About GitJoe

This website is a public front-end for me and my pals' sweetest repositories, hosted here on this server!

Check out insane code from GitJoe users in the index tab right now!

Why being on GitJoe?

Is what you're looking for is free, BSD-powered, BSD-licensed, uncensored, ad-free, untracked, analytics-free, telemetry-free, unbloated, JavaScript-free and fancy-framework-free git repo hosting, then GitJoe is just the right thing for you!

I've been running this git server for a full year now and it has been very stable, it'll keep serving as long as I pay for this VPS and it's pretty cheap so no worries. If you value your code and your privacy, you're in the right place.

How to be on GitJoe?

You can become a GitJoe user right now by getting in touch with me via email directly: bousset.rudy@gmail.com or through one of these links.
