path: root/raylib/parser/raylib_api.lua
diff options
authorsalaaad2 <arthurdurant263@gmail.com>2022-06-13 22:15:48 +0200
committersalaaad2 <arthurdurant263@gmail.com>2022-06-13 22:15:48 +0200
commit95cde5c181b5fd1d9ee3f13db749799c4e8ac9d3 (patch)
tree352480349a46d19ab5b8078ac4ccb79d27166f04 /raylib/parser/raylib_api.lua
parentmouse is captured again, pretty gud (diff)
add raylib to the build chain with -O3 and -march=native
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 7216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/raylib/parser/raylib_api.lua b/raylib/parser/raylib_api.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509648a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raylib/parser/raylib_api.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,7216 @@
+return {
+ structs = {
+ {
+ name = "Vector2",
+ description = "Vector2, 2 components",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "x",
+ description = "Vector x component"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "y",
+ description = "Vector y component"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Vector3",
+ description = "Vector3, 3 components",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "x",
+ description = "Vector x component"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "y",
+ description = "Vector y component"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "z",
+ description = "Vector z component"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Vector4",
+ description = "Vector4, 4 components",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "x",
+ description = "Vector x component"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "y",
+ description = "Vector y component"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "z",
+ description = "Vector z component"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "w",
+ description = "Vector w component"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Matrix",
+ description = "Matrix, 4x4 components, column major, OpenGL style, right handed",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "m0, m4, m8, m12",
+ description = "Matrix first row (4 components)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "m1, m5, m9, m13",
+ description = "Matrix second row (4 components)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "m2, m6, m10, m14",
+ description = "Matrix third row (4 components)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "m3, m7, m11, m15",
+ description = "Matrix fourth row (4 components)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Color",
+ description = "Color, 4 components, R8G8B8A8 (32bit)",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "unsigned char",
+ name = "r",
+ description = "Color red value"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned char",
+ name = "g",
+ description = "Color green value"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned char",
+ name = "b",
+ description = "Color blue value"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned char",
+ name = "a",
+ description = "Color alpha value"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Rectangle",
+ description = "Rectangle, 4 components",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "x",
+ description = "Rectangle top-left corner position x"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "y",
+ description = "Rectangle top-left corner position y"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "width",
+ description = "Rectangle width"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "height",
+ description = "Rectangle height"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Image",
+ description = "Image, pixel data stored in CPU memory (RAM)",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "void *",
+ name = "data",
+ description = "Image raw data"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "width",
+ description = "Image base width"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "height",
+ description = "Image base height"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "mipmaps",
+ description = "Mipmap levels, 1 by default"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "format",
+ description = "Data format (PixelFormat type)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Texture",
+ description = "Texture, tex data stored in GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "id",
+ description = "OpenGL texture id"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "width",
+ description = "Texture base width"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "height",
+ description = "Texture base height"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "mipmaps",
+ description = "Mipmap levels, 1 by default"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "format",
+ description = "Data format (PixelFormat type)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RenderTexture",
+ description = "RenderTexture, fbo for texture rendering",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "id",
+ description = "OpenGL framebuffer object id"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Texture",
+ name = "texture",
+ description = "Color buffer attachment texture"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Texture",
+ name = "depth",
+ description = "Depth buffer attachment texture"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "NPatchInfo",
+ description = "NPatchInfo, n-patch layout info",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Rectangle",
+ name = "source",
+ description = "Texture source rectangle"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "left",
+ description = "Left border offset"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "top",
+ description = "Top border offset"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "right",
+ description = "Right border offset"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "bottom",
+ description = "Bottom border offset"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "layout",
+ description = "Layout of the n-patch: 3x3, 1x3 or 3x1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GlyphInfo",
+ description = "GlyphInfo, font characters glyphs info",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "value",
+ description = "Character value (Unicode)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "offsetX",
+ description = "Character offset X when drawing"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "offsetY",
+ description = "Character offset Y when drawing"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "advanceX",
+ description = "Character advance position X"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Image",
+ name = "image",
+ description = "Character image data"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Font",
+ description = "Font, font texture and GlyphInfo array data",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "baseSize",
+ description = "Base size (default chars height)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "glyphCount",
+ description = "Number of glyph characters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "glyphPadding",
+ description = "Padding around the glyph characters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Texture2D",
+ name = "texture",
+ description = "Texture atlas containing the glyphs"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Rectangle *",
+ name = "recs",
+ description = "Rectangles in texture for the glyphs"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "GlyphInfo *",
+ name = "glyphs",
+ description = "Glyphs info data"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Camera3D",
+ description = "Camera, defines position/orientation in 3d space",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "position",
+ description = "Camera position"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "target",
+ description = "Camera target it looks-at"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "up",
+ description = "Camera up vector (rotation over its axis)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "fovy",
+ description = "Camera field-of-view apperture in Y (degrees) in perspective, used as near plane width in orthographic"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "projection",
+ description = "Camera projection: CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE or CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Camera2D",
+ description = "Camera2D, defines position/orientation in 2d space",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Vector2",
+ name = "offset",
+ description = "Camera offset (displacement from target)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector2",
+ name = "target",
+ description = "Camera target (rotation and zoom origin)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "rotation",
+ description = "Camera rotation in degrees"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "zoom",
+ description = "Camera zoom (scaling), should be 1.0f by default"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Mesh",
+ description = "Mesh, vertex data and vao/vbo",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "vertexCount",
+ description = "Number of vertices stored in arrays"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "triangleCount",
+ description = "Number of triangles stored (indexed or not)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "vertices",
+ description = "Vertex position (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 0)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "texcoords",
+ description = "Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "texcoords2",
+ description = "Vertex second texture coordinates (useful for lightmaps) (shader-location = 5)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "normals",
+ description = "Vertex normals (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "tangents",
+ description = "Vertex tangents (XYZW - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 4)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned char *",
+ name = "colors",
+ description = "Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned short *",
+ name = "indices",
+ description = "Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "animVertices",
+ description = "Animated vertex positions (after bones transformations)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "animNormals",
+ description = "Animated normals (after bones transformations)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned char *",
+ name = "boneIds",
+ description = "Vertex bone ids, max 255 bone ids, up to 4 bones influence by vertex (skinning)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float *",
+ name = "boneWeights",
+ description = "Vertex bone weight, up to 4 bones influence by vertex (skinning)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "vaoId",
+ description = "OpenGL Vertex Array Object id"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int *",
+ name = "vboId",
+ description = "OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (default vertex data)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Shader",
+ description = "Shader",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "id",
+ description = "Shader program id"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int *",
+ name = "locs",
+ description = "Shader locations array (RL_MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MaterialMap",
+ description = "MaterialMap",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Texture2D",
+ name = "texture",
+ description = "Material map texture"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Color",
+ name = "color",
+ description = "Material map color"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "value",
+ description = "Material map value"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Material",
+ description = "Material, includes shader and maps",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Shader",
+ name = "shader",
+ description = "Material shader"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "MaterialMap *",
+ name = "maps",
+ description = "Material maps array (MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "params[4]",
+ description = "Material generic parameters (if required)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Transform",
+ description = "Transform, vectex transformation data",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "translation",
+ description = "Translation"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Quaternion",
+ name = "rotation",
+ description = "Rotation"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "scale",
+ description = "Scale"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BoneInfo",
+ description = "Bone, skeletal animation bone",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "char",
+ name = "name[32]",
+ description = "Bone name"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "parent",
+ description = "Bone parent"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Model",
+ description = "Model, meshes, materials and animation data",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Matrix",
+ name = "transform",
+ description = "Local transform matrix"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "meshCount",
+ description = "Number of meshes"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "materialCount",
+ description = "Number of materials"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Mesh *",
+ name = "meshes",
+ description = "Meshes array"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Material *",
+ name = "materials",
+ description = "Materials array"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int *",
+ name = "meshMaterial",
+ description = "Mesh material number"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "boneCount",
+ description = "Number of bones"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "BoneInfo *",
+ name = "bones",
+ description = "Bones information (skeleton)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Transform *",
+ name = "bindPose",
+ description = "Bones base transformation (pose)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ModelAnimation",
+ description = "ModelAnimation",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "boneCount",
+ description = "Number of bones"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "frameCount",
+ description = "Number of animation frames"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "BoneInfo *",
+ name = "bones",
+ description = "Bones information (skeleton)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Transform **",
+ name = "framePoses",
+ description = "Poses array by frame"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Ray",
+ description = "Ray, ray for raycasting",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "position",
+ description = "Ray position (origin)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "direction",
+ description = "Ray direction"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RayCollision",
+ description = "RayCollision, ray hit information",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "bool",
+ name = "hit",
+ description = "Did the ray hit something?"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "distance",
+ description = "Distance to nearest hit"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "point",
+ description = "Point of nearest hit"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "normal",
+ description = "Surface normal of hit"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BoundingBox",
+ description = "BoundingBox",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "min",
+ description = "Minimum vertex box-corner"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Vector3",
+ name = "max",
+ description = "Maximum vertex box-corner"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Wave",
+ description = "Wave, audio wave data",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "frameCount",
+ description = "Total number of frames (considering channels)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "sampleRate",
+ description = "Frequency (samples per second)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "sampleSize",
+ description = "Bit depth (bits per sample): 8, 16, 32 (24 not supported)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "channels",
+ description = "Number of channels (1-mono, 2-stereo, ...)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "void *",
+ name = "data",
+ description = "Buffer data pointer"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "AudioStream",
+ description = "AudioStream, custom audio stream",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "rAudioBuffer *",
+ name = "buffer",
+ description = "Pointer to internal data used by the audio system"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "sampleRate",
+ description = "Frequency (samples per second)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "sampleSize",
+ description = "Bit depth (bits per sample): 8, 16, 32 (24 not supported)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "channels",
+ description = "Number of channels (1-mono, 2-stereo, ...)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Sound",
+ description = "Sound",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "AudioStream",
+ name = "stream",
+ description = "Audio stream"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "frameCount",
+ description = "Total number of frames (considering channels)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Music",
+ description = "Music, audio stream, anything longer than ~10 seconds should be streamed",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "AudioStream",
+ name = "stream",
+ description = "Audio stream"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "unsigned int",
+ name = "frameCount",
+ description = "Total number of frames (considering channels)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "bool",
+ name = "looping",
+ description = "Music looping enable"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "ctxType",
+ description = "Type of music context (audio filetype)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "void *",
+ name = "ctxData",
+ description = "Audio context data, depends on type"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "VrDeviceInfo",
+ description = "VrDeviceInfo, Head-Mounted-Display device parameters",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "hResolution",
+ description = "Horizontal resolution in pixels"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "int",
+ name = "vResolution",
+ description = "Vertical resolution in pixels"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "hScreenSize",
+ description = "Horizontal size in meters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "vScreenSize",
+ description = "Vertical size in meters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "vScreenCenter",
+ description = "Screen center in meters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "eyeToScreenDistance",
+ description = "Distance between eye and display in meters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "lensSeparationDistance",
+ description = "Lens separation distance in meters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "interpupillaryDistance",
+ description = "IPD (distance between pupils) in meters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "lensDistortionValues[4]",
+ description = "Lens distortion constant parameters"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "chromaAbCorrection[4]",
+ description = "Chromatic aberration correction parameters"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "VrStereoConfig",
+ description = "VrStereoConfig, VR stereo rendering configuration for simulator",
+ fields = {
+ {
+ type = "Matrix",
+ name = "projection[2]",
+ description = "VR projection matrices (per eye)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "Matrix",
+ name = "viewOffset[2]",
+ description = "VR view offset matrices (per eye)"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "leftLensCenter[2]",
+ description = "VR left lens center"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "rightLensCenter[2]",
+ description = "VR right lens center"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "leftScreenCenter[2]",
+ description = "VR left screen center"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "rightScreenCenter[2]",
+ description = "VR right screen center"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "scale[2]",
+ description = "VR distortion scale"
+ },
+ {
+ type = "float",
+ name = "scaleIn[2]",
+ description = "VR distortion scale in"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ enums = {
+ {
+ name = "ConfigFlags",
+ description = "System/Window config flags",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "FLAG_VSYNC_HINT",
+ value = 64,
+ description = "Set to try enabling V-Sync on GPU"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Set to run program in fullscreen"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Set to allow resizable window"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "Set to disable window decoration (frame and buttons)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 128,
+ description = "Set to hide window"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 512,
+ description = "Set to minimize window (iconify)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1024,
+ description = "Set to maximize window (expanded to monitor)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2048,
+ description = "Set to window non focused"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4096,
+ description = "Set to window always on top"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 256,
+ description = "Set to allow windows running while minimized"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 16,
+ description = "Set to allow transparent framebuffer"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8192,
+ description = "Set to support HighDPI"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT",
+ value = 32,
+ description = "Set to try enabling MSAA 4X"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 65536,
+ description = "Set to try enabling interlaced video format (for V3D)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TraceLogLevel",
+ description = "Trace log level",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "LOG_ALL",
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Display all logs"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_TRACE",
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Trace logging, intended for internal use only"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_DEBUG",
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Debug logging, used for internal debugging, it should be disabled on release builds"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_INFO",
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Info logging, used for program execution info"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_WARNING",
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Warning logging, used on recoverable failures"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_ERROR",
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Error logging, used on unrecoverable failures"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_FATAL",
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Fatal logging, used to abort program: exit(EXIT_FAILURE)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LOG_NONE",
+ value = 7,
+ description = "Disable logging"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KeyboardKey",
+ description = "Keyboard keys (US keyboard layout)",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "KEY_NULL",
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Key: NULL, used for no key pressed"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_APOSTROPHE",
+ value = 39,
+ description = "Key: '"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_COMMA",
+ value = 44,
+ description = "Key: ,"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_MINUS",
+ value = 45,
+ description = "Key: -"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_PERIOD",
+ value = 46,
+ description = "Key: ."
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_SLASH",
+ value = 47,
+ description = "Key: /"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_ZERO",
+ value = 48,
+ description = "Key: 0"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_ONE",
+ value = 49,
+ description = "Key: 1"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_TWO",
+ value = 50,
+ description = "Key: 2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_THREE",
+ value = 51,
+ description = "Key: 3"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_FOUR",
+ value = 52,
+ description = "Key: 4"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_FIVE",
+ value = 53,
+ description = "Key: 5"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_SIX",
+ value = 54,
+ description = "Key: 6"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_SEVEN",
+ value = 55,
+ description = "Key: 7"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_EIGHT",
+ value = 56,
+ description = "Key: 8"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_NINE",
+ value = 57,
+ description = "Key: 9"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_SEMICOLON",
+ value = 59,
+ description = "Key: ;"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_EQUAL",
+ value = 61,
+ description = "Key: ="
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_A",
+ value = 65,
+ description = "Key: A | a"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_B",
+ value = 66,
+ description = "Key: B | b"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_C",
+ value = 67,
+ description = "Key: C | c"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_D",
+ value = 68,
+ description = "Key: D | d"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_E",
+ value = 69,
+ description = "Key: E | e"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F",
+ value = 70,
+ description = "Key: F | f"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_G",
+ value = 71,
+ description = "Key: G | g"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_H",
+ value = 72,
+ description = "Key: H | h"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_I",
+ value = 73,
+ description = "Key: I | i"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_J",
+ value = 74,
+ description = "Key: J | j"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_K",
+ value = 75,
+ description = "Key: K | k"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_L",
+ value = 76,
+ description = "Key: L | l"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_M",
+ value = 77,
+ description = "Key: M | m"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_N",
+ value = 78,
+ description = "Key: N | n"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_O",
+ value = 79,
+ description = "Key: O | o"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_P",
+ value = 80,
+ description = "Key: P | p"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_Q",
+ value = 81,
+ description = "Key: Q | q"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_R",
+ value = 82,
+ description = "Key: R | r"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_S",
+ value = 83,
+ description = "Key: S | s"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_T",
+ value = 84,
+ description = "Key: T | t"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_U",
+ value = 85,
+ description = "Key: U | u"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_V",
+ value = 86,
+ description = "Key: V | v"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_W",
+ value = 87,
+ description = "Key: W | w"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_X",
+ value = 88,
+ description = "Key: X | x"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_Y",
+ value = 89,
+ description = "Key: Y | y"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_Z",
+ value = 90,
+ description = "Key: Z | z"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_LEFT_BRACKET",
+ value = 91,
+ description = "Key: ["
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_BACKSLASH",
+ value = 92,
+ description = "Key: '\\'"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 93,
+ description = "Key: ]"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_GRAVE",
+ value = 96,
+ description = "Key: `"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_SPACE",
+ value = 32,
+ description = "Key: Space"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_ESCAPE",
+ value = 256,
+ description = "Key: Esc"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_ENTER",
+ value = 257,
+ description = "Key: Enter"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_TAB",
+ value = 258,
+ description = "Key: Tab"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_BACKSPACE",
+ value = 259,
+ description = "Key: Backspace"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_INSERT",
+ value = 260,
+ description = "Key: Ins"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_DELETE",
+ value = 261,
+ description = "Key: Del"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_RIGHT",
+ value = 262,
+ description = "Key: Cursor right"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_LEFT",
+ value = 263,
+ description = "Key: Cursor left"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_DOWN",
+ value = 264,
+ description = "Key: Cursor down"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_UP",
+ value = 265,
+ description = "Key: Cursor up"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_PAGE_UP",
+ value = 266,
+ description = "Key: Page up"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_PAGE_DOWN",
+ value = 267,
+ description = "Key: Page down"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_HOME",
+ value = 268,
+ description = "Key: Home"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_END",
+ value = 269,
+ description = "Key: End"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_CAPS_LOCK",
+ value = 280,
+ description = "Key: Caps lock"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_SCROLL_LOCK",
+ value = 281,
+ description = "Key: Scroll down"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_NUM_LOCK",
+ value = 282,
+ description = "Key: Num lock"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_PRINT_SCREEN",
+ value = 283,
+ description = "Key: Print screen"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_PAUSE",
+ value = 284,
+ description = "Key: Pause"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F1",
+ value = 290,
+ description = "Key: F1"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F2",
+ value = 291,
+ description = "Key: F2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F3",
+ value = 292,
+ description = "Key: F3"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F4",
+ value = 293,
+ description = "Key: F4"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F5",
+ value = 294,
+ description = "Key: F5"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F6",
+ value = 295,
+ description = "Key: F6"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F7",
+ value = 296,
+ description = "Key: F7"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F8",
+ value = 297,
+ description = "Key: F8"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F9",
+ value = 298,
+ description = "Key: F9"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F10",
+ value = 299,
+ description = "Key: F10"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F11",
+ value = 300,
+ description = "Key: F11"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_F12",
+ value = 301,
+ description = "Key: F12"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_LEFT_SHIFT",
+ value = 340,
+ description = "Key: Shift left"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_LEFT_CONTROL",
+ value = 341,
+ description = "Key: Control left"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_LEFT_ALT",
+ value = 342,
+ description = "Key: Alt left"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_LEFT_SUPER",
+ value = 343,
+ description = "Key: Super left"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT",
+ value = 344,
+ description = "Key: Shift right"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 345,
+ description = "Key: Control right"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_RIGHT_ALT",
+ value = 346,
+ description = "Key: Alt right"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_RIGHT_SUPER",
+ value = 347,
+ description = "Key: Super right"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KB_MENU",
+ value = 348,
+ description = "Key: KB menu"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_0",
+ value = 320,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 0"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_1",
+ value = 321,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 1"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_2",
+ value = 322,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_3",
+ value = 323,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 3"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_4",
+ value = 324,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 4"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_5",
+ value = 325,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 5"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_6",
+ value = 326,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 6"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_7",
+ value = 327,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 7"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_8",
+ value = 328,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 8"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_9",
+ value = 329,
+ description = "Key: Keypad 9"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_DECIMAL",
+ value = 330,
+ description = "Key: Keypad ."
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_DIVIDE",
+ value = 331,
+ description = "Key: Keypad /"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_MULTIPLY",
+ value = 332,
+ description = "Key: Keypad *"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_SUBTRACT",
+ value = 333,
+ description = "Key: Keypad -"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_ADD",
+ value = 334,
+ description = "Key: Keypad +"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_ENTER",
+ value = 335,
+ description = "Key: Keypad Enter"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_KP_EQUAL",
+ value = 336,
+ description = "Key: Keypad ="
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_BACK",
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Key: Android back button"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_MENU",
+ value = 82,
+ description = "Key: Android menu button"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_VOLUME_UP",
+ value = 24,
+ description = "Key: Android volume up button"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "KEY_VOLUME_DOWN",
+ value = 25,
+ description = "Key: Android volume down button"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MouseButton",
+ description = "Mouse buttons",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Mouse button left"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Mouse button right"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Mouse button middle (pressed wheel)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Mouse button side (advanced mouse device)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Mouse button extra (advanced mouse device)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Mouse button fordward (advanced mouse device)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Mouse button back (advanced mouse device)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MouseCursor",
+ description = "Mouse cursor",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Default pointer shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Arrow shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Text writing cursor shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Cross shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Pointing hand cursor"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Horizontal resize/move arrow shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Vertical resize/move arrow shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 7,
+ description = "Top-left to bottom-right diagonal resize/move arrow shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "The top-right to bottom-left diagonal resize/move arrow shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 9,
+ description = "The omni-directional resize/move cursor shape"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 10,
+ description = "The operation-not-allowed shape"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GamepadButton",
+ description = "Gamepad buttons",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Unknown button, just for error checking"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Gamepad left DPAD up button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Gamepad left DPAD right button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Gamepad left DPAD down button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Gamepad left DPAD left button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Gamepad right button up (i.e. PS3: Triangle, Xbox: Y)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Gamepad right button right (i.e. PS3: Square, Xbox: X)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 7,
+ description = "Gamepad right button down (i.e. PS3: Cross, Xbox: A)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "Gamepad right button left (i.e. PS3: Circle, Xbox: B)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 9,
+ description = "Gamepad top/back trigger left (first), it could be a trailing button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 10,
+ description = "Gamepad top/back trigger left (second), it could be a trailing button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 11,
+ description = "Gamepad top/back trigger right (one), it could be a trailing button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 12,
+ description = "Gamepad top/back trigger right (second), it could be a trailing button"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 13,
+ description = "Gamepad center buttons, left one (i.e. PS3: Select)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 14,
+ description = "Gamepad center buttons, middle one (i.e. PS3: PS, Xbox: XBOX)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 15,
+ description = "Gamepad center buttons, right one (i.e. PS3: Start)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 16,
+ description = "Gamepad joystick pressed button left"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 17,
+ description = "Gamepad joystick pressed button right"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GamepadAxis",
+ description = "Gamepad axis",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Gamepad left stick X axis"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Gamepad left stick Y axis"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Gamepad right stick X axis"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Gamepad right stick Y axis"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Gamepad back trigger left, pressure level: [1..-1]"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Gamepad back trigger right, pressure level: [1..-1]"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MaterialMapIndex",
+ description = "Material map index",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Albedo material (same as: MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Metalness material (same as: MATERIAL_MAP_SPECULAR)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Normal material"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Roughness material"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Ambient occlusion material"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Emission material"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Heightmap material"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 7,
+ description = "Cubemap material (NOTE: Uses GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "Irradiance material (NOTE: Uses GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 9,
+ description = "Prefilter material (NOTE: Uses GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 10,
+ description = "Brdf material"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ShaderLocationIndex",
+ description = "Shader location index",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Shader location: vertex attribute: position"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Shader location: vertex attribute: texcoord01"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Shader location: vertex attribute: texcoord02"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Shader location: vertex attribute: normal"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Shader location: vertex attribute: tangent"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Shader location: vertex attribute: color"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Shader location: matrix uniform: model-view-projection"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 7,
+ description = "Shader location: matrix uniform: view (camera transform)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "Shader location: matrix uniform: projection"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 9,
+ description = "Shader location: matrix uniform: model (transform)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 10,
+ description = "Shader location: matrix uniform: normal"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 11,
+ description = "Shader location: vector uniform: view"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 12,
+ description = "Shader location: vector uniform: diffuse color"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 13,
+ description = "Shader location: vector uniform: specular color"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 14,
+ description = "Shader location: vector uniform: ambient color"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 15,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: albedo (same as: SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 16,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: metalness (same as: SHADER_LOC_MAP_SPECULAR)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 17,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: normal"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 18,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: roughness"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 19,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: occlusion"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 20,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: emission"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 21,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: height"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 22,
+ description = "Shader location: samplerCube texture: cubemap"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 23,
+ description = "Shader location: samplerCube texture: irradiance"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 24,
+ description = "Shader location: samplerCube texture: prefilter"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 25,
+ description = "Shader location: sampler2d texture: brdf"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ShaderUniformDataType",
+ description = "Shader uniform data type",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: float"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: vec2 (2 float)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: vec3 (3 float)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: vec4 (4 float)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: int"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: ivec2 (2 int)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: ivec3 (3 int)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 7,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: ivec4 (4 int)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "Shader uniform type: sampler2d"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ShaderAttributeDataType",
+ description = "Shader attribute data types",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Shader attribute type: float"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC2",
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Shader attribute type: vec2 (2 float)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC3",
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Shader attribute type: vec3 (3 float)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SHADER_ATTRIB_VEC4",
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Shader attribute type: vec4 (4 float)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PixelFormat",
+ description = "Pixel formats",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "8 bit per pixel (no alpha)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "8*2 bpp (2 channels)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "16 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "24 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "16 bpp (1 bit alpha)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 6,
+ description = "16 bpp (4 bit alpha)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 7,
+ description = "32 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 8,
+ description = "32 bpp (1 channel - float)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 9,
+ description = "32*3 bpp (3 channels - float)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 10,
+ description = "32*4 bpp (4 channels - float)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 11,
+ description = "4 bpp (no alpha)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 12,
+ description = "4 bpp (1 bit alpha)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 13,
+ description = "8 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 14,
+ description = "8 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 15,
+ description = "4 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 16,
+ description = "4 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 17,
+ description = "8 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 18,
+ description = "4 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 19,
+ description = "4 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 20,
+ description = "8 bpp"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 21,
+ description = "2 bpp"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextureFilter",
+ description = "Texture parameters: filter mode",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "No filter, just pixel approximation"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Linear filtering"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Trilinear filtering (linear with mipmaps)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Anisotropic filtering 4x"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Anisotropic filtering 8x"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Anisotropic filtering 16x"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextureWrap",
+ description = "Texture parameters: wrap mode",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Repeats texture in tiled mode"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Clamps texture to edge pixel in tiled mode"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Mirrors and repeats the texture in tiled mode"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Mirrors and clamps to border the texture in tiled mode"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CubemapLayout",
+ description = "Cubemap layouts",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Automatically detect layout type"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Layout is defined by a vertical line with faces"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Layout is defined by an horizontal line with faces"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Layout is defined by a 3x4 cross with cubemap faces"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Layout is defined by a 4x3 cross with cubemap faces"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Layout is defined by a panorama image (equirectangular map)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "FontType",
+ description = "Font type, defines generation method",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "FONT_DEFAULT",
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Default font generation, anti-aliased"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "FONT_BITMAP",
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Bitmap font generation, no anti-aliasing"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "FONT_SDF",
+ value = 2,
+ description = "SDF font generation, requires external shader"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BlendMode",
+ description = "Color blending modes (pre-defined)",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "BLEND_ALPHA",
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Blend textures considering alpha (default)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BLEND_ADDITIVE",
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Blend textures adding colors"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Blend textures multiplying colors"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BLEND_ADD_COLORS",
+ value = 3,
+ description = "Blend textures adding colors (alternative)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Blend textures subtracting colors (alternative)"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 5,
+ description = "Blend premultiplied textures considering alpha"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BLEND_CUSTOM",
+ value = 6,
+ description = "Blend textures using custom src/dst factors (use rlSetBlendMode())"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Gesture",
+ description = "Gesture",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "GESTURE_NONE",
+ value = 0,
+ description = "No gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GESTURE_TAP",
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Tap gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Double tap gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GESTURE_HOLD",
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Hold gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GESTURE_DRAG",
+ value = 8,
+ description = "Drag gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 16,
+ description = "Swipe right gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 32,
+ description = "Swipe left gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GESTURE_SWIPE_UP",
+ value = 64,
+ description = "Swipe up gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 128,
+ description = "Swipe down gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GESTURE_PINCH_IN",
+ value = 256,
+ description = "Pinch in gesture"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 512,
+ description = "Pinch out gesture"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CameraMode",
+ description = "Camera system modes",
+ values = {
+ {
+ name = "CAMERA_CUSTOM",
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Custom camera"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CAMERA_FREE",
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Free camera"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CAMERA_ORBITAL",
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Orbital camera"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 3,
+ description = "First person camera"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 4,
+ description = "Third person camera"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CameraProjection",
+ description = "Camera projection",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Perspective projection"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Orthographic projection"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "NPatchLayout",
+ description = "N-patch layout",
+ values = {
+ {
+ value = 0,
+ description = "Npatch layout: 3x3 tiles"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 1,
+ description = "Npatch layout: 1x3 tiles"
+ },
+ {
+ value = 2,
+ description = "Npatch layout: 3x1 tiles"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ defines = {
+ {
+ name = "RAYLIB_H",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RAYLIB_VERSION",
+ type = "STRING",
+ value = "4.1-dev",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RLAPI",
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ value = "__declspec(dllexport)",
+ description = "We are building the library as a Win32 shared library (.dll)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PI",
+ type = "FLOAT",
+ value = 3.14159265358979323846,
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DEG2RAD",
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ value = "(PI/180.0f)",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RAD2DEG",
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ value = "(180.0f/PI)",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_MALLOC(sz)",
+ type = "MACRO",
+ value = "malloc(sz)",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_CALLOC(n,sz)",
+ type = "MACRO",
+ value = "calloc(n,sz)",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_REALLOC(ptr,sz)",
+ type = "MACRO",
+ value = "realloc(ptr,sz)",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_FREE(ptr)",
+ type = "MACRO",
+ value = "free(ptr)",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CLITERAL(type)",
+ type = "MACRO",
+ value = "type",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_COLOR_TYPE",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_VECTOR2_TYPE",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_VECTOR3_TYPE",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_VECTOR4_TYPE",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_MATRIX_TYPE",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LIGHTGRAY",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 200, 200, 200, 255 }",
+ description = "Light Gray"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GRAY",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 130, 130, 130, 255 }",
+ description = "Gray"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DARKGRAY",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 80, 80, 80, 255 }",
+ description = "Dark Gray"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "YELLOW",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 253, 249, 0, 255 }",
+ description = "Yellow"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GOLD",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 203, 0, 255 }",
+ description = "Gold"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ORANGE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 161, 0, 255 }",
+ description = "Orange"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PINK",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 109, 194, 255 }",
+ description = "Pink"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RED",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 230, 41, 55, 255 }",
+ description = "Red"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MAROON",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 190, 33, 55, 255 }",
+ description = "Maroon"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GREEN",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 228, 48, 255 }",
+ description = "Green"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LIME",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 158, 47, 255 }",
+ description = "Lime"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DARKGREEN",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 117, 44, 255 }",
+ description = "Dark Green"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SKYBLUE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 102, 191, 255, 255 }",
+ description = "Sky Blue"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BLUE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 121, 241, 255 }",
+ description = "Blue"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DARKBLUE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 82, 172, 255 }",
+ description = "Dark Blue"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PURPLE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 200, 122, 255, 255 }",
+ description = "Purple"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "VIOLET",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 135, 60, 190, 255 }",
+ description = "Violet"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DARKPURPLE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 112, 31, 126, 255 }",
+ description = "Dark Purple"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BEIGE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 211, 176, 131, 255 }",
+ description = "Beige"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BROWN",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 127, 106, 79, 255 }",
+ description = "Brown"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DARKBROWN",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 76, 63, 47, 255 }",
+ description = "Dark Brown"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "WHITE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 255, 255, 255 }",
+ description = "White"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BLACK",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 0, 0, 255 }",
+ description = "Black"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BLANK",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 0, 0, 0 }",
+ description = "Blank (Transparent)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MAGENTA",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 255, 0, 255, 255 }",
+ description = "Magenta"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RAYWHITE",
+ type = "COLOR",
+ value = "CLITERAL(Color){ 245, 245, 245, 255 }",
+ description = "My own White (raylib logo)"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RL_BOOL_TYPE",
+ type = "GUARD",
+ value = "",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ value = "MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ description = ""
+ },
+ {
+ type = "UNKNOWN",
+ description = ""
+ }
+ },
+ functions = {
+ {
+ name = "InitWindow",
+ description = "Initialize window and OpenGL context",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "title"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "WindowShouldClose",
+ description = "Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CloseWindow",
+ description = "Close window and unload OpenGL context",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowReady",
+ description = "Check if window has been initialized successfully",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowFullscreen",
+ description = "Check if window is currently fullscreen",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowHidden",
+ description = "Check if window is currently hidden (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowMinimized",
+ description = "Check if window is currently minimized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowMaximized",
+ description = "Check if window is currently maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowFocused",
+ description = "Check if window is currently focused (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowResized",
+ description = "Check if window has been resized last frame",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsWindowState",
+ description = "Check if one specific window flag is enabled",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "flag"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowState",
+ description = "Set window configuration state using flags (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "flags"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ClearWindowState",
+ description = "Clear window configuration state flags",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "flags"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ToggleFullscreen",
+ description = "Toggle window state: fullscreen/windowed (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MaximizeWindow",
+ description = "Set window state: maximized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MinimizeWindow",
+ description = "Set window state: minimized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "RestoreWindow",
+ description = "Set window state: not minimized/maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowIcon",
+ description = "Set icon for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowTitle",
+ description = "Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "title"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowPosition",
+ description = "Set window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "x"},
+ {type = "int", name = "y"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowMonitor",
+ description = "Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowMinSize",
+ description = "Set window minimum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowSize",
+ description = "Set window dimensions",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetWindowOpacity",
+ description = "Set window opacity [0.0f..1.0f] (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "opacity"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWindowHandle",
+ description = "Get native window handle",
+ returnType = "void *"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetScreenWidth",
+ description = "Get current screen width",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetScreenHeight",
+ description = "Get current screen height",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRenderWidth",
+ description = "Get current render width (it considers HiDPI)",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRenderHeight",
+ description = "Get current render height (it considers HiDPI)",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorCount",
+ description = "Get number of connected monitors",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCurrentMonitor",
+ description = "Get current connected monitor",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorPosition",
+ description = "Get specified monitor position",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorWidth",
+ description = "Get specified monitor width (max available by monitor)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorHeight",
+ description = "Get specified monitor height (max available by monitor)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorPhysicalWidth",
+ description = "Get specified monitor physical width in millimetres",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorPhysicalHeight",
+ description = "Get specified monitor physical height in millimetres",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorRefreshRate",
+ description = "Get specified monitor refresh rate",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWindowPosition",
+ description = "Get window position XY on monitor",
+ returnType = "Vector2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWindowScaleDPI",
+ description = "Get window scale DPI factor",
+ returnType = "Vector2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMonitorName",
+ description = "Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the primary monitor",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "monitor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetClipboardText",
+ description = "Set clipboard text content",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetClipboardText",
+ description = "Get clipboard text content",
+ returnType = "const char *"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SwapScreenBuffer",
+ description = "Swap back buffer with front buffer (screen drawing)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PollInputEvents",
+ description = "Register all input events",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "WaitTime",
+ description = "Wait for some milliseconds (halt program execution)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "ms"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ShowCursor",
+ description = "Shows cursor",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "HideCursor",
+ description = "Hides cursor",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsCursorHidden",
+ description = "Check if cursor is not visible",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EnableCursor",
+ description = "Enables cursor (unlock cursor)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DisableCursor",
+ description = "Disables cursor (lock cursor)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsCursorOnScreen",
+ description = "Check if cursor is on the screen",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ClearBackground",
+ description = "Set background color (framebuffer clear color)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginDrawing",
+ description = "Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndDrawing",
+ description = "End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginMode2D",
+ description = "Begin 2D mode with custom camera (2D)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera2D", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndMode2D",
+ description = "Ends 2D mode with custom camera",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginMode3D",
+ description = "Begin 3D mode with custom camera (3D)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera3D", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndMode3D",
+ description = "Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginTextureMode",
+ description = "Begin drawing to render texture",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "RenderTexture2D", name = "target"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndTextureMode",
+ description = "Ends drawing to render texture",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginShaderMode",
+ description = "Begin custom shader drawing",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndShaderMode",
+ description = "End custom shader drawing (use default shader)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginBlendMode",
+ description = "Begin blending mode (alpha, additive, multiplied, subtract, custom)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "mode"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndBlendMode",
+ description = "End blending mode (reset to default: alpha blending)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginScissorMode",
+ description = "Begin scissor mode (define screen area for following drawing)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "x"},
+ {type = "int", name = "y"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndScissorMode",
+ description = "End scissor mode",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "BeginVrStereoMode",
+ description = "Begin stereo rendering (requires VR simulator)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "VrStereoConfig", name = "config"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EndVrStereoMode",
+ description = "End stereo rendering (requires VR simulator)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadVrStereoConfig",
+ description = "Load VR stereo config for VR simulator device parameters",
+ returnType = "VrStereoConfig",
+ params = {
+ {type = "VrDeviceInfo", name = "device"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadVrStereoConfig",
+ description = "Unload VR stereo config",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "VrStereoConfig", name = "config"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadShader",
+ description = "Load shader from files and bind default locations",
+ returnType = "Shader",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "vsFileName"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fsFileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadShaderFromMemory",
+ description = "Load shader from code strings and bind default locations",
+ returnType = "Shader",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "vsCode"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fsCode"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetShaderLocation",
+ description = "Get shader uniform location",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "uniformName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetShaderLocationAttrib",
+ description = "Get shader attribute location",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "attribName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetShaderValue",
+ description = "Set shader uniform value",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"},
+ {type = "int", name = "locIndex"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "value"},
+ {type = "int", name = "uniformType"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetShaderValueV",
+ description = "Set shader uniform value vector",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"},
+ {type = "int", name = "locIndex"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "value"},
+ {type = "int", name = "uniformType"},
+ {type = "int", name = "count"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetShaderValueMatrix",
+ description = "Set shader uniform value (matrix 4x4)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"},
+ {type = "int", name = "locIndex"},
+ {type = "Matrix", name = "mat"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetShaderValueTexture",
+ description = "Set shader uniform value for texture (sampler2d)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"},
+ {type = "int", name = "locIndex"},
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadShader",
+ description = "Unload shader from GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Shader", name = "shader"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMouseRay",
+ description = "Get a ray trace from mouse position",
+ returnType = "Ray",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "mousePosition"},
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCameraMatrix",
+ description = "Get camera transform matrix (view matrix)",
+ returnType = "Matrix",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCameraMatrix2D",
+ description = "Get camera 2d transform matrix",
+ returnType = "Matrix",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera2D", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWorldToScreen",
+ description = "Get the screen space position for a 3d world space position",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWorldToScreenEx",
+ description = "Get size position for a 3d world space position",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWorldToScreen2D",
+ description = "Get the screen space position for a 2d camera world space position",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Camera2D", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetScreenToWorld2D",
+ description = "Get the world space position for a 2d camera screen space position",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Camera2D", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetTargetFPS",
+ description = "Set target FPS (maximum)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "fps"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFPS",
+ description = "Get current FPS",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFrameTime",
+ description = "Get time in seconds for last frame drawn (delta time)",
+ returnType = "float"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetTime",
+ description = "Get elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow()",
+ returnType = "double"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRandomValue",
+ description = "Get a random value between min and max (both included)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "min"},
+ {type = "int", name = "max"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetRandomSeed",
+ description = "Set the seed for the random number generator",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "seed"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TakeScreenshot",
+ description = "Takes a screenshot of current screen (filename extension defines format)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetConfigFlags",
+ description = "Setup init configuration flags (view FLAGS)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "flags"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TraceLog",
+ description = "Show trace log messages (LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERROR...)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "logLevel"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "...", name = "args"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetTraceLogLevel",
+ description = "Set the current threshold (minimum) log level",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "logLevel"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MemAlloc",
+ description = "Internal memory allocator",
+ returnType = "void *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "size"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MemRealloc",
+ description = "Internal memory reallocator",
+ returnType = "void *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "void *", name = "ptr"},
+ {type = "int", name = "size"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MemFree",
+ description = "Internal memory free",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "void *", name = "ptr"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetTraceLogCallback",
+ description = "Set custom trace log",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "TraceLogCallback", name = "callback"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetLoadFileDataCallback",
+ description = "Set custom file binary data loader",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "LoadFileDataCallback", name = "callback"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetSaveFileDataCallback",
+ description = "Set custom file binary data saver",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "SaveFileDataCallback", name = "callback"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetLoadFileTextCallback",
+ description = "Set custom file text data loader",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "LoadFileTextCallback", name = "callback"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetSaveFileTextCallback",
+ description = "Set custom file text data saver",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "SaveFileTextCallback", name = "callback"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFileData",
+ description = "Load file data as byte array (read)",
+ returnType = "unsigned char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "unsigned int *", name = "bytesRead"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadFileData",
+ description = "Unload file data allocated by LoadFileData()",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned char *", name = "data"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SaveFileData",
+ description = "Save data to file from byte array (write), returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "void *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "bytesToWrite"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFileText",
+ description = "Load text data from file (read), returns a '\\0' terminated string",
+ returnType = "char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadFileText",
+ description = "Unload file text data allocated by LoadFileText()",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SaveFileText",
+ description = "Save text data to file (write), string must be '\\0' terminated, returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "FileExists",
+ description = "Check if file exists",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DirectoryExists",
+ description = "Check if a directory path exists",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "dirPath"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsFileExtension",
+ description = "Check file extension (including point: .png, .wav)",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "ext"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFileLength",
+ description = "Get file length in bytes (NOTE: GetFileSize() conflicts with windows.h)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFileExtension",
+ description = "Get pointer to extension for a filename string (includes dot: '.png')",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFileName",
+ description = "Get pointer to filename for a path string",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "filePath"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFileNameWithoutExt",
+ description = "Get filename string without extension (uses static string)",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "filePath"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetDirectoryPath",
+ description = "Get full path for a given fileName with path (uses static string)",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "filePath"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetPrevDirectoryPath",
+ description = "Get previous directory path for a given path (uses static string)",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "dirPath"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetWorkingDirectory",
+ description = "Get current working directory (uses static string)",
+ returnType = "const char *"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetApplicationDirectory",
+ description = "Get the directory if the running application (uses static string)",
+ returnType = "const char *"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetDirectoryFiles",
+ description = "Get filenames in a directory path (memory should be freed)",
+ returnType = "char **",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "dirPath"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "count"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ClearDirectoryFiles",
+ description = "Clear directory files paths buffers (free memory)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ChangeDirectory",
+ description = "Change working directory, return true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "dir"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsFileDropped",
+ description = "Check if a file has been dropped into window",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetDroppedFiles",
+ description = "Get dropped files names (memory should be freed)",
+ returnType = "char **",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int *", name = "count"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ClearDroppedFiles",
+ description = "Clear dropped files paths buffer (free memory)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFileModTime",
+ description = "Get file modification time (last write time)",
+ returnType = "long",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CompressData",
+ description = "Compress data (DEFLATE algorithm)",
+ returnType = "unsigned char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataLength"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "compDataLength"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DecompressData",
+ description = "Decompress data (DEFLATE algorithm)",
+ returnType = "unsigned char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "compData"},
+ {type = "int", name = "compDataLength"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "dataLength"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "EncodeDataBase64",
+ description = "Encode data to Base64 string",
+ returnType = "char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataLength"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "outputLength"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DecodeDataBase64",
+ description = "Decode Base64 string data",
+ returnType = "unsigned char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "outputLength"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SaveStorageValue",
+ description = "Save integer value to storage file (to defined position), returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "position"},
+ {type = "int", name = "value"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadStorageValue",
+ description = "Load integer value from storage file (from defined position)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "position"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "OpenURL",
+ description = "Open URL with default system browser (if available)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "url"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsKeyPressed",
+ description = "Check if a key has been pressed once",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "key"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsKeyDown",
+ description = "Check if a key is being pressed",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "key"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsKeyReleased",
+ description = "Check if a key has been released once",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "key"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsKeyUp",
+ description = "Check if a key is NOT being pressed",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "key"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetExitKey",
+ description = "Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "key"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetKeyPressed",
+ description = "Get key pressed (keycode), call it multiple times for keys queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCharPressed",
+ description = "Get char pressed (unicode), call it multiple times for chars queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsGamepadAvailable",
+ description = "Check if a gamepad is available",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGamepadName",
+ description = "Get gamepad internal name id",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsGamepadButtonPressed",
+ description = "Check if a gamepad button has been pressed once",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"},
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsGamepadButtonDown",
+ description = "Check if a gamepad button is being pressed",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"},
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsGamepadButtonReleased",
+ description = "Check if a gamepad button has been released once",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"},
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsGamepadButtonUp",
+ description = "Check if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"},
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGamepadButtonPressed",
+ description = "Get the last gamepad button pressed",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGamepadAxisCount",
+ description = "Get gamepad axis count for a gamepad",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGamepadAxisMovement",
+ description = "Get axis movement value for a gamepad axis",
+ returnType = "float",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gamepad"},
+ {type = "int", name = "axis"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetGamepadMappings",
+ description = "Set internal gamepad mappings (SDL_GameControllerDB)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "mappings"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsMouseButtonPressed",
+ description = "Check if a mouse button has been pressed once",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsMouseButtonDown",
+ description = "Check if a mouse button is being pressed",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsMouseButtonReleased",
+ description = "Check if a mouse button has been released once",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsMouseButtonUp",
+ description = "Check if a mouse button is NOT being pressed",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "button"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMouseX",
+ description = "Get mouse position X",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMouseY",
+ description = "Get mouse position Y",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMousePosition",
+ description = "Get mouse position XY",
+ returnType = "Vector2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMouseDelta",
+ description = "Get mouse delta between frames",
+ returnType = "Vector2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMousePosition",
+ description = "Set mouse position XY",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "x"},
+ {type = "int", name = "y"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMouseOffset",
+ description = "Set mouse offset",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "offsetX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "offsetY"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMouseScale",
+ description = "Set mouse scaling",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "scaleX"},
+ {type = "float", name = "scaleY"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMouseWheelMove",
+ description = "Get mouse wheel movement Y",
+ returnType = "float"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMouseCursor",
+ description = "Set mouse cursor",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "cursor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetTouchX",
+ description = "Get touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetTouchY",
+ description = "Get touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetTouchPosition",
+ description = "Get touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size)",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "index"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetTouchPointId",
+ description = "Get touch point identifier for given index",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "index"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetTouchPointCount",
+ description = "Get number of touch points",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetGesturesEnabled",
+ description = "Enable a set of gestures using flags",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "flags"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsGestureDetected",
+ description = "Check if a gesture have been detected",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "gesture"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGestureDetected",
+ description = "Get latest detected gesture",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGestureHoldDuration",
+ description = "Get gesture hold time in milliseconds",
+ returnType = "float"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGestureDragVector",
+ description = "Get gesture drag vector",
+ returnType = "Vector2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGestureDragAngle",
+ description = "Get gesture drag angle",
+ returnType = "float"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGesturePinchVector",
+ description = "Get gesture pinch delta",
+ returnType = "Vector2"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGesturePinchAngle",
+ description = "Get gesture pinch angle",
+ returnType = "float"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetCameraMode",
+ description = "Set camera mode (multiple camera modes available)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"},
+ {type = "int", name = "mode"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateCamera",
+ description = "Update camera position for selected mode",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera *", name = "camera"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetCameraPanControl",
+ description = "Set camera pan key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "keyPan"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetCameraAltControl",
+ description = "Set camera alt key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "keyAlt"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetCameraSmoothZoomControl",
+ description = "Set camera smooth zoom key to combine with mouse (free camera)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "keySmoothZoom"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetCameraMoveControls",
+ description = "Set camera move controls (1st person and 3rd person cameras)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "keyFront"},
+ {type = "int", name = "keyBack"},
+ {type = "int", name = "keyRight"},
+ {type = "int", name = "keyLeft"},
+ {type = "int", name = "keyUp"},
+ {type = "int", name = "keyDown"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetShapesTexture",
+ description = "Set texture and rectangle to be used on shapes drawing",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPixel",
+ description = "Draw a pixel",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPixelV",
+ description = "Draw a pixel (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLine",
+ description = "Draw a line",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "startPosX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "startPosY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "endPosX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "endPosY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLineV",
+ description = "Draw a line (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLineEx",
+ description = "Draw a line defining thickness",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "thick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLineBezier",
+ description = "Draw a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "thick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLineBezierQuad",
+ description = "Draw line using quadratic bezier curves with a control point",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "controlPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "thick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLineBezierCubic",
+ description = "Draw line using cubic bezier curves with 2 control points",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startControlPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endControlPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "thick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLineStrip",
+ description = "Draw lines sequence",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2 *", name = "points"},
+ {type = "int", name = "pointCount"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircle",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled circle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "centerX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerY"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircleSector",
+ description = "Draw a piece of a circle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "startAngle"},
+ {type = "float", name = "endAngle"},
+ {type = "int", name = "segments"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircleSectorLines",
+ description = "Draw circle sector outline",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "startAngle"},
+ {type = "float", name = "endAngle"},
+ {type = "int", name = "segments"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircleGradient",
+ description = "Draw a gradient-filled circle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "centerX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerY"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color1"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircleV",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled circle (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircleLines",
+ description = "Draw circle outline",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "centerX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerY"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawEllipse",
+ description = "Draw ellipse",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "centerX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerY"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusH"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusV"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawEllipseLines",
+ description = "Draw ellipse outline",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "centerX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerY"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusH"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusV"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRing",
+ description = "Draw ring",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "innerRadius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "outerRadius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "startAngle"},
+ {type = "float", name = "endAngle"},
+ {type = "int", name = "segments"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRingLines",
+ description = "Draw ring outline",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "innerRadius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "outerRadius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "startAngle"},
+ {type = "float", name = "endAngle"},
+ {type = "int", name = "segments"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangle",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled rectangle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleV",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled rectangle (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleRec",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled rectangle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectanglePro",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled rectangle with pro parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "origin"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleGradientV",
+ description = "Draw a vertical-gradient-filled rectangle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color1"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleGradientH",
+ description = "Draw a horizontal-gradient-filled rectangle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color1"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleGradientEx",
+ description = "Draw a gradient-filled rectangle with custom vertex colors",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "col1"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "col2"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "col3"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "col4"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleLines",
+ description = "Draw rectangle outline",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleLinesEx",
+ description = "Draw rectangle outline with extended parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "float", name = "lineThick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleRounded",
+ description = "Draw rectangle with rounded edges",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "float", name = "roundness"},
+ {type = "int", name = "segments"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRectangleRoundedLines",
+ description = "Draw rectangle with rounded edges outline",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "float", name = "roundness"},
+ {type = "int", name = "segments"},
+ {type = "float", name = "lineThick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTriangle",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "v2"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "v3"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTriangleLines",
+ description = "Draw triangle outline (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "v1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "v2"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "v3"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTriangleFan",
+ description = "Draw a triangle fan defined by points (first vertex is the center)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2 *", name = "points"},
+ {type = "int", name = "pointCount"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTriangleStrip",
+ description = "Draw a triangle strip defined by points",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2 *", name = "points"},
+ {type = "int", name = "pointCount"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPoly",
+ description = "Draw a regular polygon (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPolyLines",
+ description = "Draw a polygon outline of n sides",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPolyLinesEx",
+ description = "Draw a polygon outline of n sides with extended parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "float", name = "lineThick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionRecs",
+ description = "Check collision between two rectangles",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec1"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionCircles",
+ description = "Check collision between two circles",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center1"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center2"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionCircleRec",
+ description = "Check collision between circle and rectangle",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionPointRec",
+ description = "Check if point is inside rectangle",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "point"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionPointCircle",
+ description = "Check if point is inside circle",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "point"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionPointTriangle",
+ description = "Check if point is inside a triangle",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "point"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "p1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "p2"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "p3"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionLines",
+ description = "Check the collision between two lines defined by two points each, returns collision point by reference",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "startPos2"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "endPos2"},
+ {type = "Vector2 *", name = "collisionPoint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionPointLine",
+ description = "Check if point belongs to line created between two points [p1] and [p2] with defined margin in pixels [threshold]",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "point"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "p1"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "p2"},
+ {type = "int", name = "threshold"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCollisionRec",
+ description = "Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision",
+ returnType = "Rectangle",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec1"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImage",
+ description = "Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM)",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImageRaw",
+ description = "Load image from RAW file data",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "format"},
+ {type = "int", name = "headerSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImageAnim",
+ description = "Load image sequence from file (frames appended to image.data)",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "frames"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImageFromMemory",
+ description = "Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.png'",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileType"},
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "fileData"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImageFromTexture",
+ description = "Load image from GPU texture data",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImageFromScreen",
+ description = "Load image from screen buffer and (screenshot)",
+ returnType = "Image"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadImage",
+ description = "Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ExportImage",
+ description = "Export image data to file, returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ExportImageAsCode",
+ description = "Export image as code file defining an array of bytes, returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageColor",
+ description = "Generate image: plain color",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageGradientV",
+ description = "Generate image: vertical gradient",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "top"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "bottom"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageGradientH",
+ description = "Generate image: horizontal gradient",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "left"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "right"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageGradientRadial",
+ description = "Generate image: radial gradient",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "density"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "inner"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "outer"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageChecked",
+ description = "Generate image: checked",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "checksX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "checksY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "col1"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "col2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageWhiteNoise",
+ description = "Generate image: white noise",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "factor"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageCellular",
+ description = "Generate image: cellular algorithm, bigger tileSize means bigger cells",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "tileSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageCopy",
+ description = "Create an image duplicate (useful for transformations)",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageFromImage",
+ description = "Create an image from another image piece",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageText",
+ description = "Create an image from text (default font)",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageTextEx",
+ description = "Create an image from text (custom sprite font)",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageFormat",
+ description = "Convert image data to desired format",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newFormat"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageToPOT",
+ description = "Convert image to POT (power-of-two)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "fill"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageCrop",
+ description = "Crop an image to a defined rectangle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "crop"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageAlphaCrop",
+ description = "Crop image depending on alpha value",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "float", name = "threshold"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageAlphaClear",
+ description = "Clear alpha channel to desired color",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"},
+ {type = "float", name = "threshold"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageAlphaMask",
+ description = "Apply alpha mask to image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Image", name = "alphaMask"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageAlphaPremultiply",
+ description = "Premultiply alpha channel",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageResize",
+ description = "Resize image (Bicubic scaling algorithm)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newWidth"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newHeight"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageResizeNN",
+ description = "Resize image (Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newWidth"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newHeight"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageResizeCanvas",
+ description = "Resize canvas and fill with color",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newWidth"},
+ {type = "int", name = "newHeight"},
+ {type = "int", name = "offsetX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "offsetY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "fill"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageMipmaps",
+ description = "Compute all mipmap levels for a provided image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDither",
+ description = "Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "rBpp"},
+ {type = "int", name = "gBpp"},
+ {type = "int", name = "bBpp"},
+ {type = "int", name = "aBpp"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageFlipVertical",
+ description = "Flip image vertically",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageFlipHorizontal",
+ description = "Flip image horizontally",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageRotateCW",
+ description = "Rotate image clockwise 90deg",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageRotateCCW",
+ description = "Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageColorTint",
+ description = "Modify image color: tint",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageColorInvert",
+ description = "Modify image color: invert",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageColorGrayscale",
+ description = "Modify image color: grayscale",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageColorContrast",
+ description = "Modify image color: contrast (-100 to 100)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "float", name = "contrast"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageColorBrightness",
+ description = "Modify image color: brightness (-255 to 255)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "brightness"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageColorReplace",
+ description = "Modify image color: replace color",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "replace"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImageColors",
+ description = "Load color data from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)",
+ returnType = "Color *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadImagePalette",
+ description = "Load colors palette from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)",
+ returnType = "Color *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "maxPaletteSize"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "colorCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadImageColors",
+ description = "Unload color data loaded with LoadImageColors()",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color *", name = "colors"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadImagePalette",
+ description = "Unload colors palette loaded with LoadImagePalette()",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color *", name = "colors"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetImageAlphaBorder",
+ description = "Get image alpha border rectangle",
+ returnType = "Rectangle",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "float", name = "threshold"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetImageColor",
+ description = "Get image pixel color at (x, y) position",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "x"},
+ {type = "int", name = "y"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageClearBackground",
+ description = "Clear image background with given color",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawPixel",
+ description = "Draw pixel within an image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawPixelV",
+ description = "Draw pixel within an image (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawLine",
+ description = "Draw line within an image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "int", name = "startPosX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "startPosY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "endPosX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "endPosY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawLineV",
+ description = "Draw line within an image (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "start"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "end"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawCircle",
+ description = "Draw circle within an image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "centerY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawCircleV",
+ description = "Draw circle within an image (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "int", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawRectangle",
+ description = "Draw rectangle within an image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawRectangleV",
+ description = "Draw rectangle within an image (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawRectangleRec",
+ description = "Draw rectangle within an image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawRectangleLines",
+ description = "Draw rectangle lines within an image",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "int", name = "thick"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDraw",
+ description = "Draw a source image within a destination image (tint applied to source)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Image", name = "src"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "srcRec"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "dstRec"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawText",
+ description = "Draw text (using default font) within an image (destination)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ImageDrawTextEx",
+ description = "Draw text (custom sprite font) within an image (destination)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadTexture",
+ description = "Load texture from file into GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "Texture2D",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadTextureFromImage",
+ description = "Load texture from image data",
+ returnType = "Texture2D",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadTextureCubemap",
+ description = "Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported",
+ returnType = "TextureCubemap",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "int", name = "layout"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadRenderTexture",
+ description = "Load texture for rendering (framebuffer)",
+ returnType = "RenderTexture2D",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadTexture",
+ description = "Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadRenderTexture",
+ description = "Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "RenderTexture2D", name = "target"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateTexture",
+ description = "Update GPU texture with new data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "pixels"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateTextureRec",
+ description = "Update GPU texture rectangle with new data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "rec"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "pixels"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenTextureMipmaps",
+ description = "Generate GPU mipmaps for a texture",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D *", name = "texture"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetTextureFilter",
+ description = "Set texture scaling filter mode",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "int", name = "filter"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetTextureWrap",
+ description = "Set texture wrapping mode",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "int", name = "wrap"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTexture",
+ description = "Draw a Texture2D",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextureV",
+ description = "Draw a Texture2D with position defined as Vector2",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextureEx",
+ description = "Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "float", name = "scale"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextureRec",
+ description = "Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextureQuad",
+ description = "Draw texture quad with tiling and offset parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "tiling"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "offset"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "quad"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextureTiled",
+ description = "Draw part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest.",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "dest"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "origin"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "float", name = "scale"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTexturePro",
+ description = "Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "dest"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "origin"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextureNPatch",
+ description = "Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "NPatchInfo", name = "nPatchInfo"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "dest"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "origin"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTexturePoly",
+ description = "Draw a textured polygon",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "center"},
+ {type = "Vector2 *", name = "points"},
+ {type = "Vector2 *", name = "texcoords"},
+ {type = "int", name = "pointCount"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Fade",
+ description = "Get color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"},
+ {type = "float", name = "alpha"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorToInt",
+ description = "Get hexadecimal value for a Color",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorNormalize",
+ description = "Get Color normalized as float [0..1]",
+ returnType = "Vector4",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorFromNormalized",
+ description = "Get Color from normalized values [0..1]",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector4", name = "normalized"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorToHSV",
+ description = "Get HSV values for a Color, hue [0..360], saturation/value [0..1]",
+ returnType = "Vector3",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorFromHSV",
+ description = "Get a Color from HSV values, hue [0..360], saturation/value [0..1]",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "hue"},
+ {type = "float", name = "saturation"},
+ {type = "float", name = "value"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorAlpha",
+ description = "Get color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"},
+ {type = "float", name = "alpha"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ColorAlphaBlend",
+ description = "Get src alpha-blended into dst color with tint",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Color", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "src"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetColor",
+ description = "Get Color structure from hexadecimal value",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "hexValue"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetPixelColor",
+ description = "Get Color from a source pixel pointer of certain format",
+ returnType = "Color",
+ params = {
+ {type = "void *", name = "srcPtr"},
+ {type = "int", name = "format"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetPixelColor",
+ description = "Set color formatted into destination pixel pointer",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "void *", name = "dstPtr"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"},
+ {type = "int", name = "format"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetPixelDataSize",
+ description = "Get pixel data size in bytes for certain format",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "width"},
+ {type = "int", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "format"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetFontDefault",
+ description = "Get the default Font",
+ returnType = "Font"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFont",
+ description = "Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "Font",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFontEx",
+ description = "Load font from file with extended parameters, use NULL for fontChars and 0 for glyphCount to load the default character set",
+ returnType = "Font",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "fontChars"},
+ {type = "int", name = "glyphCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFontFromImage",
+ description = "Load font from Image (XNA style)",
+ returnType = "Font",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "image"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "key"},
+ {type = "int", name = "firstChar"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFontFromMemory",
+ description = "Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.ttf'",
+ returnType = "Font",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileType"},
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "fileData"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataSize"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "fontChars"},
+ {type = "int", name = "glyphCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadFontData",
+ description = "Load font data for further use",
+ returnType = "GlyphInfo *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "fileData"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataSize"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "fontChars"},
+ {type = "int", name = "glyphCount"},
+ {type = "int", name = "type"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenImageFontAtlas",
+ description = "Generate image font atlas using chars info",
+ returnType = "Image",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const GlyphInfo *", name = "chars"},
+ {type = "Rectangle **", name = "recs"},
+ {type = "int", name = "glyphCount"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "int", name = "padding"},
+ {type = "int", name = "packMethod"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadFontData",
+ description = "Unload font chars info data (RAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "GlyphInfo *", name = "chars"},
+ {type = "int", name = "glyphCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadFont",
+ description = "Unload font from GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ExportFontAsCode",
+ description = "Export font as code file, returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawFPS",
+ description = "Draw current FPS",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawText",
+ description = "Draw text (using default font)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "posY"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextEx",
+ description = "Draw text using font and additional parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextPro",
+ description = "Draw text using Font and pro parameters (rotation)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "origin"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextCodepoint",
+ description = "Draw one character (codepoint)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "int", name = "codepoint"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTextCodepoints",
+ description = "Draw multiple character (codepoint)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const int *", name = "codepoints"},
+ {type = "int", name = "count"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MeasureText",
+ description = "Measure string width for default font",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int", name = "fontSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "MeasureTextEx",
+ description = "Measure string size for Font",
+ returnType = "Vector2",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "float", name = "fontSize"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGlyphIndex",
+ description = "Get glyph index position in font for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "int", name = "codepoint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGlyphInfo",
+ description = "Get glyph font info data for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found",
+ returnType = "GlyphInfo",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "int", name = "codepoint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetGlyphAtlasRec",
+ description = "Get glyph rectangle in font atlas for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found",
+ returnType = "Rectangle",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Font", name = "font"},
+ {type = "int", name = "codepoint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadCodepoints",
+ description = "Load all codepoints from a UTF-8 text string, codepoints count returned by parameter",
+ returnType = "int *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "count"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadCodepoints",
+ description = "Unload codepoints data from memory",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int *", name = "codepoints"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCodepointCount",
+ description = "Get total number of codepoints in a UTF-8 encoded string",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetCodepoint",
+ description = "Get next codepoint in a UTF-8 encoded string, 0x3f('?') is returned on failure",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "bytesProcessed"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CodepointToUTF8",
+ description = "Encode one codepoint into UTF-8 byte array (array length returned as parameter)",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "codepoint"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "byteSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextCodepointsToUTF8",
+ description = "Encode text as codepoints array into UTF-8 text string (WARNING: memory must be freed!)",
+ returnType = "char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const int *", name = "codepoints"},
+ {type = "int", name = "length"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextCopy",
+ description = "Copy one string to another, returns bytes copied",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "char *", name = "dst"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "src"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextIsEqual",
+ description = "Check if two text string are equal",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text1"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextLength",
+ description = "Get text length, checks for '\\0' ending",
+ returnType = "unsigned int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextFormat",
+ description = "Text formatting with variables (sprintf() style)",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "...", name = "args"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextSubtext",
+ description = "Get a piece of a text string",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "int", name = "position"},
+ {type = "int", name = "length"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextReplace",
+ description = "Replace text string (WARNING: memory must be freed!)",
+ returnType = "char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "replace"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "by"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextInsert",
+ description = "Insert text in a position (WARNING: memory must be freed!)",
+ returnType = "char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "insert"},
+ {type = "int", name = "position"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextJoin",
+ description = "Join text strings with delimiter",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char **", name = "textList"},
+ {type = "int", name = "count"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "delimiter"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextSplit",
+ description = "Split text into multiple strings",
+ returnType = "const char **",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "char", name = "delimiter"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "count"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextAppend",
+ description = "Append text at specific position and move cursor!",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "append"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "position"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextFindIndex",
+ description = "Find first text occurrence within a string",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "find"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextToUpper",
+ description = "Get upper case version of provided string",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextToLower",
+ description = "Get lower case version of provided string",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextToPascal",
+ description = "Get Pascal case notation version of provided string",
+ returnType = "const char *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TextToInteger",
+ description = "Get integer value from text (negative values not supported)",
+ returnType = "int",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawLine3D",
+ description = "Draw a line in 3D world space",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPoint3D",
+ description = "Draw a point in 3D space, actually a small line",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCircle3D",
+ description = "Draw a circle in 3D world space",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "rotationAxis"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotationAngle"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTriangle3D",
+ description = "Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "v1"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "v2"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "v3"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawTriangleStrip3D",
+ description = "Draw a triangle strip defined by points",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3 *", name = "points"},
+ {type = "int", name = "pointCount"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCube",
+ description = "Draw cube",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "width"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "length"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCubeV",
+ description = "Draw cube (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCubeWires",
+ description = "Draw cube wires",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "width"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "length"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCubeWiresV",
+ description = "Draw cube wires (Vector version)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCubeTexture",
+ description = "Draw cube textured",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "width"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "length"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCubeTextureRec",
+ description = "Draw cube with a region of a texture",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "width"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "length"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawSphere",
+ description = "Draw sphere",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "centerPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawSphereEx",
+ description = "Draw sphere with extended parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "centerPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "int", name = "rings"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawSphereWires",
+ description = "Draw sphere wires",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "centerPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "int", name = "rings"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCylinder",
+ description = "Draw a cylinder/cone",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusTop"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusBottom"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCylinderEx",
+ description = "Draw a cylinder with base at startPos and top at endPos",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "startRadius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "endRadius"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCylinderWires",
+ description = "Draw a cylinder/cone wires",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusTop"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radiusBottom"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawCylinderWiresEx",
+ description = "Draw a cylinder wires with base at startPos and top at endPos",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "startPos"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "endPos"},
+ {type = "float", name = "startRadius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "endRadius"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawPlane",
+ description = "Draw a plane XZ",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "centerPos"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawRay",
+ description = "Draw a ray line",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawGrid",
+ description = "Draw a grid (centered at (0, 0, 0))",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"},
+ {type = "float", name = "spacing"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadModel",
+ description = "Load model from files (meshes and materials)",
+ returnType = "Model",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadModelFromMesh",
+ description = "Load model from generated mesh (default material)",
+ returnType = "Model",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadModel",
+ description = "Unload model (including meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadModelKeepMeshes",
+ description = "Unload model (but not meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetModelBoundingBox",
+ description = "Compute model bounding box limits (considers all meshes)",
+ returnType = "BoundingBox",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawModel",
+ description = "Draw a model (with texture if set)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "scale"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawModelEx",
+ description = "Draw a model with extended parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "rotationAxis"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotationAngle"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "scale"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawModelWires",
+ description = "Draw a model wires (with texture if set)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "scale"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawModelWiresEx",
+ description = "Draw a model wires (with texture if set) with extended parameters",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "rotationAxis"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotationAngle"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "scale"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawBoundingBox",
+ description = "Draw bounding box (wires)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "BoundingBox", name = "box"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "color"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawBillboard",
+ description = "Draw a billboard texture",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"},
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "float", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawBillboardRec",
+ description = "Draw a billboard texture defined by source",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"},
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawBillboardPro",
+ description = "Draw a billboard texture defined by source and rotation",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Camera", name = "camera"},
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"},
+ {type = "Rectangle", name = "source"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "position"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "up"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "size"},
+ {type = "Vector2", name = "origin"},
+ {type = "float", name = "rotation"},
+ {type = "Color", name = "tint"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UploadMesh",
+ description = "Upload mesh vertex data in GPU and provide VAO/VBO ids",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh *", name = "mesh"},
+ {type = "bool", name = "dynamic"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateMeshBuffer",
+ description = "Update mesh vertex data in GPU for a specific buffer index",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"},
+ {type = "int", name = "index"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataSize"},
+ {type = "int", name = "offset"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadMesh",
+ description = "Unload mesh data from CPU and GPU",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawMesh",
+ description = "Draw a 3d mesh with material and transform",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"},
+ {type = "Material", name = "material"},
+ {type = "Matrix", name = "transform"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "DrawMeshInstanced",
+ description = "Draw multiple mesh instances with material and different transforms",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"},
+ {type = "Material", name = "material"},
+ {type = "const Matrix *", name = "transforms"},
+ {type = "int", name = "instances"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ExportMesh",
+ description = "Export mesh data to file, returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMeshBoundingBox",
+ description = "Compute mesh bounding box limits",
+ returnType = "BoundingBox",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshTangents",
+ description = "Compute mesh tangents",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh *", name = "mesh"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshBinormals",
+ description = "Compute mesh binormals",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Mesh *", name = "mesh"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshPoly",
+ description = "Generate polygonal mesh",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshPlane",
+ description = "Generate plane mesh (with subdivisions)",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "width"},
+ {type = "float", name = "length"},
+ {type = "int", name = "resX"},
+ {type = "int", name = "resZ"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshCube",
+ description = "Generate cuboid mesh",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "width"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "float", name = "length"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshSphere",
+ description = "Generate sphere mesh (standard sphere)",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "int", name = "rings"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshHemiSphere",
+ description = "Generate half-sphere mesh (no bottom cap)",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "int", name = "rings"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshCylinder",
+ description = "Generate cylinder mesh",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshCone",
+ description = "Generate cone/pyramid mesh",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "height"},
+ {type = "int", name = "slices"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshTorus",
+ description = "Generate torus mesh",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "size"},
+ {type = "int", name = "radSeg"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshKnot",
+ description = "Generate trefoil knot mesh",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"},
+ {type = "float", name = "size"},
+ {type = "int", name = "radSeg"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sides"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshHeightmap",
+ description = "Generate heightmap mesh from image data",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "heightmap"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "size"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GenMeshCubicmap",
+ description = "Generate cubes-based map mesh from image data",
+ returnType = "Mesh",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Image", name = "cubicmap"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "cubeSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadMaterials",
+ description = "Load materials from model file",
+ returnType = "Material *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "int *", name = "materialCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadMaterialDefault",
+ description = "Load default material (Supports: DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL maps)",
+ returnType = "Material"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadMaterial",
+ description = "Unload material from GPU memory (VRAM)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Material", name = "material"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMaterialTexture",
+ description = "Set texture for a material map type (MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE, MATERIAL_MAP_SPECULAR...)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Material *", name = "material"},
+ {type = "int", name = "mapType"},
+ {type = "Texture2D", name = "texture"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetModelMeshMaterial",
+ description = "Set material for a mesh",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model *", name = "model"},
+ {type = "int", name = "meshId"},
+ {type = "int", name = "materialId"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadModelAnimations",
+ description = "Load model animations from file",
+ returnType = "ModelAnimation *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"},
+ {type = "unsigned int *", name = "animCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateModelAnimation",
+ description = "Update model animation pose",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"},
+ {type = "ModelAnimation", name = "anim"},
+ {type = "int", name = "frame"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadModelAnimation",
+ description = "Unload animation data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "ModelAnimation", name = "anim"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadModelAnimations",
+ description = "Unload animation array data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "ModelAnimation *", name = "animations"},
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "count"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsModelAnimationValid",
+ description = "Check model animation skeleton match",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"},
+ {type = "ModelAnimation", name = "anim"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionSpheres",
+ description = "Check collision between two spheres",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "center1"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius1"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "center2"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionBoxes",
+ description = "Check collision between two bounding boxes",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "BoundingBox", name = "box1"},
+ {type = "BoundingBox", name = "box2"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CheckCollisionBoxSphere",
+ description = "Check collision between box and sphere",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "BoundingBox", name = "box"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRayCollisionSphere",
+ description = "Get collision info between ray and sphere",
+ returnType = "RayCollision",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "center"},
+ {type = "float", name = "radius"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRayCollisionBox",
+ description = "Get collision info between ray and box",
+ returnType = "RayCollision",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "BoundingBox", name = "box"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRayCollisionModel",
+ description = "Get collision info between ray and model",
+ returnType = "RayCollision",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "Model", name = "model"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRayCollisionMesh",
+ description = "Get collision info between ray and mesh",
+ returnType = "RayCollision",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "Mesh", name = "mesh"},
+ {type = "Matrix", name = "transform"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRayCollisionTriangle",
+ description = "Get collision info between ray and triangle",
+ returnType = "RayCollision",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p1"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p2"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p3"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetRayCollisionQuad",
+ description = "Get collision info between ray and quad",
+ returnType = "RayCollision",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Ray", name = "ray"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p1"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p2"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p3"},
+ {type = "Vector3", name = "p4"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "InitAudioDevice",
+ description = "Initialize audio device and context",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "CloseAudioDevice",
+ description = "Close the audio device and context",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsAudioDeviceReady",
+ description = "Check if audio device has been initialized successfully",
+ returnType = "bool"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMasterVolume",
+ description = "Set master volume (listener)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float", name = "volume"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadWave",
+ description = "Load wave data from file",
+ returnType = "Wave",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadWaveFromMemory",
+ description = "Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.wav'",
+ returnType = "Wave",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileType"},
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "fileData"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadSound",
+ description = "Load sound from file",
+ returnType = "Sound",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadSoundFromWave",
+ description = "Load sound from wave data",
+ returnType = "Sound",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave", name = "wave"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateSound",
+ description = "Update sound buffer with new data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sampleCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadWave",
+ description = "Unload wave data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave", name = "wave"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadSound",
+ description = "Unload sound",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ExportWave",
+ description = "Export wave data to file, returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave", name = "wave"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ExportWaveAsCode",
+ description = "Export wave sample data to code (.h), returns true on success",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave", name = "wave"},
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PlaySound",
+ description = "Play a sound",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "StopSound",
+ description = "Stop playing a sound",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PauseSound",
+ description = "Pause a sound",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ResumeSound",
+ description = "Resume a paused sound",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PlaySoundMulti",
+ description = "Play a sound (using multichannel buffer pool)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "StopSoundMulti",
+ description = "Stop any sound playing (using multichannel buffer pool)",
+ returnType = "void"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetSoundsPlaying",
+ description = "Get number of sounds playing in the multichannel",
+ returnType = "int"
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsSoundPlaying",
+ description = "Check if a sound is currently playing",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetSoundVolume",
+ description = "Set volume for a sound (1.0 is max level)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"},
+ {type = "float", name = "volume"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetSoundPitch",
+ description = "Set pitch for a sound (1.0 is base level)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"},
+ {type = "float", name = "pitch"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetSoundPan",
+ description = "Set pan for a sound (0.5 is center)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Sound", name = "sound"},
+ {type = "float", name = "pan"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "WaveCopy",
+ description = "Copy a wave to a new wave",
+ returnType = "Wave",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave", name = "wave"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "WaveCrop",
+ description = "Crop a wave to defined samples range",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave *", name = "wave"},
+ {type = "int", name = "initSample"},
+ {type = "int", name = "finalSample"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "WaveFormat",
+ description = "Convert wave data to desired format",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave *", name = "wave"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sampleRate"},
+ {type = "int", name = "sampleSize"},
+ {type = "int", name = "channels"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadWaveSamples",
+ description = "Load samples data from wave as a 32bit float data array",
+ returnType = "float *",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Wave", name = "wave"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadWaveSamples",
+ description = "Unload samples data loaded with LoadWaveSamples()",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "float *", name = "samples"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadMusicStream",
+ description = "Load music stream from file",
+ returnType = "Music",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileName"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadMusicStreamFromMemory",
+ description = "Load music stream from data",
+ returnType = "Music",
+ params = {
+ {type = "const char *", name = "fileType"},
+ {type = "const unsigned char *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int", name = "dataSize"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadMusicStream",
+ description = "Unload music stream",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PlayMusicStream",
+ description = "Start music playing",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsMusicStreamPlaying",
+ description = "Check if music is playing",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateMusicStream",
+ description = "Updates buffers for music streaming",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "StopMusicStream",
+ description = "Stop music playing",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PauseMusicStream",
+ description = "Pause music playing",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ResumeMusicStream",
+ description = "Resume playing paused music",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SeekMusicStream",
+ description = "Seek music to a position (in seconds)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"},
+ {type = "float", name = "position"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMusicVolume",
+ description = "Set volume for music (1.0 is max level)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"},
+ {type = "float", name = "volume"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMusicPitch",
+ description = "Set pitch for a music (1.0 is base level)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"},
+ {type = "float", name = "pitch"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetMusicPan",
+ description = "Set pan for a music (0.5 is center)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"},
+ {type = "float", name = "pan"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMusicTimeLength",
+ description = "Get music time length (in seconds)",
+ returnType = "float",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GetMusicTimePlayed",
+ description = "Get current music time played (in seconds)",
+ returnType = "float",
+ params = {
+ {type = "Music", name = "music"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "LoadAudioStream",
+ description = "Load audio stream (to stream raw audio pcm data)",
+ returnType = "AudioStream",
+ params = {
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "sampleRate"},
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "sampleSize"},
+ {type = "unsigned int", name = "channels"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UnloadAudioStream",
+ description = "Unload audio stream and free memory",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "UpdateAudioStream",
+ description = "Update audio stream buffers with data",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"},
+ {type = "const void *", name = "data"},
+ {type = "int", name = "frameCount"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsAudioStreamProcessed",
+ description = "Check if any audio stream buffers requires refill",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PlayAudioStream",
+ description = "Play audio stream",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "PauseAudioStream",
+ description = "Pause audio stream",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ResumeAudioStream",
+ description = "Resume audio stream",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IsAudioStreamPlaying",
+ description = "Check if audio stream is playing",
+ returnType = "bool",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "StopAudioStream",
+ description = "Stop audio stream",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetAudioStreamVolume",
+ description = "Set volume for audio stream (1.0 is max level)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"},
+ {type = "float", name = "volume"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetAudioStreamPitch",
+ description = "Set pitch for audio stream (1.0 is base level)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"},
+ {type = "float", name = "pitch"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetAudioStreamPan",
+ description = "Set pan for audio stream (0.5 is centered)",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "AudioStream", name = "stream"},
+ {type = "float", name = "pan"}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name = "SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault",
+ description = "Default size for new audio streams",
+ returnType = "void",
+ params = {
+ {type = "int", name = "size"}
+ }
+ }
+ }