# hardflip The best TUI tool to connect to your distant hosts. For Linux/BSD. Might work on macOS. ## Dependencies Install those if you need them: + `sshpass` if you are using passwords with SSH (honnestly use keys instead) + `xfreerdp` for RDP. Called `freerdp2-x11` on some distros + `openstack` for OpenStack CLI + `gpg` to crypt passwords. You can store them in plain text if you prefer but I wouldn't recommend that option + `go` + GNU `make` ## Install To install `hardflip`, run those commands in your shell: ```sh git clone git://gitjoe.xyz/jozan/hardflip cd hardflip make sudo make install make clean ``` Change this line: ```make DEST := /usr ``` if you want to install stuff some other place Example: ```make DEST := /usr/local ``` will install bin and man in the `/usr/local/bin` `/usr/local/share/man/...` dirs BSD style. ## Config Configuration files will be stored in your `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hf` directory which will be created if not found. Your need read and write accesses to your `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` dir. If `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set on your system, the program will use `$HOME/.config/hf` as a config directory instead. If `$HOME` is unset, the program will not load and return an error. ### `config.yml` This is the main options files. You can reload the options on-the-go with `Ctrl+r` in `hf`. Here are some options: + `icons`: (`bool`) shows or not icons + `loop`: (`bool`) the program will run again after exiting the host you connected to + `gpg`: (`string`) the gpg key ID you set at first boot. It is used to encrypt passwords. If set to **"plain"**, passwords will be stored in plaintext. I don't recommend this at all but you might not care + `percent`: (`bool`) shows percent of hosts the cursor is on in the bottom right of the window + `terminal`: (`string`) will spawn the command to connect to your host in a new instance of your set terminal. It was intended to `setsid` the connection in a new terminal, allowing you to still be using the same `hf` while connected to one or several of your hosts. Turns out I can't code that it doesn't work at all, just leave that unset + `default_ssh_priv`: (`string`) default SSH private key path. It will be entered by default when adding a new SSH host or jump, saving a ton of time. Of course it can be changed when adding the host. Leave empty if you don't have a main key ### `colors.yml` Colors for different elements are defined in the `CONFIG_DIR/colors.yml`. Name of the elements speak by themselves. Here are the available colors (for now): + **default** + **black** + **red** + **green** + **yellow** + **blue** + **magenta** + **cyan** + **white** + **gray** + **boldblack** + **boldred** + **boldgreen** + **boldyellow** + **boldblue** + **boldmagenta** + **boldcyan** + **boldwhite** + **boldgray** ## Data The data files are stored in your `$XDG_DATA_HOME/hf` directory which will be created if not found. Your need read and write accesses to your `$XDG_DATA_HOME` dir. If `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is not set on your system, the program will use `$HOME/.local/share/hf` as a data directory instead. Added hosts are stored as `.yml` files. It is not recommended to edit them directly even though you can if you want. Remember to use `Ctrl+r` to reload your data files if you're still running `hardflip`. Beware that this will also reload your config and colors files. ## Usage ## Next Check `ROADMAP.md` to see the intended upgrades for `hardflip`. VNC hosts and fuzzysearch are big ones. But that's pretty much it. Enjoy.