path: root/.config/mutt/accounts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/mutt/accounts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/.config/mutt/accounts/ b/.config/mutt/accounts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 56b88f4..0000000
--- a/.config/mutt/accounts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# vim: filetype=neomuttrc
-# muttrc file for account
-set realname = "Team Exploitation SecuServe"
-set from = ""
-set sendmail = "msmtp -a"
-alias me Team Exploitation SecuServe <>
-set folder = "$MAIL/"
-set header_cache = $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mutt/
-set message_cachedir = $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mutt/
-set mbox_type = Maildir
-bind index,pager gg noop
-bind index,pager g noop
-bind index,pager M noop
-bind index,pager C noop
-bind index gg first-entry
-bind pager gg top
-bind pager G bottom
-macro index o "<shell-escape>killall mbsync >/dev/null 2>&1; mbsync -c $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mbsync/mbsyncrc<enter>" "run mbsync to sync"
-unmailboxes *
-mailboxes "=INBOX" "=INBOX/- Secuserve" "=INBOX/Altospam" "=INBOX/BAT" "=INBOX/DEBUG" "=INBOX/Erreurs (boite recept)" \
- "=INBOX/Erreurs (boite recept)/Erreur SI local" "=INBOX/Erreurs (boite recept)/Erreur diverses" "=INBOX/Erreurs (boite recept)/Erreur transport" "=INBOX/Notification" "=INBOX/Postfix SMTP server errors" "=INBOX/Spamtiometre" \
- "=INBOX/TSRC sync" "=INBOX/Trait&AOk-" "=INBOX/replication" \
- "=Trash" "=Trash/DOC-SUPPORT" "=Trash/Deleted Messages" "=Trash/Depassement de quota" "=Trash/ESET Antispam" \
- "=Trash/GIP-RENATER" "=Trash/MIGRATION-CLIENT" "=Trash/MIGRATION-CLIENT/Cahors" "=Trash/Messages journaliers" "=Trash/Messages journaliers/configs" "=Trash/Messages journaliers/quarantaine" "=Trash/Messages journaliers/rapport quarantaine journalier" "=Trash/PUB" \
- "=Trash/Rapport-Astreintes" "=Trash/Reseaux" "=Trash/Stalker" "=Trash/Technique" "=Trash/procedures" \
- "=&AMk-l&AOk-ments envoy&AOk-s" "=Brouillons" "=Calendrier" "=Calendrier/Astreintes" "=Calendrier/Conges" \
- "=&AMk-l&AOk-ments supprim&AOk-s" "=Alert FireWall" \
- "=Alert-Monitoring" "=Archive" "=Archives" "=Archives/2009" "=Archives/2010" "=Archives/2011" \
- "=Archives/2012" "=Archives/2013" "=Archives/2014" "=Archives/2015" "=Archives/2016" "=Archives/2017" \
- "=Archives/2022" "=Backups" \
- "=Complaints" "=Complaints/Complaint La Poste" "=Complaints/Complaint Outlook et Hotmail" "=Contacts" "=Contacts/Clients" "=Courrier ind&AOk-sirable" \
- "=Courrier ind&AOk-sirable/SPAM by St&AOk-phane &- Peggy" "=DNS" "=DNS/DNS - MX Status" "=DNS/MxToolBox" "=DNS/Report domain" "=DNS/Report domain/Report domain - Google" \
- "=DNS/Report domain/Report domain - Yahoo" "=Erreurs" "=Fournisseurs" "=Fournisseurs/Applications" "=Fournisseurs/Applications/Communigate" \
- "=Fournisseurs/Cisco" "=Fournisseurs/DigiCert" "=Fournisseurs/Gandi" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/Global SP" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/OVH" \
- "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/OVH/OVH - Message vocaux" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/Online" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/Owentis" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/Owentis/Equinix" "=Fournisseurs/Hebergement/Owentis/Global Switch" "=Incident" \
- "=Info Exploitation" "=Info Exploitation/Autre-Licence" "=Info Exploitation/Certificat" "=Info Exploitation/History" "=Info Exploitation/Licence-Antivirus" "=Info Exploitation/Maintenance Datacenter" \
- "=Info Exploitation/Pkg-Information" "=Info Exploitation/RBLS" "=Info Exploitation/Support-Technique-Interne" "=Interventions" "=Journal" "=Junk" \
- "=MEP" "=MEP/Attente retour Dev" "=MEP/Done" "=MEP/En-cours" "=MEP/wblist" "=Notes" \
- "=Report domain/Report domain - Google" "=Report domain/Report domain - Yahoo" \
- "=SVN" "=Statistiques" "=Statistiques/Stats clients" "=Statistiques/Stats fournisseurs" "=Supervision" \
- "=Supervision/Alarme Lyon" "=Supervision/Alert-Monitoring" "=Supervision/Alerte-Nagios" "=Supervision/Zabbix" "=T&AOI-ches" \
- "=main courante" "=main courante/Done"
-macro index,pager gi "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "go to inbox"
-macro index,pager Mi ";<save-message>=INBOX<enter>" "move mail to inbox"
-macro index,pager Ci ";<copy-message>=INBOX<enter>" "copy mail to inbox"
-set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
-macro index,pager gs "<change-folder>=Sent<enter>" "go to sent"
-macro index,pager Ms ";<save-message>=Sent<enter>" "move mail to sent"
-macro index,pager Cs ";<copy-message>=Sent<enter>" "copy mail to sent"
-set record = "+Sent"
-macro index,pager gd "<change-folder>=Drafts<enter>" "go to drafts"
-macro index,pager Md ";<save-message>=Drafts<enter>" "move mail to drafts"
-macro index,pager Cd ";<copy-message>=Drafts<enter>" "copy mail to drafts"
-set postponed = "+Drafts"
-macro index,pager gS "<change-folder>=SPAM<enter>" "go to spam"
-macro index,pager MS ";<save-message>=SPAM<enter>" "move mail to spam"
-macro index,pager CS ";<copy-message>=SPAM<enter>" "copy mail to spam"
-macro index,pager gt "<change-folder>=Trash<enter>" "go to trash"
-macro index,pager Mt ";<save-message>=Trash<enter>" "move mail to trash"
-macro index,pager Ct ";<copy-message>=Trash<enter>" "copy mail to trash"
-set trash = "+Trash"
-macro index,pager gc "<change-folder>=Calendrier<enter>" "go to calendar"
-macro index,pager Mc ";<save-message>=Calendrier<enter>" "move mail to calendar"
-macro index,pager Cc ";<copy-message>=Calendrier<enter>" "copy mail to calendar"