path: root/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_init_loop.m
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_init_loop.m b/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_init_loop.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0377771..0000000
--- a/minilibx_opengl_20191021/mlx_init_loop.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-// mlx_init_loop.m
-// By Ol
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-#import <OpenGL/gl3.h>
-#import <AppKit/NSOpenGLView.h>
-#include "mlx_int.h"
-#include "mlx_new_window.h"
-#include "font.c"
-void do_loop_hook2(CFRunLoopTimerRef observer, void * info)
- ((mlx_ptr_t *)info)->loop_hook(((mlx_ptr_t *)info)->loop_hook_data);
-void do_loop_flush(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFRunLoopActivity activity, void * info)
- mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr;
- mlx_win_list_t *win;
- mlx_ptr = (mlx_ptr_t *)info;
- win = mlx_ptr->win_list;
- while (win)
- {
- if (win->nb_flush > 0 && win->pixmgt)
- {
- [(id)win->winid selectGLContext];
- [(id)win->winid mlx_gl_draw];
- glFlush();
- win->nb_flush = 0;
- }
- win = win->next;
- }
-void *mlx_init()
- mlx_ptr_t *new_mlx;
- int bidon;
- int i;
- if ((new_mlx = malloc(sizeof(*new_mlx))) == NULL)
- return ((void *)0);
- new_mlx->win_list = NULL;
- new_mlx->img_list = NULL;
- new_mlx->loop_hook = NULL;
- new_mlx->loop_hook_data = NULL;
- new_mlx->main_loop_active = 0;
- new_mlx->appid = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
- // super magic trick to detach app from terminal, get menubar & key input events
- for (NSRunningApplication * app in [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:@"com.apple.finder"])
- {
- [app activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps];
- break;
- }
- usleep(100000);
- ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
- (void) TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
- usleep(100000);
- [[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps];
- // load font
- new_mlx->font = mlx_new_image(new_mlx, (FONT_WIDTH+2)*95, FONT_HEIGHT);
- i = 0;
- while (i < 4*(FONT_WIDTH+2)*95*FONT_HEIGHT)
- {
- new_mlx->font->buffer[i+0] = font_atlas.pixel_data[i+2];
- new_mlx->font->buffer[i+1] = font_atlas.pixel_data[i+1];
- new_mlx->font->buffer[i+2] = font_atlas.pixel_data[i+0];
- ((unsigned char *)new_mlx->font->buffer)[i+3] = 0xFF-font_atlas.pixel_data[i+3];
- i += 4;
- }
-#ifdef STRINGPUTX11
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[2] = FONT_WIDTH/1.4;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[4] = FONT_WIDTH/1.4;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[5] = (-FONT_HEIGHT-1)/1.4;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[7] = (-FONT_HEIGHT-1)/1.4;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[2] = FONT_WIDTH;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[4] = FONT_WIDTH;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[5] = -FONT_HEIGHT-1;
- new_mlx->font->vertexes[7] = -FONT_HEIGHT-1;
- return ((void *)new_mlx);
-void mlx_loop(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr)
- CFRunLoopObserverRef observer;
- CFRunLoopObserverContext ocontext = {.version = 0, .info = mlx_ptr, .retain = NULL, .release = NULL, .copyDescription = NULL};
- mlx_ptr->main_loop_active = 1;
- observer = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL, kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers, true, 0, do_loop_flush, &ocontext);
- CFRunLoopAddObserver(CFRunLoopGetMain(), observer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- // [[[MlxLoopHookObj alloc] initWithPtr:mlx_ptr] performSelector:@selector(do_loop_hook) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
- [NSApp run];
-void mlx_pixel_put(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr, mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr, int x, int y, int color)
- if (!win_ptr->pixmgt)
- return ;
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) selectGLContext];
- [(id)(win_ptr->winid) pixelPutColor:color X:x Y:y];
- win_ptr->nb_flush ++;
-void mlx_int_loop_once()
- NSEvent *event;
- NSDate *thedate;
- thedate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1];
- while (42)
- {
- event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskAny
- untilDate:thedate
- inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
- dequeue:YES];
- if (event == nil)
- {
- [thedate release];
- return ;
- }
- [NSApp sendEvent:event];
- [NSApp updateWindows];
- }
-int mlx_do_sync(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr)
- mlx_win_list_t *win;
- win = mlx_ptr->win_list;
- while (win)
- {
- if (win->pixmgt)
- {
- [(id)(win->winid) selectGLContext];
- [(id)(win->winid) mlx_gl_draw];
- glFlush();
- if (!mlx_ptr->main_loop_active)
- mlx_int_loop_once();
- }
- win = win->next;
- }
- return (0);
-int mlx_loop_hook(mlx_ptr_t *mlx_ptr, void (*fct)(void *), void *param)
- CFRunLoopTimerContext tcontext = {0, mlx_ptr, NULL, NULL, NULL};
- CFRunLoopTimerRef timer;
- if (mlx_ptr->loop_hook != NULL)
- {
- CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate(mlx_ptr->loop_timer);
- [(id)(mlx_ptr->loop_timer) release];
- }
- mlx_ptr->loop_hook = fct;
- mlx_ptr->loop_hook_data = param;
- if (fct)
- {
- timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0.0, 0.0001, 0, 0, &do_loop_hook2, &tcontext);
- mlx_ptr->loop_timer = timer;
- CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetMain(), timer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- }
- return (0);