diff options
authorJozanLeClerc <>2020-12-07 21:29:48 +0100
committerJozanLeClerc <>2020-12-07 21:29:48 +0100
commitcbe41090b9314742cc41912a33767dca6665b3e0 (patch)
parentCounting in kiB from now on (diff)
3 files changed, 115 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/.config/emacs/init.el b/.config/emacs/init.el
index 186c23b..30d31d2 100644
--- a/.config/emacs/init.el
+++ b/.config/emacs/init.el
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
'(jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#1c1f2b" "#676E95"))
'(objed-cursor-color "#ff5370")
- '(helm-ag evil-numbers ccls org-superstar company-lsp lsp-ui lsp-mode evil-mc vterm evil-surround cl-format company-irony neotree irony xr font-utils org-evil evil-vimish-fold crontab-mode symon toc-org yaml-mode helm-w3m helm-mu htmlize babel org-pdftools shell-pop which-key dmenu lua-mode dionysos helm-c-yasnippet helm-emms emms font-lock-cl restart-emacs w3m string-utils go-mode major-mode-icons dired-icon mode-icons evil-collection sed-mode zones kaolin-themes gruvbox-theme helm-themes yasnippet-classic-snippets yasnippet-snippets auto-yasnippet php-auto-yasnippets el-autoyas yasnippet cargo evil-ediff windresize helm-make spacemacs-theme centaur-tabs evil-magit dashboard ssh sudo-ext dockerfile-mode docker frame-local ov dash-functional helm-addressbook org-mime flyspell-correct pdf-tools websocket request emojify-logos emojify oauth2 circe web-mode doom-themes doom-modeline all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-gnus all-the-icons html5-schema phps-mode org-babel-eval-in-repl rust-mode smart-mode-line-powerline-theme eshell-prompt-extras eshell-fixed-prompt pyenv-mode s realgud-lldb ranger ## color-theme-modern auto-complete-c-headers command-log-mode auto-complete magit smart-tabs-mode airline-themes paredit autopair tabbar-ruler tabbar use-package-el-get color-theme-approximate diminish rainbow-delimiters color-identifiers-mode use-package helm evil-visual-mark-mode))
+ '(fzf helm-fuzzy helm-fuzzy-find workgroups2 helm-ag evil-numbers ccls org-superstar company-lsp lsp-ui lsp-mode evil-mc evil-surround cl-format company-irony neotree irony xr font-utils org-evil evil-vimish-fold crontab-mode symon toc-org yaml-mode helm-w3m helm-mu htmlize babel org-pdftools shell-pop which-key dmenu lua-mode dionysos helm-c-yasnippet helm-emms emms font-lock-cl restart-emacs w3m string-utils go-mode major-mode-icons dired-icon mode-icons evil-collection sed-mode zones kaolin-themes gruvbox-theme helm-themes yasnippet-classic-snippets yasnippet-snippets auto-yasnippet php-auto-yasnippets el-autoyas yasnippet cargo evil-ediff windresize helm-make spacemacs-theme centaur-tabs evil-magit dashboard ssh sudo-ext dockerfile-mode docker frame-local ov dash-functional helm-addressbook org-mime flyspell-correct pdf-tools websocket request emojify-logos emojify oauth2 circe web-mode doom-themes doom-modeline all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-gnus all-the-icons html5-schema phps-mode org-babel-eval-in-repl rust-mode smart-mode-line-powerline-theme eshell-prompt-extras eshell-fixed-prompt pyenv-mode s realgud-lldb ranger ## color-theme-modern auto-complete-c-headers command-log-mode auto-complete magit smart-tabs-mode airline-themes paredit autopair tabbar-ruler tabbar use-package-el-get color-theme-approximate diminish rainbow-delimiters color-identifiers-mode use-package helm evil-visual-mark-mode))
'(pdf-view-midnight-colors (cons "#EEFFFF" "#292D3E"))
'(pos-tip-background-color "#2E2A29")
'(pos-tip-foreground-color "#d4d4d6")
diff --git a/.config/emacs/org/ b/.config/emacs/org/
index d7642cb..bdf0bb6 100644
--- a/.config/emacs/org/
+++ b/.config/emacs/org/
@@ -118,43 +118,46 @@
** Core packages
*** Evil mode
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(setq evil-want-integration t) ;; This is optional since it's already set to t by default.
-(setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
-(setq evil-want-C-u-scroll t)
-(require 'evil)
-(require 'evil-magit)
-;; (require 'evil-collection)
-(evil-mode t)
-;; (evil-collection-init)
-(setq evil-emacs-state-cursor '("#b16286" box))
-(setq evil-normal-state-cursor '("#d79921" box))
-(setq evil-visual-state-cursor '("#b06597" box))
-(setq evil-insert-state-cursor '("#d79921" bar))
-(setq evil-replace-state-cursor '("#cc241d" hbar))
-(setq evil-operator-state-cursor '("#d79921" hbar))
-(evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-o") 'delete-other-windows)
-(evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-k") 'windmove-up)
-(evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-j") 'windmove-down)
-(evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-h") 'windmove-left)
-(evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-l") 'windmove-right)
-(evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-o") 'delete-other-windows)
-(evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-k") 'windmove-up)
-(evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-j") 'windmove-down)
-(evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-h") 'windmove-left)
-(evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-l") 'windmove-right)
-(evil-leader/set-leader ",")
-(setq evil-leader/in-all-states 1)
-(require 'evil-search-highlight-persist)
-(global-evil-search-highlight-persist 1)
-(evil-leader/set-key "SPC" 'evil-search-highlight-persist-remove-all)
+ (setq evil-want-integration t) ;; This is optional since it's already set to t by default.
+ (setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
+ (setq evil-want-C-u-scroll t)
+ (require 'evil)
+ (require 'evil-magit)
+ ;; (require 'evil-collection)
+ (evil-mode t)
+ ;; (evil-collection-init)
+ (setq evil-emacs-state-cursor '("#b16286" box))
+ (setq evil-normal-state-cursor '("#d79921" box))
+ (setq evil-visual-state-cursor '("#b06597" box))
+ (setq evil-insert-state-cursor '("#d79921" bar))
+ (setq evil-replace-state-cursor '("#cc241d" hbar))
+ (setq evil-operator-state-cursor '("#d79921" hbar))
+ (evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-o") 'delete-other-windows)
+ (evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-k") 'windmove-up)
+ (evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-j") 'windmove-down)
+ (evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-h") 'windmove-left)
+ (evil-define-key 'insert global-map (kbd "C-l") 'windmove-right)
+ (evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-o") 'delete-other-windows)
+ (evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-k") 'windmove-up)
+ (evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-j") 'windmove-down)
+ (evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-h") 'windmove-left)
+ (evil-define-key 'normal global-map (kbd "C-l") 'windmove-right)
+ (global-evil-leader-mode)
+ (evil-leader/set-leader ",")
+ (setq evil-leader/in-all-states 1)
+ (require 'evil-search-highlight-persist)
+ (global-evil-search-highlight-persist 1)
+ (evil-leader/set-key "SPC" 'evil-search-highlight-persist-remove-all)
+ (global-undo-tree-mode)
+ (evil-set-undo-system 'undo-tree)
*** Evil nerd commenter
@@ -230,6 +233,7 @@
(string-prefix-p "*Mingus*" name)
(string-prefix-p "*Mingus Browser*" name)
(string-prefix-p "TAGS" name)
+ (string-prefix-p "*lsp-ui-doc" name)
(and (string-prefix-p "magit" name)
(not (file-name-extension name))))))
@@ -499,7 +503,6 @@ then it takes a second \\[keyboard-quit] to abort the minibuffer."
(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
-(global-set-key [escape] 'evil-exit-emacs-state)
(defun my/insert-tab-char ()
@@ -596,109 +599,85 @@ then it takes a second \\[keyboard-quit] to abort the minibuffer."
*** lsp, ccls
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (require 'lsp-mode)
- (require 'lsp-ui)
- (require 'company-lsp)
- (require 'ccls)
- (add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
- (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
- (add-hook 'objc-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
- (add-hook 'cuda-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
- (setq ccls-executable "/usr/local/bin/ccls")
- (defun ccls/callee () (interactive) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/call" '(:callee t)))
- (defun ccls/caller () (interactive) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/call"))
- (defun ccls/vars (kind) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/vars" `(:kind ,kind)))
- (defun ccls/base (levels) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/inheritance" `(:levels ,levels)))
- (defun ccls/derived (levels) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/inheritance" `(:levels ,levels :derived t)))
- (defun ccls/member (kind) (interactive) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/member" `(:kind ,kind)))
- ;; References w/ Role::Role
- (defun ccls/references-read () (interactive)
- (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
- (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :role 8)))
- ;; References w/ Role::Write
- (defun ccls/references-write ()
- (interactive)
- (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
- (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :role 16)))
- ;; References w/ Role::Dynamic bit (macro expansions)
- (defun ccls/references-macro () (interactive)
- (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
- (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :role 64)))
- ;; References w/o Role::Call bit (e.g. where functions are taken addresses)
- (defun ccls/references-not-call () (interactive)
- (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
- (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :excludeRole 32)))
- ;; ccls/vars ccls/base ccls/derived ccls/members have a parameter while others are interactive.
- ;; (ccls/base 1) direct bases
- ;; (ccls/derived 1) direct derived
- ;; (ccls/member 2) => 2 (Type) => nested classes / types in a namespace
- ;; (ccls/member 3) => 3 (Func) => member functions / functions in a namespace
- ;; (ccls/member 0) => member variables / variables in a namespace
- ;; (ccls/vars 1) => field
- ;; (ccls/vars 2) => local variable
- ;; (ccls/vars 3) => field or local variable. 3 = 1 | 2
- ;; (ccls/vars 4) => parameter
- ;; References whose filenames are under this project
- (setq company-transformers nil company-lsp-async t company-lsp-cache-candidates nil)
- (setq ccls-sem-highlight-method 'font-lock)
- ;; (ccls-use-default-rainbow-sem-highlight)
+ (require 'lsp-mode)
+ (require 'lsp-ui)
+ (require 'company-lsp)
+ (require 'ccls)
+ (add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
+ (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
+ (add-hook 'objc-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
+ (add-hook 'cuda-mode-hook (lambda () (lsp)))
+ (setq ccls-executable "/usr/local/bin/ccls")
+ (defun ccls/callee () (interactive) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/call" '(:callee t)))
+ (defun ccls/caller () (interactive) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/call"))
+ (defun ccls/vars (kind) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/vars" `(:kind ,kind)))
+ (defun ccls/base (levels) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/inheritance" `(:levels ,levels)))
+ (defun ccls/derived (levels) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/inheritance" `(:levels ,levels :derived t)))
+ (defun ccls/member (kind) (interactive) (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "$ccls/member" `(:kind ,kind)))
+ ;; References w/ Role::Role
+ (defun ccls/references-read () (interactive)
+ (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
+ (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :role 8)))
+ ;; References w/ Role::Write
+ (defun ccls/references-write ()
+ (interactive)
+ (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
+ (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :role 16)))
+ ;; References w/ Role::Dynamic bit (macro expansions)
+ (defun ccls/references-macro () (interactive)
+ (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
+ (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :role 64)))
+ ;; References w/o Role::Call bit (e.g. where functions are taken addresses)
+ (defun ccls/references-not-call () (interactive)
+ (lsp-ui-peek-find-custom "textDocument/references"
+ (plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :excludeRole 32)))
+ ;; ccls/vars ccls/base ccls/derived ccls/members have a parameter while others are interactive.
+ ;; (ccls/base 1) direct bases
+ ;; (ccls/derived 1) direct derived
+ ;; (ccls/member 2) => 2 (Type) => nested classes / types in a namespace
+ ;; (ccls/member 3) => 3 (Func) => member functions / functions in a namespace
+ ;; (ccls/member 0) => member variables / variables in a namespace
+ ;; (ccls/vars 1) => field
+ ;; (ccls/vars 2) => local variable
+ ;; (ccls/vars 3) => field or local variable. 3 = 1 | 2
+ ;; (ccls/vars 4) => parameter
+ ;; References whose filenames are under this project
+ (setq company-transformers nil company-lsp-async t company-lsp-cache-candidates nil)
+ (setq ccls-sem-highlight-method 'font-lock)
+ (setq lsp-enable-indentation nil)
+(setq lsp-enable-completion-at-point t)
+ ;; (ccls-use-default-rainbow-sem-highlight)
** Compilation
*** Close window after errorless compilation
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(setq compilation-finish-function
-(lambda (buf str)
- (if (null (string-match ".*exited abnormally.*" str))
- ;;no errors, make the compilation window go away in a few seconds
- (progn
- (run-at-time
- "0.5 sec" nil 'delete-windows-on "*compilation*")
- (message "")))))
+ (defun bury-compile-buffer-if-successful (buffer string)
+ "Bury a compilation buffer if succeeded without warnings "
+ (when (and
+ (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (string-match "compilation" (buffer-name buffer))
+ (string-match "finished" string)
+ (not
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "warning" nil t))))
+ (run-with-timer 0.5 nil
+ (lambda (buf)
+ (bury-buffer buf)
+ (switch-to-prev-buffer (get-buffer-window buf) 'kill)
+ (delete-window))
+ buffer)))
+ (add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions 'bury-compile-buffer-if-successful)
-** Custom functions
-*** startsoon-mode
- #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun my/startsoon ()
- (interactive)
- (split-window-right)
- (windmove-right)
- (split-window-below)
- (enlarge-window 10)
- (windmove-down)
- (switch-to-buffer "*Mingus*")
- (mingus-refresh)
- (windmove-up)
- (term "/usr/home/jozan/.local/bin/startsoon")
- (windmove-left)
- (zone))
-*** brb-mode
- #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun my/brb ()
- (interactive)
- (split-window-right)
- (windmove-right)
- (split-window-below)
- (enlarge-window 10)
- (windmove-down)
- (switch-to-buffer "*Mingus*")
- (mingus-refresh)
- (windmove-up)
- (term "/usr/home/jozan/.local/bin/brb")
- (windmove-left)
- (zone))
** Other key bindings
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(global-set-key [f1] 'shell-pop)
diff --git a/.config/zsh/alias.zsh b/.config/zsh/alias.zsh
index 9751f04..9654fb1 100644
--- a/.config/zsh/alias.zsh
+++ b/.config/zsh/alias.zsh
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ tree() {
alias c='clear'
alias less='less --tabs 4'
-alias bc='clear; bc -l'
+alias bc='bc -l'
alias mkf='gmake fclean'
alias mkc='gmake clean'
alias mk='gmake -j5'