#!/usr/local/bin/bash # # cover.sh - Download cover from Last.fm and overlay with image # # Florian # # bug: it detects the artist change twice ## CONFIGURATION ## # Folder for cached album art # Don't use ~, as conky will treat it as a regular directory name CACHE="$HOME/.cache/covers" # API Key for Last.fm APIKEY="b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026" # Log file, only for debugging purposes LOG=/tmp/conky-mpd.log # Check for vital commands # CMD="mpc curl convert" # for CHECK in $CMD; do # [ ! "$CHECK" ] && echo "Command $CHECK not found. Exiting." && exit 1 # done # [ ! -d "$CACHE" ] && mkdir -p "$CACHE" ARTIST="$(mpc --format %artist% | head -1)" ALBUM="$(mpc --format %album% | head -1)" TMP=/tmp/conkympd.tmp [ ! -f $TMP ] && touch $TMP [ "$(cat $TMP)" == "$ARTIST+$ALBUM" ] && echo "Same artist." >> $LOG && exit 0 echo "Artist changed: $ALBUM by $ARTIST" >> $LOG #[ -f "/tmp/conkyCover.png" ] && rm "/tmp/conkyCover.png" cp $HOME/.config/conky-mpd/nocover.png /tmp/conkyCover.png echo "NoCover" >> $LOG COVER="$CACHE/$ARTIST - $ALBUM.jpg" # Is cover cached? if [ ! -f "$COVER" ]; then # Nope. Download. echo "Downloading cover for $ARTIST - $ALBUM" >> $LOG # Download XML info curl --data-urlencode artist="$ARTIST" --data-urlencode album="$ALBUM" "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key=$APIKEY" -o /tmp/lastfm.xml &> /dev/null echo "Exit: $?. Downloaded $(wc -l /tmp/lastfm.xml | cut -d' ' -f1) bytes." >> $LOG # Strip XML and download mega large cover to cache curl $(sed -n 's|\(.*\)<\/image>|\1|p' /tmp/lastfm.xml) -o "$COVER" &> /dev/null echo "Exit: $?" >> $LOG echo "Downloaded to $COVER." >> $LOG fi # Copy cache for processing echo "Copying $COVER." >> $LOG cp "$COVER" /tmp/cover.jpg # Downscale to fit overlay convert /tmp/cover.jpg -resize 366 /tmp/cover.png >> $LOG # Enlarge canvas to fit overlay convert /tmp/cover.png -background none -extent 500x455-84-44 /tmp/cover.png >> $LOG # Overlay overlay over cover convert /tmp/cover.png $HOME/.config/conky-mpd/case.png -composite /tmp/cover.png >> $LOG # Resize for immediate use convert /tmp/cover.png -resize 120 /tmp/conkyCover.png >> $LOG # Set current artist echo "$ARTIST+$ALBUM" > $TMP #rm /tmp/cover.jpg /tmp/cover.png