/*********************************/ /* THRESHOLD ( // */ /* gameplay ( )/ */ /* by salade )(/ */ /* ________________ ( /) */ /* ()__)____________))))) :^} */ /*********************************/ #include "gameplay.hpp" #include "raymath.h" #include Game::Game(std::string const & path) { std::ifstream ifs(path); std::string tok; auto radius = 10; std::cout << "Init: reading map file [" << path << "]" << std::endl; while (ifs >> tok) { if (tok == "E") { ifs >> tok; std::cout << "will spawn " << tok << " enemies"; nEnemies = std::atoi(tok.c_str()); ifs >> tok; radius = std::atoi(tok.c_str()); } if (tok == "N") { ifs >> tok; next = tok; std::cout << "next level is " << next; } } ifs.close(); enemies = new std::vector(nEnemies); for (auto en = enemies->begin(); en != enemies->end(); en++) { en->radius = radius; } player = new Entity; player->posX = SCREENWIDTH / 2; player->posY = SCREENHEIGHT / 2; player->direction.x = 100; player->direction.y = 100; player->radius = 10; player->victims = 0; } Game::~Game() { delete enemies; delete player; } void Game::start() const { std::cout << "----- Gameplay: Start -----" << std::endl; std::cout << "Gameplay: " << nEnemies << "enemies need to be spawned" << std::endl; } void Game::draw() const { auto left = std::to_string(enemies->size()); for (auto & en : *enemies) { DrawCircleV((Vector2){en.posX, en.posY}, en.radius, RED); } DrawCircleV((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, 10, GREEN); DrawText("Enemies left : ", 10, 10, 20, GREEN); DrawText(left.c_str(), 150, 10, 20,RED); if (player->victims >= 5) { DrawText("[E] FURY", SCREENWIDTH - 150, 10, 50, RED); } } int Game::tick() const { for (auto & en : *enemies) { if (en.posX >= SCREENWIDTH || en.posX <= 0) { en.direction.x = -en.direction.x; } if (en.posY >= SCREENHEIGHT || en.posY <= 0) { en.direction.y = -en.direction.y; } en.posX += en.direction.x; en.posY += en.direction.y; if (CheckCollisionCircles((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, 10, (Vector2){en.posX, en.posY}, 10)) { std::cout << "you died" << std::endl; return (1); } } return (0); } int Game::getKeys() const { auto oldX = 0, oldY = 0; auto aimer = player->direction; oldX = player->posX; oldY = player->posY; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W)) { player->posX += 0; player->posY += -4; } if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) { player->posX += 0; player->posY += 4; } if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) { player->posX += -4; player->posY += 0; } if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D)) { player->posX += 4; player->posY += 0; } if (player->victims >= 5 && IsKeyDown(KEY_E)) { player->threshold = true; } if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) { player->direction = Vector2Rotate(player->direction, -0.1f); // left } if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) { player->direction = Vector2Rotate(player->direction, 0.1f); } if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) { if (shoot()) { return (0); } if (player->victims == nEnemies) { return (2); } } if (player->threshold) { if (oldX != player->posX || oldY != player->posY) { if (this->tick()) { return (1); } } } else { if (this->tick()) { return (1); } } aimer.x = (player->direction.x / 3); aimer.y = (player->direction.y / 3); DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, Vector2Add((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, aimer), 5, GREEN); return (0); } int Game::shoot() const { auto rot1 = Vector2Rotate(player->direction, -0.2f); auto rot2 = Vector2Rotate(player->direction, 0.2f); auto add1 = Vector2Add((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, rot1); auto add2 = Vector2Add((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, rot2); for (auto en = enemies->begin(); en != enemies->end(); en++) { if (CheckCollisionPointLine((Vector2){en->posX, en->posY}, (Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, add1, (en->radius * 2)) || CheckCollisionPointLine((Vector2){en->posX, en->posY}, (Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, Vector2Add((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, Vector2Rotate(player->direction, 0.0f)), (en->radius * 2)) || CheckCollisionPointLine((Vector2){en->posX, en->posY}, (Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, add2, (en->radius * 2))) { std::cout << "hit enemy at " << en->posX << "|" << en->posY << std::endl; enemies->erase(en); player->victims++; DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, add1, 10, ORANGE); DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, Vector2Add((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, player->direction), 10, ORANGE); DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, add2, 10, ORANGE); return (1); } } DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, add1, 10, ORANGE); DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, Vector2Add((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, player->direction), 10, ORANGE); DrawLineEx((Vector2){player->posX, player->posY}, add2, 10, ORANGE); return (0); } std::string const & Game::getNext() const {return next;}