path: root/docs/dergods_style_v1.org
diff options
authorJozanLeClerc <bousset.rudy@gmail.com>2022-04-20 13:06:33 +0200
committerJozanLeClerc <bousset.rudy@gmail.com>2022-04-20 13:06:33 +0200
commitd9e7ce3e73cf7eff9ec6ac4398713c8872ec5c4c (patch)
treeeca77de4a68ecb2b15853c94580e3ad0a8859abf /docs/dergods_style_v1.org
parentupdate (diff)
New content, css update
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/docs/dergods_style_v1.org b/docs/dergods_style_v1.org
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index 7d27312..0000000
--- a/docs/dergods_style_v1.org
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Dergods' Style and good practices for C/C++
-#+AUTHOR: Joe
-#+DATE: v0.1
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-* Introduction
-The following is a description of Dergods' Style code and project
-formatting to put in use if you work on Dergods' Realm-related code or if you
-just need a personnal good-looking norm to improve your code readablity. It
-is heavily inspired by BSD [[https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=style&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=FreeBSD+12.1-RELEASE+and+Ports&arch=default&format=html][style(9)]],
-with some changes.
-* Projects and version control
-** Directories
- - Working on a *program*:
- - All source and header files should be in the ~src/~ directory.
- - Necessary media files such as images, sounds, fonts, etc... To the program execution should be in the ~media/~ directory.
- - Compilation-generated object files should be located in the ~obj/~ directory.
- - Sub-programs or utilities should be located in the ~tools/~ directory.
- - An optional man page can be made for the program and should be located in the ~man/~ directory.
- - Working on a *library*:
- - All source files should be located in the ~src/~ directory.
- - Compilation-generated object files should be located in the ~obj/~ directory.
- - Non-optional man pages for every major function should be located in the ~man/~ directory.
- - Header files should be located in the ~include/~ directory.
-** Files
- - *C* sources and headers files should be of the ~.c~ and ~.h~ extensions.
- - *C++* sources and header files should be of the corresponding ~.cxx~ / ~.hxx~ or ~.cc~ / ~.hh~ extensions unless the project is Microsoft™ Windows®-compatible only, then extensions should be ~.cpp~ / ~.hpp~. If the project is compatible with any UNIX®-like operating system, ~.cxx~ / ~.hxx~ or ~.cc~ / ~.hh~ should be the prefered extensions.
- - Compilation-generated object files should be of the ~.c.o~, ~.cxx.o~, ~.cc.o~ or ~.cpp.o~ corresponding to the correct extensions.
- - All files should follow the UNIX® case formatting, including only lowercase alphabetical letters (~a-z~), underscores (~_~) and dots (~.~). Numbers are not allowed.
- - Compilation-generated object files should have the same pre-extension basename as its the corresponding source file.
- - Working on a *program*, every source file should have its own header file. The pre-extension basenames names should be corresponding. Orphan header files are tolerated.
- - Source files should be composed of two parts:
- - An index letter followed by an underscore (~_~). An index letters list should be found in an info comment under the main function. The index letter should be consistent.
- - A single explicit word describing the file's purpose.
- - Example of what a source file should look like: ~g_inventory.cxx~. Its corresponding header file should be ~g_inventory.hxx~ and its compilation-generated object file should be ~g_inventory.cxx.o~. In our case, ~g_~ may be described under the main function as gameplay-related.
- - ~.txt~ format is pointless and forbidden.
- - Don't forget a LICENSE and a README. Prefer org-mode or markdown for README if the project is going to be published on platforms such as GitLab or GitHub. Therefore extensions should be ~.org~ or ~.md~. You can add a copy of the README without extension properly formatted to be displayed in a terminal or platforms that do not handle org-mode or markdown.
-** Makefile
- - The project should always contain at least one makefile.
- - There can be more more than one makefile per projects but only one by subdirectories.
- - The makefile should be in lowercases only with a capital "M": ~Makefile~.
- - The main makefile should contain at least the 3 rules:
- - ~all~
- - ~clean~
- - ~install~
- - Makefiles should not relink upon successful compilation.
- - The main makefile should contain rules to compile any sub makefiles with the ~tools~ rule.
- - All compiled binaries and libraries should be in the root of the project repository, next to the main makefile.
-** Compilation
- - The compiler of choice for released binaries should be ~clang~ for C and ~clang++~ for C++.
- - The program should compile with ~gcc~ or ~g++~ as well, so test those often.
- - C standard of choice should be ~C89~.
- - C++ standard of choice should be ~C++98~.
- - ~C99~ is tolerated sometimes but ~C89~ should always be this first choice.
- - Standard compiler flags should be:
- - ~-std=c89~ for C or ~-std=c99~ for C++.
- - ~-Wall~
- - ~-Wextra~
- - ~-Werror~
- - ~-pedantic~
- - When including external libraries, additional ~-Wno-~\x X flags may be added to mute external warnings generated by them, for example if one library uses a more recent standard.
- - Example: ~-Wno-long-long~ if your library uses ~long long~'s. You will then have to be careful not using ~long long~'s in your code.
- - Released binaries should never be compiled with ~-g~\x X options.
- - The program should run without any issue with the ~-fsanitize=address~ or ~-fsanitize=memory~ options engaged. Test those often.
- - Dynamic linking is prefearable.
-** Editors
-No specific editor should be imposed over another, you should always pick the
-one you feel the more comfortable with. However some of them are malicious
-spyware that should never be recommanded.
-Here is a non-exhaustive list of recommanded or banished programs:
- - *Recommanded*:
- - vi® / vim® and variants
- - GNU Emacs®
- - ee®
- - joe® and variants
- - *banished*:
- - Microsoft™ VSCode®
- - Microsoft™ Atom®
- - JetBrains™ IntelliJ® variants
-** Version control
- - Prefer ~fossil~ over ~git~. Using ~fossil~'s builtin function to mirror repository to ~git~ is fine.
- - The repository should only contain files necessary to the compilation, execution or documentation of the program.
- - The repository root should not contain anything else than the project's main makefile, LICENSE, README and subdirectories.