#+TITLE: go2work *go2work* is a small command-line program to help you get up in the morning so you can work. It is very inspired from [[https://github.com/jahendrie/shalarm][shalarm]]. I made *go2work* originally to learn the Go programming language and also because ~shalarm~ didn't work out of the box on FreeBSD. *go2work* has several options and is configurable though a configuration file. Refer to #+BEGIN_SRC shell man go2work #+END_SRC to get a list of all options. * Dependencies - Go - GNU Make * Installation You can get *go2work* through ~git~. The installation is straight forward: #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone git://jozanofastora.xyz/jozan/go2work.git cd go2work make sudo make install clean #+END_SRC Note that on BSD systems you want to use ~gmake~ instead of ~make~: #+BEGIN_SRC shell gmake sudo gmake install clean #+END_SRC * Configuration and usage Here is the default configuration file path: ~/usr/local/etc/go2work/go2work.toml~ It is recommanded to copy it right away to ~~~/.config/go2work/go2work.toml~. *go2work* will search for configuration files in this order of importance: ~$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/go2work/go2work.toml~ ~$HOME/.config/go2work/go2work.toml~ ~/usr/local/etc/go2work/go2work.toml~ It is highly recommanded to test your configuration first. Here are some examples of usage. Given time must always be in 24 hours format. When planning to wake up at 06:30 A.M use: #+BEGIN_SRC shell go2work 06:30 #+END_SRC or this will work as well. #+BEGIN_SRC shell go2work 6:30 #+END_SRC * Uninstall If you are unhappy with *go2work* because you don't like to work, navigate to the ~go2work/~ directory and run the following command: #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo make uninstall #+END_SRC Or on BSD systems with ~gmake~: #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo gmake uninstall #+END_SRC * End note Go is fun to learn and play with. I might continue developping *go2work* in the future by adding a full TUI and more options but this is uncertain. Please note that *go2work* was tested only on FreeBSD and Linux at the moment. macOS is not supported but should work just fine, Windows probably won't work at all. You can report any bug at /bousset.rudy@gmail.com/ or on GitHub at [[https://github.com/JozanLeClerc/go2work/issues][github.com/JozanLeClerc/go2work/issues]]. Thanks for checking *go2work*