path: root/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/lib/ass.lua
diff options
authorJoe <>2023-01-31 14:03:59 +0100
committerJoe <>2023-01-31 14:03:59 +0100
commitefa2957045fe9ea4421ea4a0c546f62a8a27fb58 (patch)
tree816b267a9d431e28744db41429358516ab0c461b /.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/lib/ass.lua
parentup (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/lib/ass.lua b/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/lib/ass.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108953f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpv/scripts/uosc_shared/lib/ass.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+local ass_mt = getmetatable(assdraw.ass_new())
+-- Opacity.
+---@param opacity number|number[] Opacity of all elements, or an array of [primary, secondary, border, shadow] opacities.
+---@param fraction? number Optionally adjust the above opacity by this fraction.
+function ass_mt:opacity(opacity, fraction)
+ fraction = fraction ~= nil and fraction or 1
+ if type(opacity) == 'number' then
+ self.text = self.text .. string.format('{\\alpha&H%X&}', opacity_to_alpha(opacity * fraction))
+ else
+ self.text = self.text .. string.format(
+ '{\\1a&H%X&\\2a&H%X&\\3a&H%X&\\4a&H%X&}',
+ opacity_to_alpha((opacity[1] or 0) * fraction),
+ opacity_to_alpha((opacity[2] or 0) * fraction),
+ opacity_to_alpha((opacity[3] or 0) * fraction),
+ opacity_to_alpha((opacity[4] or 0) * fraction)
+ )
+ end
+-- Icon.
+---@param x number
+---@param y number
+---@param size number
+---@param name string
+---@param opts? {color?: string; border?: number; border_color?: string; opacity?: number; clip?: string; align?: number}
+function ass_mt:icon(x, y, size, name, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ opts.font, opts.size, opts.bold = 'MaterialIconsRound-Regular', size, false
+ self:txt(x, y, opts.align or 5, name, opts)
+-- Text.
+-- Named `txt` because `ass.text` is a value.
+---@param x number
+---@param y number
+---@param align number
+---@param value string|number
+---@param opts {size: number; font?: string; color?: string; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; border?: number; border_color?: string; shadow?: number; shadow_color?: string; rotate?: number; wrap?: number; opacity?: number; clip?: string}
+function ass_mt:txt(x, y, align, value, opts)
+ local border_size = opts.border or 0
+ local shadow_size = opts.shadow or 0
+ local tags = '\\pos(' .. x .. ',' .. y .. ')\\rDefault\\an' .. align .. '\\blur0'
+ -- font
+ tags = tags .. '\\fn' .. (opts.font or config.font)
+ -- font size
+ tags = tags .. '\\fs' .. opts.size
+ -- bold
+ if opts.bold or (opts.bold == nil and options.font_bold) then tags = tags .. '\\b1' end
+ -- italic
+ if opts.italic then tags = tags .. '\\i1' end
+ -- rotate
+ if opts.rotate then tags = tags .. '\\frz' .. opts.rotate end
+ -- wrap
+ if opts.wrap then tags = tags .. '\\q' .. opts.wrap end
+ -- border
+ tags = tags .. '\\bord' .. border_size
+ -- shadow
+ tags = tags .. '\\shad' .. shadow_size
+ -- colors
+ tags = tags .. '\\1c&H' .. (opts.color or bgt)
+ if border_size > 0 then tags = tags .. '\\3c&H' .. (opts.border_color or bg) end
+ if shadow_size > 0 then tags = tags .. '\\4c&H' .. (opts.shadow_color or bg) end
+ -- opacity
+ if opts.opacity then tags = tags .. string.format('\\alpha&H%X&', opacity_to_alpha(opts.opacity)) end
+ -- clip
+ if opts.clip then tags = tags .. opts.clip end
+ -- render
+ self:new_event()
+ self.text = self.text .. '{' .. tags .. '}' .. value
+-- Tooltip.
+---@param element {ax: number; ay: number; bx: number; by: number}
+---@param value string|number
+---@param opts? {size?: number; offset?: number; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; width_overwrite?: number, responsive?: boolean}
+function ass_mt:tooltip(element, value, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ opts.size = opts.size or 16
+ opts.border = options.text_border
+ opts.border_color = bg
+ local offset = opts.offset or opts.size / 2
+ local align_top = opts.responsive == false or element.ay - offset > opts.size * 2
+ local x = + (element.bx - / 2
+ local y = align_top and element.ay - offset or + offset
+ local margin = (opts.width_overwrite or text_width(value, opts)) / 2 + 10
+ self:txt(clamp(margin, x, display.width - margin), y, align_top and 2 or 8, value, opts)
+-- Rectangle.
+---@param ax number
+---@param ay number
+---@param bx number
+---@param by number
+---@param opts? {color?: string; border?: number; border_color?: string; opacity?: number; border_opacity?: number; clip?: string, radius?: number}
+function ass_mt:rect(ax, ay, bx, by, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local border_size = opts.border or 0
+ local tags = '\\pos(0,0)\\rDefault\\an7\\blur0'
+ -- border
+ tags = tags .. '\\bord' .. border_size
+ -- colors
+ tags = tags .. '\\1c&H' .. (opts.color or fg)
+ if border_size > 0 then tags = tags .. '\\3c&H' .. (opts.border_color or bg) end
+ -- opacity
+ if opts.opacity then tags = tags .. string.format('\\alpha&H%X&', opacity_to_alpha(opts.opacity)) end
+ if opts.border_opacity then tags = tags .. string.format('\\3a&H%X&', opacity_to_alpha(opts.border_opacity)) end
+ -- clip
+ if opts.clip then
+ tags = tags .. opts.clip
+ end
+ -- draw
+ self:new_event()
+ self.text = self.text .. '{' .. tags .. '}'
+ self:draw_start()
+ if opts.radius then
+ self:round_rect_cw(ax, ay, bx, by, opts.radius)
+ else
+ self:rect_cw(ax, ay, bx, by)
+ end
+ self:draw_stop()
+-- Circle.
+---@param x number
+---@param y number
+---@param radius number
+---@param opts? {color?: string; border?: number; border_color?: string; opacity?: number; clip?: string}
+function ass_mt:circle(x, y, radius, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ opts.radius = radius
+ self:rect(x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, opts)
+-- Texture.
+---@param ax number
+---@param ay number
+---@param bx number
+---@param by number
+---@param char string Texture font character.
+---@param opts {size?: number; color: string; opacity?: number; clip?: string; anchor_x?: number, anchor_y?: number}
+function ass_mt:texture(ax, ay, bx, by, char, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local anchor_x, anchor_y = opts.anchor_x or ax, opts.anchor_y or ay
+ local clip = opts.clip or ('\\clip(' .. ax .. ',' .. ay .. ',' .. bx .. ',' .. by .. ')')
+ local tile_size, opacity = opts.size or 100, opts.opacity or 0.2
+ local x, y = ax - (ax - anchor_x) % tile_size, ay - (ay - anchor_y) % tile_size
+ local width, height = bx - x, by - y
+ local line = string.rep(char, math.ceil((width / tile_size)))
+ local lines = ''
+ for i = 1, math.ceil(height / tile_size), 1 do lines = lines .. (lines == '' and '' or '\\N') .. line end
+ self:txt(
+ x, y, 7, lines,
+ {font = 'uosc_textures', size = tile_size, color = opts.color, bold = false, opacity = opacity, clip = clip})
+-- Rotating spinner icon.
+---@param x number
+---@param y number
+---@param size number
+---@param opts? {color?: string; opacity?: number; clip?: string; border?: number; border_color?: string;}
+function ass_mt:spinner(x, y, size, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ opts.rotate = (state.render_last_time * 1.75 % 1) * -360
+ opts.color = opts.color or fg
+ self:icon(x, y, size, 'autorenew', opts)
+ request_render()