diff options
authordfuehrer <dfuehrer@email.arizona.edu>2021-03-14 04:16:28 -0700
committerdfuehrer <dfuehrer@email.arizona.edu>2021-03-14 04:16:28 -0700
commitd45328c4442d0bc02550670e9ec401040b0f0938 (patch)
parentmerged with master (diff)
finally actually fixed the blocks dissappearing problem completely
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 64 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index 8bd92b9..76d24f1 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -10,7 +10,16 @@ static const Block blocks[] = {
/* {"", "volume", 0, 10}, */
/* {"", "internet", 5, 4}, */
{"", "stalonetray.sh", 0, 27},
+ /* {"?", "sleep 2s && date", 1, 8}, */
{"", "cpupercent.sh", 1, 19},
{"", "battery", 5, 3},
{"", "clock", 1, 1},
+//Sets delimiter between status commands. NULL character ('\0') means no delimiter.
+static char *delim = "|";
+// Have dwmblocks automatically recompile and run when you edit this file in
+// vim with the following line in your vimrc/init.vim:
+// autocmd BufWritePost ~/.local/src/dwmblocks/config.h !cd ~/.local/src/dwmblocks/; sudo make install && { killall -q dwmblocks;setsid dwmblocks & }
diff --git a/dwmblocks.c b/dwmblocks.c
index 26ca6b0..ad5f379 100644
--- a/dwmblocks.c
+++ b/dwmblocks.c
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
-#define LENGTH(X) (sizeof(X) / sizeof (X[0]))
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#define LENGTH(X) (sizeof(X) / sizeof (X[0]))
#define CMDLENGTH 50
typedef struct {
@@ -42,23 +43,21 @@ static void (*writestatus) () = setroot;
void replace(char *str, char old, char new)
- int N = strlen(str);
- for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- if(str[i] == old)
- str[i] = new;
+ for(char * c = str; *c; c++)
+ if(*c == old)
+ *c = new;
+// the previous function looked nice but unfortunately it didnt work if to_remove was in any position other than the last character
+// theres probably still a better way of doing this
void remove_all(char *str, char to_remove) {
char *read = str;
char *write = str;
- while (*read) {
- if (*read == to_remove) {
- read++;
- *write = *read;
- }
- read++;
- write++;
- }
+ do {
+ while (*read == to_remove) read++;
+ *write++ = *read;
+ read++;
+ } while (*(read-1));
//opens process *cmd and stores output in *output
@@ -69,21 +68,38 @@ void getcmd(const Block *block, char *output)
output[0] = block->signal;
- strcpy(output, block->icon);
char *cmd = block->command;
FILE *cmdf = popen(cmd,"r");
- if (!cmdf)
+ if (!cmdf){
+ //printf("failed to run: %s, %d\n", block->command, errno);
- char c;
+ }
+ char tmpstr[CMDLENGTH] = "";
+ // TODO decide whether its better to use the last value till next time or just keep trying while the error was the interrupt
+ // this keeps trying to read if it got nothing and the error was and interrupt
+ // could also just read to a separate buffer and not move the data over if interrupted
+ // this way will take longer trying to complete 1 thing but will get it done
+ // the other way will move on to keep going with everything and the part that failed to read will be wrong till its updated again
+ // either way you have to save the data to a temp buffer because when it fails it writes nothing and then then it gets displayed before this finishes
+ char * s;
+ int e;
+ do {
+ s = fgets(tmpstr, CMDLENGTH-(strlen(delim)+1), cmdf);
+ e = errno;
+ } while (!s && e == EINTR);
+ // this is equivalent but less readable and stuff
+ //while(!fgets(tmpstr, CMDLENGTH-(strlen(delim)+1), cmdf) && errno == EINTR);
+ pclose(cmdf);
int i = strlen(block->icon);
- fgets(output+i, CMDLENGTH-(strlen(delim)+1), cmdf);
+ strcpy(output, block->icon);
+ strcpy(output+i, tmpstr);
remove_all(output, '\n');
i = strlen(output);
- if ((i > 0 && block != &blocks[LENGTH(blocks) - 1]))
+ if ((i > 0 && block != &blocks[LENGTH(blocks) - 1])){
strcat(output, delim);
+ }
output[i++] = '\0';
- pclose(cmdf);
void getcmds(int time)
@@ -179,28 +195,26 @@ void statusloop()
#ifndef __OpenBSD__
- int i = 0;
- int previ = -1;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
int gotscrewed = 0;
struct timespec sleeptime = {1, 0};
- struct timespec left;
+ struct timespec tosleep = sleeptime;
- if(i != previ){
- getcmds(i);
- writestatus();
+ // sleep for tosleep (should be a sleeptime of 1s) and put what was left if interrupted back into tosleep
+ gotscrewed = nanosleep(&tosleep, &tosleep);
+ // if interrupted then just go sleep again for the remaining time
+ if(gotscrewed == -1){
+ continue;
- gotscrewed = nanosleep(&sleeptime, &left);
- previ = i;
- /* long diff = (left.tv_sec + (left.tv_nsec + 500000000l) / 1000000000l); */
- /* i += 1 - diff; */
- if(gotscrewed != -1){
- i++;
- /* }else{ */
- /* printf("sec and nanosec left: %d, %d", left.tv_sec, left.tv_nsec); */
- }
+ // if not interrupted then do the calling and writing
+ getcmds(i);
+ writestatus();
+ // then increment since its actually been a second (plus the time it took the commands to run)
+ i++;
+ // set the time to sleep back to the sleeptime of 1s
+ tosleep = sleeptime;