path: root/README.org
diff options
authorJozanLeClerc <bousset.rudy@gmail.com>2019-11-19 00:16:11 +0100
committerJozanLeClerc <bousset.rudy@gmail.com>2019-11-19 00:16:11 +0100
commit94d49e36e0335002664143af47765792d2124f88 (patch)
treee1c66197ca964a7eb625e53d212763bcf8ac53cb /README.org
parentDeleted README.md (diff)
README update, and it's org mode
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215595c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+* Joe's dwm (the dynamic window manager) build
+The original [[https://dwm.suckless.org/][dwm]] desktop manager build I used to run.
+Based on version 6.2.
+As I am not using dwm anymore, developpement on my build might be stuck on this version.
+** Dependencies
+**** Required:
+ - ~gcc~
+ - ~make~
+ - ~xorg~
+ - ~libX11~
+ - ~libXft~
+**** Optional:
+ - ~st~ find my custom improved build [[https://github.com/JozanLeClerc/st][here]]
+ - ~slock~
+ - ~dmenu~
+** Installation
+To install this open a terminal and run these commands:
+#+BEGIN_SRC shell
+git clone https://github.com/JozanLeClerc/dwm-laptop.git
+cd dwm-laptop
+sudo make clean install
+To use it as a default WM, if you are using xinit, add this to your ~.xinitrc~:
+#+BEGIN_SRC shell
+exec dwm
+I am not shure about how to set it up on regular desktop managers like ~gdm~ or ~lightdm~.
+** Bindings
+*"Window"* or *"tile"* is being called *"stack"* in this segment as it an apropriate name.
+Some of the main key bindings:
+- *switch* to workspace 1-10 with ~super+{F1-F10}~
+- *show all workspaces* at once with ~super+F12~
+- *move* selected stack to workspace 1-10 with ~super+shift+{F1-F10}~
+- *fire up* ~st~ terminal with ~super+return~. See how to set it to another terminal emulator in [[#optional-config][optional config]]
+- *kill* selected stack with ~super+q~
+- *cycle through* stacks down/up with ~super+j/k~
+- *move* selected stack down/up with ~super+shift+j/k~
+- *resize* master stack to left/right with ~super+h/l~
+- *invoke* ~dmenu_run~ application launcher with ~super+p~. Get it [[https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/][here]]
+- *invoke* ~slock~ screen locker with ~super+shift+l~. Get it [[https://tools.suckless.org/slock/][here]]
+- *invoke* ~qutebrowser~ if installed with ~super+3~. See how to set it up to your favorite web browser in [[#optional-config][optional config]]
+- toggle *normal tiled mode* with ~super+s~
+- toggle *alternative tiled mode* with ~super+shift+s~
+- toggle *maximized mode* (monocle) on selected stack with ~super+f~
+- toggle *floating mode* on selected stack with ~super+space~
+- toggle *top bar* with ~super+escape~. Hidden by default
+- *exit* dwm with ~super+shift+e~
+** Optional config
+You might want to change my ~st~ invocation to your terminal emulator of choice.
+To do exactly this change:
+static const char *termcmd[] = { "st", NULL };
+static const char *termcmd[] = { "your-beloved-terminal-emulator", NULL };
+in ~config.h~ on *line 80*.
+To change web browser:
+static const char *qbcmd[] = { "qutebrowser", NULL };
+static const char *qbcmd[] = { "your-favorite-web-browser", NULL };
+in ~config.h~ on *line 81*.
+** Patches
+List of patches in use:
+- ~singularborders~
+- ~alwaysfullscreen~
+- ~autostart~
+- ~bottmstack~
+- ~fakefullscreen~
+- ~fibonacci~
+- ~focusurgent~
+- ~movestack~
+- ~noborder~
+- ~pertag~
+- ~systray~
+** More
+Thanks for checking my custom ~dwm~ build.
+My own autostart script can be found under my [[https://github.com/JozanLeClerc/dotfiles][dotfiles]] repository. It should be placed in ~~/.dwm~ directory.