From d4edb0b33173fdb3cf9034af1ad12aa39c55b869 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JozanLeClerc Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 11:41:12 +0200 Subject: update --- .config/dunst/dunstrc | 6 +++--- .config/emacs/init.el | 2 +- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) (limited to '.config') diff --git a/.config/dunst/dunstrc b/.config/dunst/dunstrc index 2d69828..a996728 100644 --- a/.config/dunst/dunstrc +++ b/.config/dunst/dunstrc @@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ # NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order # to find fitting options for rules. -[espeak] # >shutup - summary = "*" # >shutup - script = /home/jozan/.local/bin/ # >shutup +#[espeak] # >shutup +# summary = "*" # >shutup +# script = /home/jozan/.local/bin/ # >shutup #[script-test] # summary = "*script*" diff --git a/.config/emacs/init.el b/.config/emacs/init.el index 4ba7409..7c28641 100644 --- a/.config/emacs/init.el +++ b/.config/emacs/init.el @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ '(jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#1c1f2b" "#676E95")) '(objed-cursor-color "#ff5370") '(package-selected-packages - '(go-mode mutt-mode pacmacs gemini-mode org-evil glsl-mode vimrc-mode windresize evil evil-collection evil-leader evil-search-highlight-persist evil-mc evil-surround evil-ediff evil-visual-mark-mode evil-nerd-commenter evil-vimish-fold evil-numbers yasnippet yasnippet-classic-snippets yasnippet-snippets auto-yasnippet el-autoyas helm helm-xref helm-etags-plus helm-fuzzy helm-themes helm-make helm-projectile projectile company company-box which-key magit undo-tree shell-pop treemacs treemacs-projectile treemacs-magit treemacs-evil autopair paredit rainbow-delimiters color-identifiers-mode ibuffer-vc ibuffer-projectile eyebrowse diff-hl fzf font-utils restart-emacs string-utils dired-icon kaolin-themes gruvbox-theme doom-themes spacemacs-theme doom-modeline dashboard org-superstar toc-org pdf-tools dockerfile-mode web-mode ssh sudo-ext vimish-fold bind-key all-the-icons all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-ibuffer)) + '(crontab-mode go-mode mutt-mode pacmacs gemini-mode org-evil glsl-mode vimrc-mode windresize evil evil-collection evil-leader evil-search-highlight-persist evil-mc evil-surround evil-ediff evil-visual-mark-mode evil-nerd-commenter evil-vimish-fold evil-numbers yasnippet yasnippet-classic-snippets yasnippet-snippets auto-yasnippet el-autoyas helm helm-xref helm-etags-plus helm-fuzzy helm-themes helm-make helm-projectile projectile company company-box which-key magit undo-tree shell-pop treemacs treemacs-projectile treemacs-magit treemacs-evil autopair paredit rainbow-delimiters color-identifiers-mode ibuffer-vc ibuffer-projectile eyebrowse diff-hl fzf font-utils restart-emacs string-utils dired-icon kaolin-themes gruvbox-theme doom-themes spacemacs-theme doom-modeline dashboard org-superstar toc-org pdf-tools dockerfile-mode web-mode ssh sudo-ext vimish-fold bind-key all-the-icons all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-ibuffer)) '(pdf-view-midnight-colors (cons "#EEFFFF" "#292D3E")) '(pos-tip-background-color "#2E2A29") '(pos-tip-foreground-color "#d4d4d6") -- cgit v1.2.3