/* * (C) 2011-2014 by Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de> * * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. */ #include <mpd/client.h> #include <libnotify/notify.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include "config.h" #include "version.h" #define PROGNAME "mpd-notification" #define NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT 10000 #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #endif /* global variables */ char *program = NULL; NotifyNotification * notification = NULL; /*** show_again ***/ void show_again(int signal) { GError * error = NULL; if (!notify_notification_show(notification, &error)) { g_printerr("%s: Error \"%s\" while trying to show notification again.\n", program, error->message); g_error_free(error); } } /*** main ***/ int main(int argc, char ** argv) { char * album = NULL, * artist = NULL, * notifystr = NULL, * title = NULL; GError * error = NULL; unsigned short int errcount = 0, state = MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN; const char * mpd_host = MPD_HOST; unsigned mpd_port = MPD_PORT, mpd_timeout = MPD_TIMEOUT; struct mpd_connection * conn = NULL; struct mpd_song * song = NULL; unsigned int i; program = argv[0]; printf("%s: %s v%s (compiled: " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ # if DEBUG ", with debug output" # endif ")\n", program, PROGNAME, VERSION); # if DEBUG printf("%s: Started with PID %d\n", program, getpid()); # endif /* get command line options */ while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "hH:p:")) != -1) switch (i) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT]\n", program); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'p': mpd_port = atoi(optarg); printf("%s: using port %d\n", program, mpd_port); break; case 'H': mpd_host = optarg; printf("%s: using host %s\n", program, mpd_host); break; } conn = mpd_connection_new(mpd_host, mpd_port, mpd_timeout); if (mpd_connection_get_error(conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n", program, mpd_connection_get_error_message(conn)); mpd_connection_free(conn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!notify_init(PROGNAME)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't create notify.\n", program); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } notification = # if NOTIFY_CHECK_VERSION(0, 7, 0) notify_notification_new(TEXT_TOPIC, TEXT_NONE, ICON_SOUND); # else notify_notification_new(TEXT_TOPIC, TEXT_NONE, ICON_SOUND, NULL); # endif notify_notification_set_category(notification, PROGNAME); notify_notification_set_urgency (notification, NOTIFY_URGENCY_NORMAL); signal(SIGUSR1, show_again); while(mpd_run_idle_mask(conn, MPD_IDLE_PLAYER)) { mpd_command_list_begin(conn, true); mpd_send_status(conn); mpd_send_current_song(conn); mpd_command_list_end(conn); state = mpd_status_get_state(mpd_recv_status(conn)); if (state == MPD_STATE_PLAY) { mpd_response_next(conn); song = mpd_recv_song(conn); if ((title = g_markup_escape_text(mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_TITLE, 0), -1)) == NULL) title = strdup(TEXT_UNKNOWN); if ((artist = g_markup_escape_text(mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0), -1)) == NULL) artist = strdup(TEXT_UNKNOWN); if ((album = g_markup_escape_text(mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ALBUM, 0), -1)) == NULL) album = strdup(TEXT_UNKNOWN); notifystr = malloc(sizeof(TEXT_PLAY) + strlen(title) + strlen(artist) + strlen(album)); sprintf(notifystr, TEXT_PLAY, title, artist, album); free(title); free(artist); free(album); mpd_song_free(song); } else if (state == MPD_STATE_PAUSE) notifystr = TEXT_PAUSE; else if (state == MPD_STATE_STOP) notifystr = TEXT_STOP; else notifystr = TEXT_UNKNOWN; # if DEBUG printf("%s: %s\n", program, notifystr); # endif notify_notification_update(notification, TEXT_TOPIC, notifystr, ICON_SOUND); notify_notification_set_timeout(notification, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT); while(!notify_notification_show(notification, &error)) { if (errcount > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Looks like we can not reconnect to notification daemon... Exiting.\n", program); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { g_printerr("%s: Error \"%s\" while trying to show notification. Trying to reconnect.\n", program, error->message); errcount++; g_error_free(error); error = NULL; notify_uninit(); usleep(500 * 1000); if(!notify_init(PROGNAME)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't create notify.\n", program); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } errcount = 0; if (state == MPD_STATE_PLAY) free(notifystr); mpd_response_finish(conn); } mpd_connection_free(conn); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(notification)); notify_uninit(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }