#+title: Readme #+author: salade #+email: salad@jozanofastora.xyz * Smith Smith is a very good friend of mine, and a robot He is also a work in progress. His purpose is to make me money, or as we call it in France, *Cesterces*.... ** Building Just type src_bash[build]{make} And you will have a very nice executable called smith ** Current Usage The current state of smith does not allow him to make money. However, you can see in this repository a somewhat good way to interact with the Binance API. The following endpoints can be called : `` getall: "/sapi/v1/capital/config/getall", address: "/sapi/v1/capital/deposit/address", status: "/sapi/v1/account/status", snapshot: "/sapi/v1/accountSnapshot", `` The code found in gosrc/structs and gosrc/requests in addition to the code found in csrc/ can be used and expanded as an example to make your own program that calls the Binance API *** How it works: Binance api calls need to be signed and most require a timestamp. - The timestamp is gotten through the C code - Signing calls is done using openssl; signRequests() does all that ** Usage You will find at the source of this repository a file called *default.json*, in which you must insert the correct value to be able to use this program Given how early in production this program is, you might feel a little restricted in what you can ask my good friend to do. Don't worry, traveller... Enjoy the ride and the view