#!/bin/sh -e if ! diskinfo da0 >/dev/null; then notify-send -u critical 'fathdd' ' HDD not detected' exit 1 fi if mount | grep -F /dev/da0p1; then notify-send -u critical \ 'fathdd' \ " HDD already mounted to \ <b>$(mount | grep -F '/dev/da0p1' | awk '{print $3}')</b>" exit 1 fi if ! dmenu -m 0 -p 'Enter password: ' -P | geli attach -k /root/geli_keys/fathdd_ext.key -j - da0p1; then notify-send -u critical 'fathdd' ' Failed to mount HDD' exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$HOME"/hdd mount /dev/da0p1.eli "$HOME"/hdd notify-send -t 5000 'fathdd' ' HDD mounted to <b>~/hdd</b>'