# vcal
#	This script searches a file and displays records in a VCALENDAR
#	(ICALENDAR) entry.
#	Written by:  Wayne Morrison  (wayne@waynemorrison.com)
#	Revision History:
#		1.0	Initial version.
#		2.0	Added -mh and -version options.
#		2.1	Modified the ordering of name lists.
#			Aligned name list columns.
#		2.2	Changed -version to -Version.			100530
#		2.3	Case-insensitive checking for "mailto".		120721
#			Suggestion from Dr.-Ing. Torsten Finke.
#			(torsten.finke@igh-essen.com)
#		2.4	Parse location field.				150521
#			Suggestion and patch from Beat Vontobel.
#			(b.vontobel@meteonews.ch)
#		2.5	A file of '-' reads from STDIN.			150605
#			Suggestion and patch from Ivo Ihrke.
#			(ivo.ihrke@inria.fr)
#		2.6	parsetime() changes for UTC and timezone.	150605
#			Suggestion and patch from Matthias Gay.
#			(gay.matthias@gmail.com)
#		2.7	Fixed duplicated summary error.			150606
#			Removed carriage returns and language
#			markers from the lines.
#		2.8	Added license sections.				180526
#	Copyright 2009-2018 Wayne Morrison
#	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#	You may obtain a copy of the License at
#	    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#	limitations under the License.

use strict;

use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case_always);

# Version information.
my $NAME   = "vcal";
my $VERS   = "$NAME version: 2.7";

# Data required for command line options.
my %options = ();                       # Filled option array.
my @opts =
	"all",				# Display all records.
	"chair",			# Display meeting chair.
	"description",			# Display description.
	"end",				# Display end time.
	"location",			# Display location.
	"optional",			# Display required participants.
	"organizer",			# Display organizer.
	"participants",			# Display participants.
	"raw",				# Display raw data.
	"required",			# Display required participants.
	"scheduled",			# Display scheduled time.
	"start",			# Display start time.
	"summary",			# Display summary.

	"mh",				# Examine a file in the MH directory.

	"help",				# Help request.
	"Version",			# Version request.

my $allflag	= 0;
my $chairflag	= 0;
my $descrflag	= 0;
my $endflag	= 0;
my $orgflag	= 0;
my $locflag     = 0;
my $partoptflag	= 0;
my $partreqflag	= 0;
my $partsflag	= 0;
my $rawflag	= 0;
my $schedflag	= 0;
my $startflag	= 0;
my $summaryflag	= 0;

my $mhflag	= 0;

my $numopts = 0;			# Count of specific-field options.

# Command used by -mh.
my $MHPATH = "/usr/local/nmh/bin/mhpath";


# All our vcalendar/icalendar data.
my @vcalend	= ();

# Parsed vcalendar/icalendar data.
my @chairs	= ();			# Event chairs.
my @descrs	= ();			# Descriptions.
my @locations	= ();			# Locations.
my @organizers	= ();			# CEvent organizers.
my @partopts	= ();			# Optional participants.
my @partreqs	= ();			# Required participants.
my @summaries	= ();			# Summaries.

my $starter	= "";			# Event start.
my $ender	= "";			# Event end.
my $scheduled	= "";			# Event schedule time.

my $longaddrlen = -1;			# Length of longest email address.


# Let 'er rip.

# Routine:      main()
sub main
	my $fcnt = 0;					# Files left to check.
	my $ind;					# Loop index.

	# Check our options.

	# Give a usage message if there aren't any input files.
	$fcnt = @ARGV;
	usage() if($fcnt < 1);

	# Check the input files for vcalendar data.
	for($ind=0; $ind < $fcnt; $ind++)
		my $fn = shift @ARGV;			# Get the next file.

		# Initialize a bunch of data.
		@vcalend    = ();
		@chairs	    = ();
		@descrs	    = ();
		@locations  = ();
		@organizers = ();
		@partopts   = ();
		@partreqs   = ();
		@summaries  = ();
		$ender	    = "";
		$scheduled  = "";
		$starter    = "";

		# Parse the file.

		if(@ARGV > 0)
			print "\n--------------------------------\n\n";

# Routine:      doopts()
# Purpose:      This routine deals with the command's options.
sub doopts
	# Check our options.
	GetOptions(\%options,@opts) || usage();
	$allflag     = $options{'all'};
	$chairflag   = $options{'chair'};
	$descrflag   = $options{'description'};
	$locflag     = $options{'location'};
	$orgflag     = $options{'organizer'};
	$partsflag   = $options{'participants'};
	$partreqflag = $options{'required'};
	$partoptflag = $options{'optional'};
	$schedflag   = $options{'scheduled'};
	$startflag   = $options{'start'};
	$summaryflag = $options{'summary'};
	$endflag     = $options{'end'};
	$rawflag     = $options{'raw'};

	$mhflag	     = $options{'mh'};

	# Show the usage message if requested.
	usage() if(defined($options{'help'}));

	# Show the usage message if requested.
	version() if(defined($options{'Version'}));

	# If -all was given, set all the flags (except rawflag.)
		$chairflag	= 1;
		$descrflag	= 1;
		$endflag	= 1;
		$locflag	= 1;
		$orgflag	= 1;
		$partoptflag	= 1;
		$partreqflag	= 1;
		$schedflag	= 1;
		$startflag	= 1;
		$summaryflag	= 1;

	# If -participants was given, we'll set the two specific
	# participants flags.
		$partreqflag = 1;
		$partoptflag = 1;

	# Figure out how many field-specific options were set.
	$numopts = $chairflag	+ $descrflag	+ $orgflag	+
		   $partreqflag	+ $partoptflag	+ $schedflag	+
		   $startflag	+ $summaryflag	+ $endflag	+

	# Set our default display if no options were given.
	if($numopts == 0)
		$startflag	= 1;
		$endflag	= 1;
		$summaryflag	= 1;

# Routine:      dofile()
sub dofile
	my $fn = shift;

	# If -mh was given, we'll get the file from the MH directory.
		my $out;				# Command output.
		my $ret;				# Command return code.

		# Ensure the file exists in the MH directory.  We'll use this
		# quiet version in case the file doesn't exist.
		`MHPATH $fn > /dev/null 2>&1`;
		if($? != 0)
			print "error:  unable to read \"$fn\" from MH directory\n";

		# Get the file's actual path.
		$out =`$MHPATH $fn`;

		# Adjust the name of the input file.
		chomp $out;
		$fn = $out;

	# Get the vcalendar data from the file.
	return if(getvcalend($fn) < 0);

	# Print requested data.

# Routine:      getvcalend()
sub getvcalend
	my $fn = shift;				# Input file.

	my @vctmp = ();				# Temporary vcalendar data.
	my $contents = "";			# File contents.
	my $linecnt;				# Count of lines.
	my $ind;				# Loop index.

	my $found = 0;				# Vcalendar-found flag.

	# Get the vcalendar data.  If a dash was given as the filename,
	# we'll read the data from stdin instead of a file.
	if($fn eq '-')
		@vctmp = <STDIN>;
		# Make sure the file exists and is readable.
		if((! -f $fn) || (! -r $fn))
			print "error:  unable to read \"$fn\"\n";

		# Get the contents of the file.
		@vctmp = <VCARD>;

	# Save the line count of the vcalendar data.
	$linecnt = @vctmp;

	# Plop all the file's lines into a single line.  We'll mess around
	# with some of the lines a bit:
	#	- unfold the split lines into single lines
	#	- delete the X-LOTUS lines
	$contents = join("", @vctmp);
	$contents =~ s/\n[ \t]//gm;
	$contents =~ s/^X-LOTUS.*\n//gm;

	# Build a new array filled with vcalendar goodness.
	@vctmp = split /\n/, $contents;

	# Copy the vcalendar data to our real vcalendar array.
	$linecnt = @vctmp;
	for($ind=0; $ind < $linecnt; $ind++)
		# Set a found flag if we've found the start of the vcalendar.
		if($vctmp[$ind] =~ /BEGIN\:VCALENDAR/)
			$found = 1;

		# Drop out if we're at the end of the vcalendar data.
		if($vctmp[$ind] =~ /END\:VCALENDAR/)
			push @vcalend, $vctmp[$ind];

		# Save this line if we're in the vcalendar data.
		push @vcalend, $vctmp[$ind] if($found);

	# Make sure we found some vcalendar data.
	if($found == 0)
		print "error:  no vcalendar data in \"$fn\"\n";


# Routine:      listraw()
sub listraw
	foreach my $line (@vcalend)
		print "$line\n";

# Routine:      listfields()
sub listfields
	foreach my $line (@vcalend)
		my $txt = "";

		# To start, we'll remove carriage returns and language
		# markers from the line.
		$line =~ s/
		$line =~ s/LANGUAGE=(.*?)://g;

		if($chairflag &&
		   ($line =~ /^ATTENDEE/) &&
		   ($line =~ /ROLE=CHAIR/))
			$txt = getname($line);
			push @chairs, $txt;

		if($orgflag && ($line =~ /^ORGANIZER/))
			$txt = getname($line);
			push @organizers, $txt;

		if($locflag && ($line =~ /^LOCATION/))
			$txt = getdescr($line);
			push @locations, $txt;

		if($partoptflag && ($line =~ /ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT/))
			$txt = getname($line);
			push @partopts, $txt;

		if($partreqflag && ($line =~ /ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT/))
			$txt = getname($line);
			push @partreqs, $txt;

		if($descrflag && ($line =~ /^DESCRIPTION/))
			$txt = getdescr($line);
			push @descrs, $txt;

		if($startflag && ($line =~ /^DTSTART/))
			$starter = parsetime($line);

		if($endflag && ($line =~ /^DTEND/))
			$ender = parsetime($line);

		if($schedflag && ($line =~ /^DTSTAMP/))
			$scheduled = parsetime($line);

		if($summaryflag && ($line =~ /^SUMMARY/))
			$txt = getsumm($line);
			push @summaries, $txt;


		print "event start:  $starter\n";

		print "event end:    $ender\n";

		print "event scheduled:    $scheduled\n";

	print "\n" if($startflag || $endflag || $schedflag);

		print "summary:    $scheduled\n";
		foreach my $sum (@summaries)
			my @lines;

			@lines = split /\\n/, $sum;
			foreach my $ln (@lines)
				print "\t$ln\n";
			print "\n";

	if($locflag && (@locations > 0))
		print "event location:\n";
		foreach my $desc (@locations)
			my @lines;

			@lines = split /\\n/, $desc;
			foreach my $ln (@lines)
				print "\t$ln\n";
			print "\n";
		print "\n";

	if($chairflag && (@chairs > 0))
		print "event chair:\n";
		foreach my $name (sort(@chairs))
		print "\n";

	if($orgflag && (@organizers > 0))
		print "event organizer:\n";
		foreach my $name (sort(@organizers))
		print "\n";

	if($partreqflag && (@partreqs > 0))
		print "required participants:\n";
		foreach my $name (sort(@partreqs))
		print "\n";

	if($partoptflag && (@partopts > 0))
		print "optional participants:\n";
		foreach my $name (sort(@partopts))
		print "\n";

	if($descrflag && (@descrs > 0))
		print "description:\n";
		foreach my $desc (@descrs)
			my @lines;

			@lines = split /\\n/, $desc;
			foreach my $ln (@lines)
				print "\t$ln\n";
			print "\n";


# Routine:      dispname()
sub dispname
	my $namestr = shift;			# Name/addr string.
	my $name;				# Real name.
	my $addr;				# Email address.
	my $len;				# Length of address.
	my $spaces = 0;				# Number of spaces to add.

#	print "\t$name\n";

	# Dig the name and email address out of the name string.
	$namestr =~ /^\((.*)\)\t\t(.*)$/;
	$addr = $1;
	$name = $2;
	$name =~ s/[ \t]*$//;
	$len  = length($addr);

	# Figure out how many spaces are needed between the name and address.
	$spaces = $longaddrlen - $len + 8;

	print "\t$addr" . (' ' x $spaces) . "$name\n";

# Routine:      getname()
sub getname
	my $ln = shift;				# Data line.
	my $name;				# Name from data line.
	my $email;				# Email address from data line.
	my $retstr;				# Return string.

	# Dig the name and email address from the line.
	$ln =~ /CN=\"(.+?)\"/i;
	$name  = $1;

	# Dig the name and email address from the line.
	$ln =~ /:mailto:(.+)$/i;
	$email = $1;

	# Save the length of the longest email address.
	if(length($email) > $longaddrlen)
		$longaddrlen = length($email);

	# Build our return string.
	if(($name eq "") && ($email eq ""))
		$retstr = '';
		$retstr = "($email)\t\t$name";


# Routine:      getdescr()
sub getdescr
	my $line = shift;

	$line =~ s/^DESCRIPTION//;
	$line =~ s/ALTREP=".*"//;
	$line =~ s/^[;:]*//;
	$line =~ s/\\,/,/g;
	$line =~ s/\\\\/\//g;


# Routine:      getsumm()
sub getsumm
	my $line = shift;
	my $val;

	$line =~ /^SUMMARY:(.*)$/;

	$line =~ s/\\,/,/g;
	$line =~ s/\\;/;/g;
	$line =~ s/\\\\/\//g;


# Routine:      parsetime()
sub parsetime
	my $line = shift;				# Time line.
	my $key;					# Key from line.
	my $val;					# Value from line.
	my $retstr;					# Return string.
	my @chron = ();					# Time fields.

	# Dig out the values from the line.
	$line =~ /(.*?):(.*)/;
	$key = $1;
	$val = $2;

	# Get the time values.
	$val =~ s/[<>]//g;
	@chron = split /T/, $val;
#	$chron[0] =~ s/(..)(..)(..)(..)/$3\/$4\/$2/;
	$chron[0] =~ s/(....)(..)(..)/$1\-$2\-$3/;	# ISO date format
	$chron[1] =~ s/(..)(..)(.*)/$1:$2/;

	# Deal with the time zone, if present.
	if($key =~ /TZID/)
#		$key =~ /TZID="(.*)"/;
		$key =~ /TZID=(.*)/;
		$chron[2] = $1;

	# Use UTC time if 'Z' is appended to the DATE-TIME string.
	if($val =~ /Z/)
		$chron[2] = 'UTC';

	# Build and return the return string.
	$retstr = "$chron[0]\t$chron[1]\t$chron[2]";

# Routine:      usage()
sub usage
	print "usage:  vcal [options] <file1 ... fileN>\n";
	print "\toptions:\n";
	print "\t\t-all              show all calendar data\n";
	print "\t\t-chair            show meeting chair\n";
	print "\t\t-description      show event description\n";
	print "\t\t-end              show event end time\n";
	print "\t\t-location         show meeting locations\n";
	print "\t\t-optional         show optional participants\n";
	print "\t\t-organizer        show meeting organizer\n";
	print "\t\t-participants     show participants\n";
	print "\t\t-required         show required participants\n";
	print "\t\t-scheduled        show event scheduled time\n";
	print "\t\t-start            show event start time\n";
	print "\t\t-summary          show summary information\n";
	print "\n";
	print "\t\t-raw              show raw vcalendar data\n";
	print "\n";
	print "\t\t-mh               files are taken from the current MH mailbox\n";
	print "\n";
	print "\t\t-help             display this message\n";
	print "\t\t-Version          display the program version and exit\n";

# Routine:      version()
sub version
	print "$VERS\n";




=head1 NAME

B<vcal> - Display the data in a I<vcalendar> or I<icalendar> file


  vcal [options] <files>


B<vcal> parses a file for a I<vcalendar> or I<icalendar> record and displays
the selected fields from the record.

Normally, B<vcal> uses the specified files as absolute or relative paths,
depending on how they are given on the command line.  However, if the B<-mh>
flag is given, the current MH mailbox is searched for the specified files.
The B<mhpath> command is used to determine the absolute path to the files.
If a single dash is given as a filename, then the I<vcalendar> data will be
read from standard input.

B<vcal> takes options to allow selective display of the calendar data.
If no options are given, then it is as if the B<-start>, B<-end>, and
B<-summary> options are given.

=head1 OPTIONS

B<vcal> takes the following options:

=over 4

=item B<-all>

Show all calendar data.  This differs from B<-raw> in that the data are
formatted, while B<-raw> gives the data as they are read from the file.

=item B<-chair>

Show the meeting chair.

=item B<-description>

Show the event description.

=item B<-end>

Show the event end time.

=item B<-location>

Show the meeting locations.

=item B<-optional>

Show the optional participants.

=item B<-organizer>

Show the meeting organizer.

=item B<-participants>

Show the required and optional participants.  The participants are displayed
in these two groups.

=item B<-required>

Show the required participants.

=item B<-scheduled>

Show the event scheduled time.

=item B<-start>

Show the event start time.

=item B<-summary>

Show the event summary information.

=item B<-raw>

Show all calendar data.  This differs from B<-all> in that the data are
data displayed as they are read from the file, while B<-all> formats the data.

=item B<-mh>

The current MH mailbox is searched for the specified files.

=item B<-help>

Display a usage message and exit.

=item B<-Version>

Display the program version and exit.



Thanks to Dr.-Ing. Torsten Finke (torsten.finke@igh-essen.com) for suggesting
the case-insensitive checking for "mailto".  This was added in version 2.3.

Thanks to Beat Vontobel (b.vontobel@meteonews.ch) for the patch for the
B<-location> option.  The patch (used by permission) was added in version 2.4.

Thanks to Ivo Ihrke (ivo.ihrke@inria.fr) for the patch for reading the
calendar data if the input file is a dash.  The patch (used by permission)
was added in version 2.5.

Thanks to Matthias Gay (gay.matthias@gmail.com) for the UTC and timezone
patches.  These patches (used by permission) were added in version 2.6.

=head1 AUTHOR

Wayne Morrison, wayne@waynemorrison.com

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2009-2018 Wayne Morrison

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
