path: root/src/update
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/update')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/src/update/gitjoe.pl b/src/update/gitjoe.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index bb668b2..0000000
--- a/src/update/gitjoe.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Term::ANSIColor;
-use File::Copy;
-use Capture::Tiny;
-use constant {
- TMP_DIR => '/tmp/gitjoe/',
- SITE_DIR => '/usr/local/www/gitjoe/'
-sub get_repos_index {
- my $user = $_[0];
- my $home_dir = '/usr/home/' . $user . '/';
- opendir(DIR, $home_dir);
- my @repos;
- my $i = 0;
- while (my $dir = readdir(DIR)) {
- next if ($dir =~ m/^\./);
- next if (!(-e $home_dir . $dir . '/git-daemon-export-ok'));
- $repos[$i] = $dir;
- $i += 1;
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- my @sorted_repos = sort @repos;
- return @sorted_repos;
-sub stagit_generate {
- my ($user, @repos) = @_;
- my $home_dir = '/usr/home/' . $user . '/';
- chdir(TMP_DIR);
- mkdir($user . '/', 0755);
- my $i = 0;
- my $repos_line = "";
- copy(SITE_DIR . 'css/gitjoe.css', './' . $user . '/style.css');
- copy(SITE_DIR . 'img/logo.png', './' . $user . '/logo.png');
- while ($i < @repos) {
- chdir(TMP_DIR . $user . '/');
- $repos_line = $repos_line . ' ' . $home_dir . $repos[$i] . '/';
- substr($repos[$i], -4) = "";
- mkdir($repos[$i] . '/', 0755);
- chdir(TMP_DIR . $user . '/' . $repos[$i] . '/');
- $repos[$i] = $repos[$i] . '.git';
- print "Indexing " . colored($user . '/' . $repos[$i], 'bold') . ".\n";
- system(
- '/usr/local/bin/stagit',
- $home_dir . $repos[$i] . '/'
- );
- copy('../style.css', './style.css');
- copy('../logo.png', './logo.png');
- $i += 1;
- }
- chdir(TMP_DIR . $user . '/');
- system(
- '/usr/local/bin/dash',
- '-c',
- '/usr/local/bin/stagit-index ' . $repos_line . '>index.html'
- );
- system(
- '/usr/local/bin/dash',
- '-c',
- "/usr/local/bin/gsed -i 's/<td>" . $user . "<\\/td>/<td class=\"td_author\">" . $user . "<\\/td>/g' index.html"
- );
- system(
- '/usr/local/bin/dash',
- '-c',
- "/usr/local/bin/gsed -i 's/<td><span class=\"desc\">Repositories<\\/span><\\/td>/<td><span class=\"desc\"><h1>" . $user . " - Repositories<\\/h1><\\/span><\\/td><\\/tr><tr><td><\\/td><td>Back to <a href=\"https:\\/\\/git.jozanofastora.xyz\\/\">GitJoe<\\/a><\\/td><\\/tr>/' index.html"
- );
- system(
- '/usr/local/bin/dash',
- '-c',
- "/usr/local/bin/gsed -i 's/log.html/files.html/g' index.html"
- );
- return;
-sub main {
- my $home_dir = '/usr/home/';
- my @users;
- opendir(DIR, $home_dir);
- my $i = 0;
- while (my $dir = readdir(DIR)) {
- next if ($dir eq 'git-ro');
- next if ($dir =~ m/^\./);
- $users[$i] = $dir;
- $i += 1;
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- $i = 0;
- mkdir(TMP_DIR, 0755);
- while ($i < @users) {
- my @repos = get_repos_index($users[$i]);
- stagit_generate($users[$i], @repos);
- print "Removing user " . colored($users[$i], 'bold green') . " old directory from " . colored(SITE_DIR, 'bold') . ".\n";
- system(
- '/bin/rm',
- '-rf',
- SITE_DIR . $users[$i]
- );
- print "Moving user " . colored($users[$i], 'bold green') . " newly generated directory to " . colored(SITE_DIR, 'bold') . ".\n";
- move(TMP_DIR . $users[$i], SITE_DIR . $users[$i]);
- $i += 1;
- }
- rmdir(TMP_DIR);
- print "Updated GitJoe index.\n";
- exit;