path: root/meta (unfollow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-01-22Weapons: amazing job adding another weapon salade ! outstandingsalaaad22-2/+2
2022-01-22Parsing: the great rework (tm) finally works as intendedsalaaad23-3/+3
2022-01-20rework parsing and wave managementsalaaad22-3/+3
2022-01-20rework parsing and level mangment. commit oftensalaaad22-1/+1
2022-01-17what ?salaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-14enemy slingshot is functionalsalaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-14strange behavior... I WILL find out whats going on !salaaad22-3/+5
2022-01-14boss has the correct texturessalaaad27-6/+5
2022-01-14add license, better next screen and begin savestatesalaaad26-1/+4
2022-01-14background can now be specified in map filesalaaad21-0/+1
2022-01-13shit background image featureing hit-- bowser. I meant bowser...salaaad21-2/+2
2022-01-13what the fuck is going onsalaaad22-2/+2
2022-01-13this is starting to get boring.ill seesalaaad22-0/+1
2022-01-11stages now work as intended, with multiple waves : \[v0.0.9\]salaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-11mouselook on shotgunsalaaad22-1/+2
2022-01-11mouselook just needed some sleep ! coolsalaaad21-1/+2
2022-01-07release v0.0.7 interface DONE skip v0.0.6 because I CANsalaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-07amazing interface man. good JOBsalaaad21-0/+3
2022-01-07display next levelsalaaad22-1/+4
2022-01-07adjust boss hp and add back furysalaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-07add new weapon, AR and add switching weaponssalaaad21-0/+0
2022-01-06amazing textures. v0.0.4salaaad24-2/+4
2022-01-05longer shotty range, add hit function which does not worksalaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-05reload workssalaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-05FINALLY add cowboysalaaad21-0/+0
2022-01-05release v0.0.2salaaad22-3/+3
2022-01-05spawn not random anymore. this got a whole bunch hardersalaaad21-2/+2
2022-01-04add fury, bang sound, colors and moresalaaad21-1/+1
2022-01-04two levels. moved shooting logic elsewheresalaaad24-4/+4
2022-01-04dumb pellet implementationsalaaad22-2/+2
2022-01-04map read from filesalaaad22-2/+4
2022-01-04start menu and retrysalaaad21-0/+2