// SMITH ( // / // requests ( )/ / // by salade )(/ / // ________________ ( /) / // ()__)____________))))) :^} / package main import ( "encoding/json" "io" "log" "net/http" "strings" "strconv" ) // #include "../csrc/smith.h" // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lsmith -L../ import "C" func sendRequest(node_name string, config Config) (*http.Response, error) { endpoint := getRequestType(node_name) if len(endpoint) == 0 { return nil, nil } // create payload body := makeBody(endpoint) signature := signRequest(body, config.Secret_key) url := "https://" + config.Mirror + "/" + endpoint + "?" + body + "&signature=" + signature // make a request out of it req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) req.Header.Add("X-MBX-APIKEY", config.Public_key) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error: creating http request ", err) } // send it client := &http.Client{} response, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error: making http request ", err) return response, err } return response, nil } // return request path from tree node name func getRequestType(name string) string { switch (name) { case "Account Status": return GET_Targets.status case "Available Coins": return GET_Targets.getall case "Deposit Address": return GET_Targets.address case "Daily Snapshot": return GET_Targets.snapshot default : return "" } } // display something cool func displayResponse(node_name string, response *http.Response, output *string) { requestType := getRequestType(node_name) body, _ := io.ReadAll(response.Body) var outputFormatted string switch (requestType) { case GET_Targets.status: var structuredRep AccountStatusResponse json.Unmarshal(body, &structuredRep) outputFormatted = "Status [" + structuredRep.Data + "]\n" case GET_Targets.address: var structuredRep DepositAddressResponse json.Unmarshal(body, &structuredRep) outputFormatted = "Coin [" + structuredRep.Coin + "]\n" + "Address [" + structuredRep.Address + "]\n" + "Url [" + structuredRep.Url + "]\n" + "Tag [" + structuredRep.Tag + "]\n" case GET_Targets.snapshot: var structuredRep AccountSnapshotResponseMain json.Unmarshal(body, &structuredRep) outputFormatted = "code [" + strconv.FormatFloat(structuredRep.Code, 'f', 2, 64) + "]\n" default: outputFormatted = string(body) } *output = outputFormatted } // Sign payload using openssl func signRequest(body string, key string) string { // run pipeline out2, err := RunStrings("/usr/bin/echo", "-n", body, "|", "/usr/bin/openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", "-hmac", key) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error: failed to sign request", err) } // remove unwanted characters tok := strings.Index(out2, "(") last := len(out2) - 1 first := tok + len("(stdin)= ") out2 = out2[first:last] return out2 } // return body value from endpoint func makeBody(endpoint string) string { ret := "timestamp=" + C.GoString(C.get_timestamp()) + "&recvWindow=50000" switch (endpoint) { case GET_Targets.getall , GET_Targets.status: break case GET_Targets.snapshot: ret += "&type=SPOT" case GET_Targets.address: ret += "&coin=BNB" } return ret }