path: root/applied/dwm-nrowgrid-6.1.diff
diff options
authorJoe <rbo@gmx.us>2024-12-19 15:06:27 +0100
committerJoe <rbo@gmx.us>2024-12-19 15:06:27 +0100
commit03765f41f101502e9825047419fa9d8667e710ea (patch)
treecef6445d9c3df3081aed9f8cd28555ecfd88e401 /applied/dwm-nrowgrid-6.1.diff
parentconflict (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applied/dwm-nrowgrid-6.1.diff b/applied/dwm-nrowgrid-6.1.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e6505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applied/dwm-nrowgrid-6.1.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Author: Chris Noxz <chris@noxz.tech>
+diff -upN dwm-6.1/config.def.h dwm-nrowgrid-6.1/config.def.h
+--- dwm-6.1/config.def.h 2015-11-08 23:11:48.000000000 +0100
++++ dwm-nrowgrid-6.1/config.def.h 2018-10-01 10:44:05.631382842 +0200
+@@ -34,11 +34,15 @@ static const float mfact = 0.55; /*
+ static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
+ static const int resizehints = 1; /* 1 means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
++#define FORCE_VSPLIT 1
++#include "nrowgrid.c"
+ static const Layout layouts[] = {
+ /* symbol arrange function */
+ { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
+ { "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
+ { "[M]", monocle },
++ { "###", nrowgrid },
+ };
+ /* key definitions */
+diff -upN dwm-6.1/nrowgrid.c dwm-nrowgrid-6.1/nrowgrid.c
+--- dwm-6.1/nrowgrid.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ dwm-nrowgrid-6.1/nrowgrid.c 2018-10-01 10:44:27.741263063 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++nrowgrid(Monitor *m)
++ unsigned int n = 0, i = 0, ri = 0, ci = 0; /* counters */
++ unsigned int cx, cy, cw, ch; /* client geometry */
++ unsigned int uw = 0, uh = 0, uc = 0; /* utilization trackers */
++ unsigned int cols, rows = m->nmaster + 1;
++ Client *c;
++ /* count clients */
++ for (c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), n++);
++ /* nothing to do here */
++ if (n == 0)
++ return;
++ /* force 2 clients to always split vertically */
++ if (FORCE_VSPLIT && n == 2)
++ rows = 1;
++ /* never allow empty rows */
++ if (n < rows)
++ rows = n;
++ /* define first row */
++ cols = n / rows;
++ uc = cols;
++ cy = m->wy;
++ ch = m->wh / rows;
++ uh = ch;
++ for (c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), i++, ci++) {
++ if (ci == cols) {
++ uw = 0;
++ ci = 0;
++ ri++;
++ /* next row */
++ cols = (n - uc) / (rows - ri);
++ uc += cols;
++ cy = m->wy + uh;
++ ch = (m->wh - uh) / (rows - ri);
++ uh += ch;
++ }
++ cx = m->wx + uw;
++ cw = (m->ww - uw) / (cols - ci);
++ uw += cw;
++ resize(c, cx, cy, cw - 2 * c->bw, ch - 2 * c->bw, 0);
++ }