#!/bin/bash #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------ VARIABLES DECLARATION ---------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# ltskern=false utils=false extras=false usrpwd="" usrusrpwd="fade" hstnm="" isusr=false isusrsudo=false intelamdcpu="none" intelamdgpu="none" numregex='^[0-9]+$' if [ ! -r /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]; then efimode=false else efimode=true fi if lscpu | grep -q Intel; then intelamdcpu="intel" elif lscpu | grep -q AMD; then intelamdcpu="amd" fi if lspci | grep -q Intel; then intelamdgpu="intel" elif lspci | grep -q AMD; then intelamdgpu="amd" fi #==================================================================================================# #--------------------------------------- SOME FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_goodbye() { dialog --title "Aborting"\ --infobox "Thank you for using Joe's Arch Linux installer.\nAborting..."\ 5 30 sleep 4 clear exit } #==================================================================================================# #--------------------------------------- INTERNET CHECK -------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_chk_internet() { dialog --infobox "Verifying that you are connected to the Internet, please wait..." 4 40 sleep 1 if ! wget -q --spider https://www.archlinux.org/; then dialog --title "ERROR"\ --msgbox "Critical error:\n\nIt seems that you are not connected to the internet,\ therefore Joe's installer is forced to abort.\nPlease connect to the Internet and retry."\ 12 30 jo_goodbye else dialog --msgbox "Success!" 5 12 fi } #==================================================================================================# #---------------------------------------- HOSTNAME SETUP ------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_get_hstnm() { gogogo=false while [ "$gogogo" = false ]; do hstnm=$(dialog\ --nocancel --title "$1"\ --inputbox "Please choose a hostname for this machine.\ \n\nIf you are running on a managed network, \ please ask your network administrator for an appropriate name."\ 12 53\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if [ "$hstnm" = "" ]; then dialog --infobox "Hostname is empty, retrying..." 3 34 sleep 2 gogogo=false else gogogo=true fi done } #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------ LTS AND XORG SETUP ------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_get_options() { sel=$(dialog --nocancel --title "$1" --checklist "Choose optional system \ components to install:" 10 50 3 \ linux-lts "LTS Kernel" on \ utils "Utils (zip, vim, git...)" on \ extras "Extras (Xorg, gst-plugins...)" off \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if echo -n "$sel" | grep -q linux-lts; then ltskern=true fi if echo -n "$sel" | grep -q utils; then utils=true fi if echo -n "$sel" | grep -q extras; then extras=true fi } #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------------ DISK SETUP --------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_get_disk() { rm -f blkline > /dev/null dn=$(lsblk | grep -c disk) id=1 while [[ $dn != 0 ]]; do echo -n "$id $(lsblk | grep disk | \ awk '{print $1"-------("$4")";}' | sed -n "$id"p) " >> blkline ((dn--)) ((id++)) done sel=$(dialog --nocancel --title "$1"\ --menu "Choose the drive on which Arch Linux should be installed:" 12 55 4\ $(cat blkline)\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) drv="/dev/"$(lsblk | grep disk | awk '{print $1}' | sed -n "$sel"p) rm -f blkline > /dev/null } jo_get_swap_size() { gogogo=false while [ "$gogogo" = false ]; do swps=$(dialog\ --nocancel --title "$1"\ --inputbox "Please enter your swap partition desired size: (__G)"\ 7 65\ "4"\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if [ "$swps" = "" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Can't be empty. Retrying..." 5 32 gogogo=false elif ! [[ $swps =~ $numregex ]]; then dialog --msgbox "Illegal value, please enter only numerical values. Retrying..." 6 38 gogogo=false else gogogo=true fi done } jo_get_root_size() { gogogo=false while [ "$gogogo" = false ]; do rts=$(dialog\ --nocancel --title "$1"\ --inputbox "Please enter your root partition desired size: (__G)"\ 7 65\ "25"\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if [ "$rts" = "" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Can't be empty. Retrying..." 5 32 gogogo=false elif ! [[ $rts =~ $numregex ]]; then dialog --msgbox "Illegal value, please enter only numerical values. Retrying..." 6 38 gogogo=false else gogogo=true fi done } jo_get_disk_config() { answr=false while [ "$answr" = false ]; do answr=false btsze="128M" swps="" rts="" jo_get_disk "$1" jo_get_swap_size "$1" jo_get_root_size "$1" rtsze=$rts"G" swpsze=$swps"G" drv1="$drv""1" drv2="$drv""2" drv3="$drv""3" drv4="$drv""4" if dialog --title "Confirm this is correct"\ --yesno "\ Drive to use:$drv\n\ \n\ boot partition ($drv1) - $btsze\n\ swap partition ($drv2) - $swpsze\n\ root partition ($drv3) - $rtsze\n\ home partition ($drv4) - All that remains"\ 10 50; then answr=true else answr=false fi done } jo_warn_wiping() { if ! dialog --title "WARNING"\ --yesno "Warning: disk $drv will be wiped. \ Are you sure you wish to continue?"\ 6 45; then jo_goodbye fi } #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------ USERS AND ROOT SETUP ----------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_get_root_config() { gogogo=false while [ "$gogogo" = false ]; do rtpwd=$(dialog --nocancel --title "$1"\ --passwordbox "Enter your desired root password:"\ 7 40\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) rtrtpwd=$(dialog --nocancel --title "$1"\ --passwordbox "Confirm root password:"\ 7 40\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if ! [ "$rtrtpwd" = "$rtpwd" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Password mismatch" 5 22 gogogo=false elif [ "$rtpwd" = "" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Password can't be empty" 5 28 gogogo=false else gogogo=true fi done } jo_get_usr_config() { gogogo=false while [ "$gogogo" = false ]; do usr=$(dialog\ --nocancel --title "$1"\ --inputbox "Enter your desired username:"\ 7 40\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if [ "$usr" = "" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Username can't be empty" 5 28 gogogo=false else usr=$(echo "$usr" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') gogogo=true fi done isusr=true gogogo=false while [ "$gogogo" = false ]; do usrpwd=$(dialog --nocancel --title "$1"\ --passwordbox "Enter your desired password for $usr:"\ 7 50\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) usrusrpwd=$(dialog --nocancel --title "$1"\ --passwordbox "Confirm $usr password:"\ 7 50\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) if ! [ "$usrusrpwd" = "$usrpwd" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Password mismatch" 5 22 gogogo=false elif [ "$usrpwd" = "" ]; then dialog --msgbox "Password can't be empty" 5 28 gogogo=false else gogogo=true fi done if dialog --title "$1"\ --yesno "Should $usr be sudo?"\ 5 45; then isusrsudo=true fi usrshell=$(dialog --title "$1"\ --menu "Choose a shell for $usr:"\ 11 40 4\ "zsh" "The Z Shell"\ "dash" "The Debian Almquist Shell"\ "bash" "The Bourne-again Shell"\ "sh" "The OG shell"\ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-) } #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------------- NTP DATE ---------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_set_timedate() { dialog --title "$1"\ --infobox "Setting date via ntp"\ 3 28 timedatectl set-ntp true > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 } #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------------- WIPEFS -----------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_wipefs() { dialog --title "$1"\ --infobox "Wiping filesystem"\ 3 28 wipefs --all --force "$drv" > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 } #==================================================================================================# #---------------------------------------- PARTITIONING DISK ---------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_part_disk() { dialog --title "$1"\ --infobox "Partitioning disk"\ 3 28 if [ "$efimode" = true ]; then fdisk --wipe-partition always "$drv" << FDISK_EFI_INPUT > /dev/null 2>&1 g n 1 +$btsze n 2 +$swpsze n 3 +$rtsze n 4 t 2 19 w FDISK_EFI_INPUT else fdisk --wipe-partition always "$drv" << FDISK_BIOS_INPUT > /dev/null 2>&1 o n p 1 +$btsze n p 2 +$swpsze n p 3 +$rtsze n p w FDISK_BIOS_INPUT fi sleep 2 } jo_make_filesystem() { dialog --title "$1"\ --infobox "Making filesystem"\ 3 28 if [ "$efimode" = true ]; then mkfs.fat -F32 "$drv""1" > /dev/null 2>&1 else mkfs.ext2 "$drv""1" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi mkswap "$drv""2" > /dev/null 2>&1 mkfs.ext4 "$drv""3" > /dev/null 2>&1 mkfs.ext4 "$drv""4" > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 dialog --title "$1"\ --infobox "Mounting partitions"\ 3 28 mkdir -p /mnt/arch > /dev/null 2>&1 swapon "$drv""2" > /dev/null 2>&1 mount "$drv""3" /mnt/arch > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p /mnt/arch/boot > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p /mnt/arch/boot/efi > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$efimode" = true ]; then mount "$drv""1" /mnt/arch/boot/efi > /dev/null 2>&1 else mount "$drv""1" /mnt/arch/boot > /dev/null 2>&1 fi mkdir -p /mnt/arch/home > /dev/null 2>&1 mount "$drv""4" /mnt/arch/home > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 } #==================================================================================================# #-------------------------------------------- PACSTRAP --------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_pacstrap() { paclen=$(echo -n "$1" | wc -c) diaglen=$(echo "15 + $paclen" | bc) dialog --title "$1" --infobox "Installing $1" 3 "$diaglen" if pacstrap /mnt/arch "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then dialog --title "$1" --infobox "$1 installed" 3 "$diaglen" sleep 0.5 fi } jo_fstab() { dialog --title "$1"\ --infobox "Generating fstab"\ 3 28 genfstab -U -p /mnt/arch > /mnt/arch/etc/fstab sleep 2 } jo_arch_chroot() { arch-chroot /mnt/arch ${@:1} } #==================================================================================================# #--------------------------------------------- START ----------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# clear dialog --title "Welcome" --msgbox "Welcome to Joe's Arch Linux installation utility!" 6 35 jo_chk_internet jo_get_hstnm "I. CORE SETUP" jo_get_options "I. CORE SETUP" jo_get_disk_config "II. DISK SETUP" jo_warn_wiping jo_get_root_config "III. USERS SETUP" if dialog --title "III. USERS SETUP"\ --yesno "Would you like to add a user to the system?"\ 6 45; then jo_get_usr_config "III. USERS SETUP" fi #==================================================================================================# #-------------------------------------- THE ACTUAL INSTALL ----------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_set_timedate "IV. INSTALLING LINUX" jo_wipefs "IV. INSTALLING LINUX" jo_part_disk "IV. INSTALLING LINUX" jo_make_filesystem "IV. INSTALLING LINUX" #==================================================================================================# #-------------------------------------- BASE DOWNLOAD ---------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_pacstrap base jo_pacstrap base-devel jo_pacstrap pacman-contrib jo_pacstrap networkmanager jo_pacstrap syslog-ng jo_pacstrap mtools jo_pacstrap dostools jo_pacstrap lsb-release jo_pacstrap ntfs-3g jo_pacstrap exfat-utils jo_pacstrap ntp if [ "$isusr" = true ]; then if [ "$usrshell" = "zsh" ]; then jo_pacstrap zsh elif [ "$usrshell" = "dash" ]; then jo_pacstrap dash fi fi jo_pacstrap os-prober if [ "$efimode" = true ]; then jo_pacstrap efibootmgr fi jo_pacstrap grub jo_pacstrap mkinitcpio if [ "$ltskern" = true ]; then jo_pacstrap linux-lts jo_pacstrap linux-lts-headers else jo_pacstrap linux jo_pacstrap linux-headers fi if [ "$intelamdcpu" = "intel" ]; then jo_pacstrap intel-ucode elif [ "$intelamdcpu" = "amd" ]; then jo_pacstrap amd-ucode fi dialog --title "IV. INSTALLING LINUX"\ --infobox "Base packages installed"\ 3 28 sleep 4 #==================================================================================================# #--------------------------------------- UTILS DOWNLOAD -------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# if [ "$utils" = true ]; then jo_pacstrap zip jo_pacstrap unzip jo_pacstrap p7zip jo_pacstrap vim jo_pacstrap mc jo_pacstrap alsa-utils jo_pacstrap git jo_pacstrap cronie dialog --title "IV. INSTALLING LINUX"\ --infobox "Utils installed"\ 3 28 sleep 4 fi #==================================================================================================# #---------------------------------------- EXTRA DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# if [ "$extras" = true ]; then jo_pacstrap gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly} jo_pacstrap gst-libav jo_pacstrap xorg-{server,xinit,apps} jo_pacstrap xf86-input-{mouse,keyboard} jo_pacstrap xdg-user-dirs jo_pacstrap mesa if [ "$intelamdgpu" = "intel" ]; then jo_pacstrap xf86-video-intel elif [ "$intelamdgpu" = "amd" ]; then jo_pacstrap xf86-video-amdgpu fi dialog --title "IV. INSTALLING LINUX"\ --infobox "Extra packages installed"\ 4 28 sleep 4 fi #==================================================================================================# #------------------------------------------- FSTAB CONFIG ----------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# jo_fstab "IV. INSTALLING LINUX" #==================================================================================================# #-------------------------------------------- ARCH-CHROOT -----------------------------------------# #==================================================================================================# dialog --title "V. CONFIGURING LINUX"\ --infobox "Finishing configuration"\ 3 30 sleep 4 jo_arch_chroot ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime jo_arch_chroot hwclock --systohc jo_arch_chroot sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen jo_arch_chroot locale-gen jo_arch_chroot echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf jo_arch_chroot echo "$hstnm" > /etc/hostname jo_arch_chroot echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts jo_arch_chroot echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts jo_arch_chroot echo " $hstnm.localdomain $hstnm" >> /etc/hosts arch-chroot /mnt/arch passwd < /boot/efi/startup.nsh jo_arch_chroot echo "exit" >> /boot/efi/startup.nsh else jo_arch_chroot grub-install --target=i386-pc $drv jo_arch_chroot grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg fi dialog --title "WORK COMPLETE"\ --msgbox "\ Arch Linux is now installed\n\ on this terminal.\n\ Thank you for using Joe's\n ARCH LINUX INSTALLER.\n\ \n Your system will now reboot"\ 10 32 umount -R /mnt/arch reboot