+# `>{limit}` will display the badge only if it's numerical value is above this threshold.
+# Example: `#audio>1`
+# Place `?{tooltip}` after the element config to give it a tooltip.
+# Example: `<stream>stream-quality?Stream quality`
+# Example implementations of some of the available shorthands:
+# menu = command:menu:script-binding uosc/menu-blurred?Menu
+# subtitles = command:subtitles:script-binding uosc/subtitles#sub?Subtitles
+# fullscreen = cycle:crop_free:fullscreen:no/yes=fullscreen_exit!?Fullscreen
+# loop-playlist = cycle:repeat:loop-playlist:no/inf!?Loop playlist
+# toggle:{icon}:{prop} = cycle:{icon}:{prop}:no/yes!
+# Where to display volume controls: none, left, right
+# Playback speed widget: mouse drag or wheel to change, click to reset
+# Controls all menus, such as context menu, subtitle loader/selector, etc
+# Top bar with window controls and media title
+# Can be: never, no-border, always
+# Window border drawn in no-border mode
+# If there's no playlist and file ends, load next file in the directory
+# Requires `keep-open=yes` in `mpv.conf`.
+# Enable uosc's playlist/directory shuffle mode
+# This simply makes the next selected playlist or directory item be random, just
+# like any other player in the world. It also has an easily togglable control button.
+# Scale the interface by this factor
+# Adjust the text scaling to fit your font
+# Border of text and icons when drawn directly on top of video
+# Use a faster estimation method instead of accurate measurement
+# setting this to `no` might have a noticable impact on performance, especially in large menus.
+# Execute command for background clicks shorter than this number of milliseconds, 0 to disable
+# Execution always waits for `input-doubleclick-time` to filter out double-clicks
+click_command=cycle pause; script-binding uosc/flash-pause-indicator
+# Flash duration in milliseconds used by `flash-{element}` commands
+# Distances in pixels below which elements are fully faded in/out
+# RGB HEX color codes
+# Use only bold font weight throughout the whole UI
+# Show total time instead of time remaining
+# Display sub second fraction in timestamps up to this precision
+# Display stream's buffered time in timeline if it's lower than this amount of seconds, 0 to disable
+# Hide UI when mpv autohides the cursor
+# Can be: none, flash, static, manual (controlled by flash-pause-indicator and decide-pause-indicator commands)
+# Screen dim when stuff like menu is open, 0 to disable
+# Sizes to list in stream quality menu
+# File types to look for when navigating media files
+# File types to look for when loading external subtitles
+# Default open-file menu directory
+# Convers some common chapter types into chapter range indicators.
+# Instead of displaying the start of the chapter as a diamond icon on top of the
+# timeline, the portion of the timeline owned by that chapter is colored based
+# on the config below.
+# The syntax is a comma delimited list of `{type}:{color}` pairs, where.
+# `{type}` - range type. Currently suported ones are:
+# - `openings`, `endings` - anime openings/endings
+# - `intros`, `outros` - video intros/outros
+# - `ads` - sponsor segments created by script:
+# `{color}` - an RGB(A) HEX color code (`rrggbb`, or `rrggbbaa`)
+# To not convert any of the range types, simply removed it from the list.
+# Add alternative lua patterns to identify begining's of simple chapter ranges (all but `ads`)
+# Syntax: `{type}:{pattern}[,{patternN}][;{type}:{pattern}[,{patternN}]]`