path: root/asm/jo_r_cpyhead.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'asm/jo_r_cpyhead.asm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/asm/jo_r_cpyhead.asm b/asm/jo_r_cpyhead.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b51542..0000000
--- a/asm/jo_r_cpyhead.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-;; ;;
-;; File : jo_r_cpyhead.asm /_________/ ;;
-;; Author : Joe | ;;
-;; Date : 04/2020 | ;;
-;; Info : Formats and returns notification head title | ;;
-;; / | ;;
-;; \ / ;;
-;; \_____/ ;;
-;; ;;
-section .text
- extern memset
- extern sprintf
- global jo_r_cpyhead
-jo_r_cpyhead: ; jo_r_cpyhead(percent: rdi)
- push rdi
- mov rdi, buff
- mov rsi, 0x0
- mov rdx, 0x11
- call memset ; memset 0 notification head
- lea rsi, [rel n_head]
- pop rdi
- mov rdx, rdi
- mov rdi, rax
- xor rax, rax
- mov al, 0x1
- push rdi
- call sprintf
- pop rdi
- mov rax, rdi
- retq
-section .data
- n_head: db "Low battery: %d%%", 0x0
-section .bss
- buff: resb 0x11