My computing experience
These are the things I use in my day-to-day computing
experience both at home and work. As I enjoy working
from my computer and tweaking it, I recommend them all.
My configuration files for some of these softwares can
be found on my
repo on GitJoe. My wallapers can be found on
this page.
Text editing
Custom configured GNU Emacs to be used
with vim key bindings. It is not the most
lightweight editor out there but I love my
config for all kind of coding or text editing.
I use the GUI version.
FreeBSD 13 is my OS of choice. I left
GNU/Linux for BSD about 1 year ago and I never
felt the need to go back!
Window manager
dwm is my favorite tiling window manager
and the only one I use for it is very light and
highly extensible.
Terminal emulator
st is my favorite terminal emulator.
Just like dwm, it's very light and highly
I use zsh as my only interactive shell.
Other software
Here is a small list of programs I use frequently.
Most are terminal-based.
web browser: Mozilla Firefox for
most web browsing. I also use w3m
and lynx quite a lot.
- file manager: lf
- image viewer: nsxiv
- video player: mpv
- music player: mpd + ncmpc
- pdf viewer: zathura
- RSS feed reader: newsboat
- email client: neomutt running with isync and msmtp
- address book: abook
- calendar: calcurse
- IRC client: irssi
I haven't played much video games in recent times
but here's what I used to play a lot:
Kerbal Space Program on my Linux
machine, I loved this game!
Classic DOOM and Hexen
through gzdoom, it runs very
smooth on BSD.