Joe's dwm (the dynamic window manager) build The original dwm build I used to run. Based on version 6.2. Dependencies ------------ Required: --------- - A C compiler - make - xorg - libX11 - libXft Optional: --------- - st - dmenu Installation ------------ To install this open a terminal and run these commands: $ git clone git:// $ cd dwm $ make # make install clean To use it as a default WM, if you are using xinit, add this to your .xinitrc: exec dwm Bindings -------- Some of the main key bindings: - switch to workspace 1-12 with super+{F1-F12} - move selected stack to workspace 1-12 with super+shift+{F1-F12} - fire up st terminal with super+return - kill selected stack with super+q - cycle through stacks down/up with super+j/k - move selected stack down/up with super+shift+j/k - resize master stack to left/right with super+h/l - invoke dmenu_run application launcher with super+p - toggle better tiled mode with super+s - toggle alternative tiled mode with super+shift+s - toggle normal tiled mode with super+t - toggle fullscreen mode on selected stack with super+f - toggle floating mode on selected stack with super+space - toggle top bar with super+b. Hidden by default - restart dwm with super+shift+r - exit dwm with super+shift+e Patches ------- List of patches in use: - actualfullscreen - alwayscenter - alwaysfullscreen - attachasideandbelow - fibonacci - focusonclick - nmaster - moveresize - movestack - noborder - nodmenu - pertag - restartsig - sizehints - switchtotag - tagothermon My own autostart script can be found under my dotfiles-bsd repository: It should be placed in ~/.config/dwm directory.