From 79109dcebe6efb20092fa1361f43dead5e8b925b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe
- This website is my public front-end for me and my
- pals most sweet repositories, hosted here on this server!
- If you too want your free, BSD-powered, BSD-licensed, uncensored,
- ad-free, untracked, analytics-free, telemetry-free,
- unbloated, JavaScript-free and fancy-framework-free
- git repo hosting, get in touch with me with one of these
- links
- or my email directly:
- About GitJoe
- Check out insane code from GitJoe users bellow right now!
-How to be on GitJoe?
-GitJoe users repositories
+ This website is my public front-end for me and my
+ pals most sweet repositories, hosted here on this server!
+ Check out insane code from GitJoe users bellow right now!
+ If you too want your free, BSD-powered, BSD-licensed, uncensored, + ad-free, untracked, analytics-free, telemetry-free, + unbloated, JavaScript-free and fancy-framework-free + git repo hosting, get in touch with me with one of these + links + or my email directly: +