* Stuff to fix ** DONE PWD=qwe; pwd <== recheck ** DONE VISUAL=qweqwe crontab -e <=== deal with it ** DONE cd qweqwe <=== stderr ** DONE [#A] lpipes leaks <=== this is a big one (split lpipes | lcom | com) ** TODO [#C] fix that goddamn exit(2) 25 leak ** TODO [#C] lpipes leaks on builtins (same as above man) ** TODO [#C] Handle memory ** TODO [#C] Go full stack to ken dash in the ass * Stuff to add ** DONE [#A] builtins to pipes ** TODO [#A] Proper ~ subst ** DONE [#B] && || ** TODO [#B] & ** TODO [#C] $_ ** TODO [#C] Norm ** TODO [#C] [ ] <=== pretty cool yet simple stuff ( [ $a -eq 1 ] ) ** DONE [#C] Read scripts