" vim: filetype=vim " Configuration of vimpc is done using vimpc commands " these can include commands which require an mpd connection " " Copy this file to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vimpc/vimpcrc to use it " " NB: Comments are very basic and must be on their own line echo Parsing config file " Set the default tab set window playlist " Set the windows to show at startup set windows library,directory,playlist set songformat {%a - (%d) %b - %t}|{%f}$E$R $H[$H%l$H]$H " Stop playing music when we quit "set stoponquit " A silly example of an alias "alias smiths deleteall; findartist! The Smiths; play 1 " Example maps " map the F key to change to the browse window, go to the first line and enter search mode "map F :browse<C-M>gg/ " map @ to switch to add next, add a song, then change back "map @ :set add next<C-M>a:set add end<C-M> map <A-k> gT map <A-j> gt map i e " Connect to a specific host using the config file "connect somehost someport " Turn consume on when we connect "consume on set singlequit set ignorecase set incsearch " Ensure that the database is up to date each connect update " A more complex example, When we start vimpc " - clear the playlist " - add all songs " - shuffle " - start playling "deleteall "addall "shuffle "play 1 " Color the statusline and tabs highlight status black yellow highlight tab black yellow highlight dir default magenta highlight song default default highlight partial default red highlight full default green highlight current default red echo Config File Complete