local Element = require('uosc_shared/elements/Element')

---@alias TopBarButtonProps {icon: string; background: string; anchor_id?: string; command: string|fun()}

---@class TopBarButton : Element
local TopBarButton = class(Element)

---@param id string
---@param props TopBarButtonProps
function TopBarButton:new(id, props) return Class.new(self, id, props) --[[@as TopBarButton]] end
function TopBarButton:init(id, props)
	Element.init(self, id, props)
	self.anchor_id = 'top_bar'
	self.icon = props.icon
	self.background = props.background
	self.command = props.command

function TopBarButton:on_mbtn_left_down()
	mp.command(type(self.command) == 'function' and self.command() or self.command)

function TopBarButton:render()
	local visibility = self:get_visibility()
	if visibility <= 0 then return end
	local ass = assdraw.ass_new()

	-- Background on hover
	if self.proximity_raw == 0 then
		ass:rect(self.ax, self.ay, self.bx, self.by, {color = self.background, opacity = visibility})

	local width, height = self.bx - self.ax, self.by - self.ay
	local icon_size = math.min(width, height) * 0.5
	ass:icon(self.ax + width / 2, self.ay + height / 2, icon_size, self.icon, {
		opacity = visibility, border = options.text_border,

	return ass

--[[ TopBar ]]

---@class TopBar : Element
local TopBar = class(Element)

function TopBar:new() return Class.new(self) --[[@as TopBar]] end
function TopBar:init()
	Element.init(self, 'top_bar')
	self.pressed = false
	self.size, self.size_max, self.size_min = 0, 0, 0
	self.icon_size, self.spacing, self.font_size, self.title_bx = 1, 1, 1, 1
	self.size_min_override = options.timeline_start_hidden and 0 or nil
	self.top_border = options.timeline_border

	local function decide_maximized_command()
		return state.border
			and (state.fullscreen and 'set fullscreen no;cycle window-maximized' or 'cycle window-maximized')
			or 'set window-maximized no;cycle fullscreen'

	-- Order aligns from right to left
	self.buttons = {
		TopBarButton:new('tb_close', {icon = 'close', background = '2311e8', command = 'quit'}),
		TopBarButton:new('tb_max', {icon = 'crop_square', background = '222222', command = decide_maximized_command}),
		TopBarButton:new('tb_min', {icon = 'minimize', background = '222222', command = 'cycle window-minimized'}),

function TopBar:decide_enabled()
	if options.top_bar == 'no-border' then
		self.enabled = not state.border or state.fullscreen
		self.enabled = options.top_bar == 'always'
	self.enabled = self.enabled and (options.top_bar_controls or options.top_bar_title)
	for _, element in ipairs(self.buttons) do
		element.enabled = self.enabled and options.top_bar_controls

function TopBar:update_dimensions()
	self.size = state.fullormaxed and options.top_bar_size_fullscreen or options.top_bar_size
	self.icon_size = round(self.size * 0.5)
	self.spacing = math.ceil(self.size * 0.25)
	self.font_size = math.floor((self.size - (self.spacing * 2)) * options.font_scale)
	self.button_width = round(self.size * 1.15)
	self.ay = Elements.window_border.size
	self.bx = display.width - Elements.window_border.size
	self.by = self.size + Elements.window_border.size
	self.title_bx = self.bx - (options.top_bar_controls and (self.button_width * 3) or 0)
	self.ax = options.top_bar_title and Elements.window_border.size or self.title_bx

	local button_bx = self.bx
	for _, element in pairs(self.buttons) do
		element.ax, element.bx = button_bx - self.button_width, button_bx
		element.ay, element.by = self.ay, self.by
		button_bx = button_bx - self.button_width

function TopBar:on_prop_border()

function TopBar:on_prop_fullscreen()

function TopBar:on_prop_maximized()

function TopBar:on_display() self:update_dimensions() end

function TopBar:render()
	local visibility = self:get_visibility()
	if visibility <= 0 then return end
	local ass = assdraw.ass_new()

	-- Window title
	if options.top_bar_title and (state.title or state.has_playlist) then
		local bg_margin = math.floor((self.size - self.font_size) / 4)
		local padding = self.font_size / 2
		local title_ax = self.ax + bg_margin
		local title_ay = self.ay + bg_margin
		local max_bx = self.title_bx - self.spacing

		-- Playlist position
		if state.has_playlist then
			local text = state.playlist_pos .. '' .. state.playlist_count
			local formatted_text = '{\\b1}' .. state.playlist_pos .. '{\\b0\\fs' .. self.font_size * 0.9 .. '}/'
				.. state.playlist_count
			local opts = {size = self.font_size, wrap = 2, color = fgt, opacity = visibility}
			local bx = round(title_ax + text_width(text, opts) + padding * 2)
			ass:rect(title_ax, title_ay, bx, self.by - bg_margin, {color = fg, opacity = visibility, radius = 2})
			ass:txt(title_ax + (bx - title_ax) / 2, self.ay + (self.size / 2), 5, formatted_text, opts)
			title_ax = bx + bg_margin

		-- Title
		local text = state.title
		if max_bx - title_ax > self.font_size * 3 and text and text ~= '' then
			local opts = {
				size = self.font_size, wrap = 2, color = bgt, border = 1, border_color = bg, opacity = visibility,
				clip = string.format('\\clip(%d, %d, %d, %d)', self.ax, self.ay, max_bx, self.by),
			local bx = math.min(max_bx, title_ax + text_width(text, opts) + padding * 2)
			local by = self.by - bg_margin
			ass:rect(title_ax, title_ay, bx, by, {
				color = bg, opacity = visibility * options.top_bar_title_opacity, radius = 2,
			ass:txt(title_ax + padding, self.ay + (self.size / 2), 4, text, opts)
			title_ay = by + 1

		-- Subtitle: current chapter
		if state.current_chapter and max_bx - title_ax > self.font_size * 3 then
			local font_size = self.font_size * 0.8
			local height = font_size * 1.5
			local text = '└ ' .. state.current_chapter.index .. ': ' .. state.current_chapter.title
			local by = title_ay + height
			local opts = {
				size = font_size, italic = true, wrap = 2, color = bgt,
				border = 1, border_color = bg, opacity = visibility * 0.8,
			local bx = math.min(max_bx, title_ax + text_width(text, opts) + padding * 2)
			opts.clip = string.format('\\clip(%d, %d, %d, %d)', title_ax, title_ay, bx, by)
			ass:rect(title_ax, title_ay, bx, by, {
				color = bg, opacity = visibility * options.top_bar_title_opacity, radius = 2,
			ass:txt(title_ax + padding, title_ay + height / 2, 4, text, opts)

	return ass

return TopBar