path: root/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_new_window.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_new_window.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 766 deletions
diff --git a/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_new_window.m b/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_new_window.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d4fea4..0000000
--- a/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_new_window.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,766 +0,0 @@
-// mlx_new_window.m
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-#import <OpenGL/gl3.h>
-#import <AppKit/NSOpenGLView.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "mlx_int.h"
-#include "mlx_new_window.h"
-NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute pfa_attrs[] =
- {
- NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 32,
- NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersionLegacy,
- 0
- };
-static const GLfloat pixel_vertexes[8] =
- {
- -1.0 , -1.0,
- 1.0, -1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0,
- -1.0, 1.0
- };
-int get_mouse_button(NSEventType eventtype)
- switch (eventtype) {
- case NSEventTypeLeftMouseDown:
- case NSEventTypeLeftMouseUp:
- case NSEventTypeLeftMouseDragged:
- return 1;
- case NSEventTypeRightMouseDown:
- case NSEventTypeRightMouseUp:
- case NSEventTypeRightMouseDragged:
- return 2;
- case NSEventTypeOtherMouseDown:
- case NSEventTypeOtherMouseUp:
- case NSEventTypeOtherMouseDragged:
- return 3;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-// classes for window & events
-@implementation NSWindowEvent
-- (NSWindowEvent *) initWithContentRect:(NSRect)rect styleMask:(NSUInteger)winstyle backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bck defer:(BOOL) dfr
- int i;
- if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:rect
- styleMask:winstyle
- backing:bck
- defer:dfr]))
- {
- i = MAX_EVENT;
- while (i--)
- {
- event_funct[i] = NULL;
- event_param[i] = NULL;
- }
- keyrepeat = 0;
- keyflag = 0;
- size_x = rect.size.width;
- size_y = rect.size.height;
- }
- return (self);
-- (void) setEvent:(int)event andFunc:(func_t)func andParam:(void *)param
- event_funct[event] = func;
- event_param[event] = param;
- if (event == 6 || event == 32) // motion notify && high precision motion notify
- {
- if (func == NULL)
- [self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];
- else
- [self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
- }
-- (void) setKeyRepeat:(int)mode
- keyrepeat = mode;
-- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
- return (YES);
-- (void) flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- unsigned int flag;
- int the_key;
- unsigned int val;
- flag = [theEvent modifierFlags];
- // printf("Key flag changed: %x => %x\n", keyflag, flag);
- // printf("**mlx flag low part : %d - %x\n", flag&0xFFFF, flag&0xFFFF);
- if (!(val = (keyflag|flag)&(~(keyflag&flag))))
- return ; // no change - can happen when loosing focus on special key pressed, then re-pressed later
- the_key = 1;
- while (((val >> (the_key-1)) & 0x01)==0)
- the_key ++;
- if (flag > keyflag && event_funct[2] != NULL)
- event_funct[2](0xFF+the_key, event_param[2]);
- if (flag < keyflag && event_funct[3] != NULL)
- event_funct[3](0xFF+the_key, event_param[3]);
- /*
- if (event_funct[2] != NULL)
- {
- if (!(keyflag & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask) && (flag&NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+1, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSShiftKeyMask) && (flag&NSShiftKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+2, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSControlKeyMask) && (flag&NSControlKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+3, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSAlternateKeyMask) && (flag&NSAlternateKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+4, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSCommandKeyMask) && (flag&NSCommandKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+5, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSNumericPadKeyMask) && (flag&NSNumericPadKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+6, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSHelpKeyMask) && (flag&NSHelpKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+7, event_param[2]);
- if (!(keyflag & NSFunctionKeyMask) && (flag&NSFunctionKeyMask)) event_funct[2](0xFF+8, event_param[2]);
- }
- if (event_funct[3] != NULL)
- {
- if ((keyflag & NSShiftKeyMask) && !(flag&NSShiftKeyMask)) event_funct[3](NSShiftKeyMask, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask) && !(flag&NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+1, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSShiftKeyMask) && !(flag&NSShiftKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+2, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSControlKeyMask) && !(flag&NSControlKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+3, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSAlternateKeyMask) && !(flag&NSAlternateKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+4, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSCommandKeyMask) && !(flag&NSCommandKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+5, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSNumericPadKeyMask) && !(flag&NSNumericPadKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+6, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSHelpKeyMask) && !(flag&NSHelpKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+7, event_param[3]);
- if ((keyflag & NSFunctionKeyMask) && !(flag&NSFunctionKeyMask)) event_funct[3](0xFF+8, event_param[3]);
- }
- */
- keyflag = flag;
-- (void) keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- if (keyrepeat==0 && [theEvent isARepeat])
- return ;
- // printf("Key Down: %d\n", [theEvent keyCode]);
- if (event_funct[2] != NULL)
- event_funct[2]([theEvent keyCode], event_param[2]);
- // else [super keyDown: theEvent];
-- (void) keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- // printf("Key Up: %d\n", [theEvent keyCode]);
- if (event_funct[3] != NULL)
- event_funct[3]([theEvent keyCode], event_param[3]);
- // else [super keyUp: theEvent];
-- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- button = get_mouse_button([theEvent type]);
- // printf("Mouse pressed bt %d pos: %f, %f\n", button, thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[4] != NULL)
- event_funct[4](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[4]);
-- (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- button = get_mouse_button([theEvent type]);
- // printf("Mouse pressed bt %d pos: %f, %f\n", button, thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[4] != NULL)
- event_funct[4](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[4]);
-- (void) otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- button = get_mouse_button([theEvent type]);
- // printf("Mouse pressed bt %d pos: %f, %f\n", button, thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[4] != NULL)
- event_funct[4](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[4]);
-- (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- button = get_mouse_button([theEvent type]);
- // printf("Mouse release bt %d pos: %f, %f\n", button, thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[5] != NULL)
- event_funct[5](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[5]);
-- (void) rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- button = get_mouse_button([theEvent type]);
- // printf("Mouse release bt %d pos: %f, %f\n", button, thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[5] != NULL)
- event_funct[5](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[5]);
-- (void) otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- button = get_mouse_button([theEvent type]);
- // printf("Mouse release bt %d pos: %f, %f\n", button, thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[5] != NULL)
- event_funct[5](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[5]);
-- (void) mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- // printf("Mouse moved pos: %f, %f\n", thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[6] != NULL)
- event_funct[6]((int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[6]);
-- (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- // printf("Mouse moved pos: %f, %f\n", thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[6] != NULL)
- event_funct[6]((int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[6]);
-- (void) rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- // printf("Mouse moved pos: %f, %f\n", thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[6] != NULL)
- event_funct[6]((int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[6]);
-- (void) otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- // printf("Mouse moved pos: %f, %f\n", thepoint.x, thepoint.y);
- if (event_funct[6] != NULL)
- event_funct[6]((int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[6]);
-- (void) scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- NSPoint thepoint;
- int button;
- float sens;
- if (event_funct[4] == NULL)
- return ;
- button = 0;
- thepoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
- sens = [theEvent deltaY];
- if (sens > 0.2)
- button = 4;
- if (sens < -0.2)
- button = 5;
- sens = [theEvent deltaX];
- if (sens > 0.2)
- button = 6;
- if (sens < -0.2)
- button = 7;
- if (button != 0)
- event_funct[4](button, (int)(thepoint.x), size_y - 1 - (int)(thepoint.y), event_param[4]);
-- (void) exposeNotification:(NSNotification *)note
- // printf("Expose...\n");
- if (event_funct[12] != NULL)
- event_funct[12](event_param[12]);
- // printf("Expose done.\n");
-- (void) closeNotification:(NSNotification *)note
- if (event_funct[17] != NULL)
- event_funct[17](event_param[17]);
-- (void) deminiaturizeNotification:(NSNotification *)note
- // if (event_funct[??] != NULL)
- // event_funct[??](event_param[??]);
- [self exposeNotification:note];
-@implementation MlxWin
-- (id) initWithRect: (NSRect)rect andTitle: (NSString *)title pfaAttrs: (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute *)attrs
- NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixFmt = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attrs];
- if ((self = [super initWithFrame:rect pixelFormat:pixFmt]) != nil)
- {
- NSUInteger windowStyle = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable;
- win = [[NSWindowEvent alloc] initWithContentRect:rect
- styleMask:windowStyle
- backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered // NSBackingStoreNonretained
- defer:NO];
- [win setContentView:self];
- [win setTitle:title];
- [win setKeyRepeat:1];
- [win makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- // printf("init ctx: current %p ", [NSOpenGLContext currentContext]);
- // ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pixFmt shareContext:[NSOpenGLContext currentContext]]; //other_context];
- // [ctx setView:self];
- // [ctx makeCurrentContext];
- [[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
- [[self openGLContext] setView:self];
- [self prepareOpenGL];
- [self setNextKeyView:self];
- // [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:win selector:@selector(exposeNotification:) name:@"NSWindowDidExposeNotification" object:nil];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:win selector:@selector(exposeNotification:) name:@"NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification" object:win];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:win selector:@selector(deminiaturizeNotification:) name:@"NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification" object:win];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:win selector:@selector(closeNotification:) name:@"NSWindowWillCloseNotification" object:win];
- // [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(ctxNeedsUpdate:)
- // name:NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification
- // object:nil];
- size_x = rect.size.width;
- size_y = rect.size.height;
- glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- glFlush();
- //[win makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
- // BOOL r = [win isKeyWindow];
- // if (r==YES) printf("keywindow ok\n"); else printf("keywindow KO\n");
- // Window controller subclass to set title
- // NSWindowController* windowController = [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindow:win];
- // [windowController windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName:title];
- // [windowController showWindow:nil];
- // MlxWinController *mlxWinCont = [[MlxWinController alloc] initWin:win andTitle:title];
- // after nswindowcontroller who will retake first responder
- // BOOL r = [win makeFirstResponder:nil];
- // if (r==YES) printf("responder ok\n"); else printf("responder KO\n");
- [pixFmt release];
- }
- return (self);
-- (int) pixel_management
- bzero(&glsl, sizeof(glsl)); // so gldelete[shader/program] go silent on error.
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glGenBuffers(1, &pixel_vbuffer);
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pixel_vbuffer);
- glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(pixel_vertexes), pixel_vertexes, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); // 4 points buff
- // pixel_ptr = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
- glGenTextures(1, &pixel_texture);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pixel_texture);
- pixtexbuff = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*size_x*size_y);
- pixel_nb = size_x*size_y;
- while (pixel_nb--) pixtexbuff[pixel_nb] = 0xFF000000;
- pixel_nb = 0;
- glTexImage2D(
- GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, /* target, level of detail */
- GL_RGBA8, /* internal format */
- size_x, size_y, 0, /* width, height, border */
- GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, /* external format, type */
- pixtexbuff /* pixels */
- );
- // printf("pix tex err? 0x%x\n", glGetError());
- if (mlx_shaders(&glsl))
- return (0);
- glUseProgram(glsl.pixel_program);
- glsl.loc_pixel_texture = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.pixel_program, "texture");
- //glsl.loc_pixel_winhalfsize = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.pixel_program, "winhalfsize");
- glsl.loc_pixel_position = glGetAttribLocation(glsl.pixel_program, "position");
- // printf("err? 0x%x\n", glGetError());
- glUseProgram(glsl.image_program);
- glsl.loc_image_texture = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.image_program, "texture");
- glsl.loc_image_pos = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.image_program, "imagepos");
- glsl.loc_image_size = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.image_program, "imagesize");
- glsl.loc_image_winhalfsize = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.image_program, "winhalfsize");
- glsl.loc_image_position = glGetAttribLocation(glsl.image_program, "position");
- // printf("err? 0x%x\n", glGetError());
- glUseProgram(glsl.font_program);
- glsl.loc_font_texture = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.font_program, "texture");
- glsl.loc_font_color = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.font_program, "color");
- glsl.loc_font_posinwin = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.font_program, "fontposinwin");
- glsl.loc_font_posinatlas = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.font_program, "fontposinatlas");
- glsl.loc_font_atlassize = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.font_program, "fontatlassize");
- glsl.loc_font_winhalfsize = glGetUniformLocation(glsl.font_program, "winhalfsize");
- glsl.loc_font_position = glGetAttribLocation(glsl.font_program, "position");
- // printf("err? 0x%x\n", glGetError());
- glFlush();
- return (1);
-- (void) ctxNeedsUpdate
- // printf("Context update\n");
- [ctx update];
-- (void) selectGLContext
- if ([NSOpenGLContext currentContext] != [self openGLContext])
- {
- // printf("ctx: %p => %p\n", [NSOpenGLContext currentContext], [self openGLContext]);
- [[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
- }
-- (void) flushGLContext
- [[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];
-- (NSOpenGLContext *) ctx
- return (ctx);
-- (NSWindowEvent *) win
- return (win);
-- (void) pixelPutColor: (int)color X:(int)x Y:(int)y
- pixel_nb ++;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pixel_vbuffer);
- glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, 1, 1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid *)(&color));
- if (pixel_nb >= MAX_PIXEL_NB)
- [self mlx_gl_draw];
-- (void) destroyPixelManagement
- free(pixtexbuff);
- [self selectGLContext];
- glDeleteBuffers(1, &pixel_vbuffer);
- glDeleteTextures(1, &pixel_texture);
- glDeleteProgram(glsl.pixel_program);
- glDeleteProgram(glsl.image_program);
- glDeleteShader(glsl.pixel_vshader);
- glDeleteShader(glsl.pixel_fshader);
- glDeleteShader(glsl.image_vshader);
- glDeleteShader(glsl.image_fshader);
-- (void) destroyMe
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:win];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- // [ctx release];
- [win close];
- [self release];
-- (void) setEvent:(int)event andFunc:(func_t)func andParam:(void *)param
- [win setEvent:event andFunc:func andParam:param];
-- (void) setKeyRepeat:(int)mode
- [win setKeyRepeat:mode];
-- (void) clearWin
- glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
-- (void) mlx_gl_draw_img:(mlx_img_list_t *)img andCtx:(mlx_img_ctx_t *)imgctx andX:(int)x andY:(int)y
- if (pixel_nb >0)
- [self mlx_gl_draw];
- glUseProgram(glsl.image_program);
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imgctx->texture);
- glUniform1i(glsl.loc_image_texture, 0);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_image_winhalfsize, size_x/2, size_y/2);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_image_pos, x, size_y - y);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_image_size, img->width, -img->height);
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, imgctx->vbuffer);
- glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 2*sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)0);
- glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA); // src alpha 0xFF : keep dst
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
- glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
-- (void) mlx_gl_draw_font:(mlx_img_list_t *)img andCtx:(mlx_img_ctx_t *)imgctx andX:(int)x andY:(int)y andColor:(int)color glyphX:(int)gx glyphY:(int)gy
- GLfloat color_tab[4];
- if (pixel_nb >0)
- [self mlx_gl_draw];
- color_tab[0] = ((float)((color&0xFF0000)>>16))/255.0;
- color_tab[1] = ((float)((color&0xFF00)>>8))/255.0;
- color_tab[2] = ((float)((color&0xFF)>>0))/255.0;
- color_tab[3] = 1.0;
- glUseProgram(glsl.font_program);
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imgctx->texture);
- glUniform1i(glsl.loc_font_texture, 0);
- glUniform4fv(glsl.loc_font_color, 1, color_tab);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_font_winhalfsize, size_x/2, size_y/2);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_font_posinwin, x, size_y - 1 - y);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_font_posinatlas, gx, gy);
- glUniform2f(glsl.loc_font_atlassize, img->width, img->height);
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, imgctx->vbuffer);
- glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 2*sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)0);
- glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA); // src alpha 0xFF : keep dst
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
- glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
-- (void) mlx_gl_draw
- if (pixel_nb <= 0)
- return ;
- glUseProgram(glsl.pixel_program);
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pixel_vbuffer);
- glUniform1i(glsl.loc_pixel_texture, 0);
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pixel_vbuffer);
- glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 2*sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)0);
- glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA); // src alpha 0xFF : keep dst
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
- glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
- pixel_nb = size_x*size_y;
- while (pixel_nb--) pixtexbuff[pixel_nb] = 0xFF000000;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, size_x, size_y, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixtexbuff);
- pixel_nb = 0;
-// mlx API
-void *mlx_new_window(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr, int size_x, int size_y, char *title)
- mlx_win_list_t *newwin;
- NSString *str;
- if ((newwin = malloc(sizeof(*newwin))) == NULL)
- return ((void *)0);
- newwin->img_list = NULL;
- newwin->next = mlx_ptr->win_list;
- newwin->nb_flush = 0;
- newwin->pixmgt = 1;
- mlx_ptr->win_list = newwin;
- NSRect windowRect = NSMakeRect(100, 100, size_x, size_y);
- str = [NSString stringWithCString:title encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
- newwin->winid = [[MlxWin alloc] initWithRect:windowRect andTitle:str pfaAttrs:pfa_attrs];
- if (newwin->winid)
- if (![(id)(newwin->winid) pixel_management])
- {
- [(id)(newwin->winid) destroyPixelManagement];
- [(id)(newwin->winid) destroyMe];
- }
- return ((void *)newwin);
-void mlx_clear_window(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr, mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr)
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) selectGLContext];
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) clearWin];
- win_ptr->nb_flush ++;
-void mlx_expose_hook(mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void *param)
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) setEvent:12 andFunc:funct_ptr andParam:param];
-void mlx_key_hook(mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void *param)
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) setEvent:3 andFunc:funct_ptr andParam:param];
-void mlx_mouse_hook(mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr, int (*funct_ptr)(), void *param)
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) setEvent:4 andFunc:funct_ptr andParam:param];
-void mlx_hook(mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr, int x_event, int x_mask, int (*funct_ptr)(), void *param)
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) setEvent:x_event andFunc:funct_ptr andParam:param];
-int mlx_do_key_autorepeatoff(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr)
- mlx_win_list_t *win;
- win = mlx_ptr->win_list;
- while (win)
- {
- [(id)(win->winid) setKeyRepeat:0];
- win = win->next;
- }
- return (0);
-int mlx_do_key_autorepeaton(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr)
- mlx_win_list_t *win;
- win = mlx_ptr->win_list;
- while (win)
- {
- [(id)(win->winid) setKeyRepeat:1];
- win = win->next;
- }
- return (0);
-int mlx_destroy_window(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr, mlx_win_list_t *win_to_del)
- mlx_win_list_t first;
- mlx_win_list_t *win;
- mlx_img_ctx_t *ctx;
- mlx_img_ctx_t *ctx2;
- first.next = mlx_ptr->win_list;
- win = &first;
- while (win && win->next)
- {
- if (win->next == win_to_del)
- win->next = win->next->next;
- win = win->next;
- }
- mlx_ptr->win_list = first.next;
- if (win_to_del->pixmgt)
- {
- [(id)(win_to_del->winid) selectGLContext];
- ctx = win_to_del->img_list; // should be null anyway if no pixel management
- while (ctx)
- {
- glDeleteBuffers(1, &(ctx->vbuffer));
- glDeleteTextures(1, &(ctx->texture));
- ctx2 = ctx;
- ctx = ctx->next;
- free(ctx2);
- }
- [(id)(win_to_del->winid) destroyPixelManagement];
- }
- [(id)(win_to_del->winid) destroyMe];
- free(win_to_del);
- // printf("destroy window done.\n");
- mlx_do_sync(mlx_ptr);
- return (0);