#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Term::ANSIColor; sub upgrdports { my $upgrd_nbr_cmd = "/usr/sbin/pkg version -l '<' | /usr/bin/wc -l | /usr/bin/awk '{print \$1}'"; if (system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/pkg update') != 0) { exit; } if (system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/portsnap fetch update') != 0) { exit; } print colored("\nPorts to be updated: ", 'bold'); my $upgrd_nbr = `$upgrd_nbr_cmd`; chomp $upgrd_nbr; print colored($upgrd_nbr, 'bold green') . "\n"; open(PS, "/usr/sbin/pkg version -l '<' |"); while () { print } close(PS); if ($upgrd_nbr == 0) { print colored("No ports to be updated.\n", 'bold green'); exit; } print colored("\nUpgrade these ports? ", 'bold yellow') . colored('[', 'bold green') . colored('y', 'bold red') . colored('/N', 'bold green') . colored("]\n", 'bold green') . colored("~> ", 'yellow'); my $answer = ; chomp $answer; if ($answer ne "y" && $answer ne "Y") { print "Exiting...\n"; exit; } system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send "Initiating upgrade" "Ports upgrade has started\nTotal: ' . $upgrd_nbr . ' to be updated" >/dev/null 2>&1'); if ($upgrd_nbr == 1) { system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Initiating ' . $upgrd_nbr . ' port upgrade" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } else { system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Initiating ' . $upgrd_nbr . ' ports upgrade" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } if (system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/portmaster -a') == 0) { my $failed_nbr = `$upgrd_nbr_cmd`; chomp $failed_nbr; my $diff_nbr = $upgrd_nbr - $failed_nbr; system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send "Upgrade complete!" "Ports upgrade installed successfully\nTotal: ' . $diff_nbr . ' installed" >/dev/null 2>&1'); system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Success: $upnbr ports upgrade installed successfully" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } else { my $failed_nbr = `$upgrd_nbr_cmd`; substr($failed_nbr, -1) = ""; my $diff_nbr = $upgrd_nbr - $failed_nbr; system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send -u critical -t 10000 "Upgrade failed!" "Some ports failed to compile\nTotal: ' . $diff_nbr . ' installed - ' . $failed_nbr . ' failed" >/dev/null 2>&1'); system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Failure: not all ports were upgraded - $diffnbr installed - $failednbr failed" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } exit; } sub configport { my $port = $_[0]; my $port_basename = $_[1]; if (system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/make config-recursive && /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/make config-recursive && /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/make config-recursive') == 0) { system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send "Configuration success!" "Ports config - ' . $port . ' - configured successfully" >/dev/null 2>&1'); system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Success: ' . $port_basename . ' configured successfully. Initiating compilation." & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } else { system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send -u critical -t 10000 "Configuration failure!" "Ports config - ' . $port . ' - failed to configure" >/dev/null 2>&1'); system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Failure: failed to configure ' . $port_basename . '" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } } sub installport { my $port = $_[0]; my $port_basename = $_[1]; if (system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/make install clean') == 0) { system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send "Compilation success!" "Ports - ' . $port . ' - installed successfully" >/dev/null 2>&1'); system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Success: ' . $port_basename . ' installed successfully" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } else { system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/notify-send -u critical -t 10000 "Compilation failure!" "Ports - ' . $port . ' - failed to install" >/dev/null 2>&1'); system('/usr/local/bin/dash', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/espeak "Failure: failed to install ' . $port_basename . '" & >/dev/null 2>&1'); } } sub main { my $argc = $#ARGV + 1; if ($argc == 0) { print colored("Failed!\n", 'bold red') . "No port or argument specified\n"; exit 1; } my $port = $ARGV[0]; if ($ARGV[0] eq "upgrade") { upgrdports(); } elsif (-d "/usr/ports/" . $port) { my $port_basename = `echo $ARGV[0] | awk -F '/' '{print \$2}'`; print colored("Port ", 'bold') . colored($port, 'bold green') . colored(" found\n", 'bold'); chdir "/usr/ports/" . $port; configport($port, $port_basename); installport($port, $port_basename); } else { print colored("Failed!\n", 'bold red') . "Port " . colored($port, 'bold yellow') . " doesn't exist in " . colored("/usr/ports/\n", 'bold'); } exit; } main(); __END__