#!/bin/bash answr="" drvnm="" rts="" swps="" rtpwd="" rtrtpwd="walk" usrpwd="" usrusrpwd="fade" hstnm="" isusr="false" somemore="false" intelamdcpu="none" intelamdgpu="none" clear echo "#============ WELCOME ============#" echo "# #" echo "# Welcome to Joe's #" echo "# ARCH LINUX #" echo "# UEFI INSTALL SCRIPT #" echo "# #" echo "# (press [return] to begin...) #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" read -r # ================================================================================================ # # ======================================== ERRORS CHECK ========================================== # # ================================================================================================ # if [ ! -r /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]; then clear echo "X=X=X=X=X=X=X ERROR X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X" echo "X X" echo "X It seems that boot mode X" echo "X is not set to UEFI X" echo "X therefore Joe's script is X" echo "X forced to abort X" echo "X X" echo "X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X" sleep 6 echo && echo echo "Thank you for using Joe's Arch Linux UEFI install script." sleep 1 echo "Aborting..." sleep 3 clear exit fi clear echo "Verifying that your are connected to the Internet, please wait..." wget -q --spider https://google.com tmpret=$? if [ $tmpret -ne 0 ]; then clear echo "X=X=X=X=X=X=X ERROR X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X" echo "X X" echo "X It seems that your X" echo "X terminal is not X" echo "X connected to the Internet X" echo "X therefore Joe's script is X" echo "X forced to abort X" echo "X X" echo "X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X" sleep 6 echo && echo echo "Thank you for using Joe's Arch Linux UEFI install script." sleep 1 echo "Aborting..." sleep 3 clear exit else echo "Success!" echo echo "Press [retrun] key to continue" read -r fi # ================================================================================================ # # ========================================= DISK SETUP =========================================== # # ================================================================================================ # while [[ $answr != y && $answr != Y && $answr != yes && $answr != Yes && $answr != YES ]]; do drvnm="" swps="" rts="" clear echo "#========= I. DISK SETUP =========#" echo "# #" echo "# Please choose wisely #" echo "# #" echo "# 1. Drive to be used #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" while [[ $drvnm == "" || $drvnm -gt $(lsblk | grep -c disk) || $drvnm -le 0 ]]; do echo && echo dn=$(lsblk | grep -c disk) id=1 lsblk echo && echo echo "Please choose the drive on which Arch Linux shoud be installed:" while [[ $dn != 0 ]]; do echo "$id. $(lsblk | grep disk | awk '{print $1}' | sed -n "$id"p)" ((dn--)) ((id++)) done echo -n "> " read -r drvnm if [[ $drvnm == "" ]]; then echo && echo echo "Can't be empty, retrying..." fi if [[ $drvnm -gt $(lsblk | grep -c disk) ]]; then echo && echo echo "Illegal value, please choose something reasonable. Retrying..." fi if [[ $drvnm -lt 0 ]]; then echo && echo echo "Illegal value, please choose something reasonable. Retrying..." fi if [[ $drvnm == 0 ]]; then echo && echo echo "Illegal value, please choose something reasonable. Retrying..." fi done drv="/dev/"$(lsblk | grep disk | awk '{print $1}' | sed -n "$drvnm"p) clear echo "#========= I. DISK SETUP =========#" echo "# #" echo "# Please choose wisely #" echo "# #" echo "# 2. swap partion size #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" while [[ $swps == "" ]]; do echo && echo echo "Please enter your swap partition disired size:" echo "_G" echo -n "> " read -r swps if [[ $swps == "" ]]; then echo && echo echo "Can't be empty, retrying..." fi done clear echo "#========= I. DISK SETUP =========#" echo "# #" echo "# Please choose wisely #" echo "# #" echo "# 3. root partion size #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" while [[ $rts == "" ]]; do echo && echo echo "Please enter your root partition disired size:" echo "__G" echo -n "> " read -r rts if [[ $rts == "" ]]; then echo && echo echo "Can't be empty, retrying..." fi done btsze="128M" rtsze=$rts"G" swpsze=$swps"G" clear echo "#============= CONFIRM THIS IS CORRECT ===============#" echo "# #" echo "# DRIVE TO USE: $drv #" echo "# #" echo "# /boot/efi > BOOT partition size: $btsze #" echo "# SWAP partition size: $swpsze #" echo "# / > ROOT partition size: $rtsze #" echo "# /home > HOME partition size: all that remains #" echo "# #" echo "#=====================================================#" echo && echo echo "Is that correct? [y/N]" echo -n "> " read -r answr if [[ $answr != y && $answr != Y && $answr != yes && $answr != Yes && $answr != YES ]]; then echo && echo echo "Retrying..." echo echo "Press [retrun] key to continue" read -r fi done # ================================================================================================ # # ========================================= USERS SETUP ========================================== # # ================================================================================================ # answr="n" while [ ! "$rtrtpwd" = "$rtpwd" ] || [ "$rtpwd" = "" ]; do clear echo "#======= II. USERS SETUP =========#" echo "# #" echo "# 1. root password #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" echo && echo echo "Enter your disired root password (can't be empty):" echo -n "> " read -s rtpwd echo && echo echo "Confirm root password:" echo -n "> " read -s rtrtpwd if [[ $rtrtpwd != $rtpwd ]]; then echo && echo echo "Password mismatch, retrying..." sleep 2 fi if [[ $rtpwd == "" ]]; then echo && echo echo "Password is empty, retrying..." sleep 2 fi done clear echo "#======= II. USERS SETUP =========#" echo "# #" echo "# 2. User add #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" echo && echo echo "Would you like to add a user to the system? [y/N]" echo -n "> " read answr if [[ $answr == y || $answr == Y || $answr == yes || $answr == Yes || $answr == YES ]]; then echo && echo echo "Enter your desired username:" echo -n "> " read usr isusr="true" usr=$(echo $usr | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') echo && echo while [[ $usrusrpwd != $usrpwd || $usrpwd == "" ]]; do echo "Enter your disired password for $usr (can't be empty):" echo -n "> " read -s usrpwd echo && echo echo "Confirm user password:" echo -n "> " read -s usrusrpwd if [[ $usrusrpwd != $usrpwd ]]; then echo && echo echo "Password mismatch, retrying..." sleep 2 fi if [[ $usrpwd == "" ]]; then echo && echo echo "Password is empty, retrying..." sleep 2 fi done fi clear echo "#======= II. USERS SETUP =========#" echo "# #" echo "# 3. hostname #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" while [[ $hstnm == "" ]]; do echo && echo echo "Enter your disired hostname for this terminal (can't be empty):" echo -n "> " read hstnm if [[ $hstnm == "" ]]; then echo && echo echo "Hostname is empty, retrying..." sleep 2 fi done answr="n" clear echo "#====== III. EXTRAS SETUP ========#" echo "# #" echo "# 1. More #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" echo && echo echo "Do you wish to install Xorg and gst-plugins as well? [y/N]" echo -n "> " read answr if [[ $answr == y || $answr == Y || $answr == yes || $answr == Yes || $answr == YES ]]; then somemore="true" fi clear answr="" if [[ $(lscpu | grep Intel) ]]; then intelamdcpu="intel" fi if [[ $(lscpu | grep AMD) ]]; then intelamdcpu="amd" fi if [[ $(lspci | grep Intel) ]]; then intelamdgpu="intel" fi if [[ $(lspci | grep AMD) ]]; then intelamdgpu="amd" fi # ================================================================================================ # # ===================================== THE ACTUAL INSTALL ======================================= # # ================================================================================================ # # ============================================================== # # ========================== NTP DATE ========================== # # ============================================================== # clear echo "#====== IV. INSTALLING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 1. Setting date #" echo "# via ntp #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" timedatectl set-ntp true sleep 2 # ============================================================== # # ==================== PARTITIONING DISK ======================= # # ============================================================== # clear echo "#====== IV. INSTALLING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 2. Partitionning #" echo "# disk $drv #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" echo && echo dd if=/dev/zero of=$drv bs=512 count=1 sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | fdisk $drv g # create a new GPT partition table n # new partition (/dev/sdx1) 1 # partition number 1 # first sector (2048) +$btsze # boot size partition Y # YES n # new partition (/dev/sdx2) 2 # partition number 2 # default start block +$swpsze # swap size partition Y # YES n # new partition (/dev/sdx3) 3 # partition number 3 # default start block +$rtsze # root size partition Y # YES n # new partition (/dev/sdx4) 4 # partition number 4 # default start block # all that remains t # change partition type 1 # part 1 1 # EFI partition type t # change partition type 2 # partition number 2 19 # swap partition type w # write the partition table and quit EOF mkswap $drv"2" mkfs.fat -F32 $drv"1" mkfs.ext4 $drv"3" mkfs.ext4 $drv"4" sleep 2 clear echo "#====== IV. INSTALLING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 3. Mounting partitions #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" swapon $drv"2" mkdir /mnt/arch mount $drv"3" /mnt/arch mkdir /mnt/arch/boot mkdir /mnt/arch/boot/efi mount $drv"1" /mnt/arch/boot/efi mkdir /mnt/arch/home mount $drv"4" /mnt/arch/home sleep 2 clear echo "#====== IV. INSTALLING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 4. Installing base system #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" pacstrap /mnt/arch base base-devel pacman-contrib sleep 1 clear echo "#====== IV. INSTALLING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 4.5 Installing some extras #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" pacstrap /mnt/arch zip unzip p7zip vim mc alsa-utils syslog-ng mtools dostools lsb-release ntfs-3g exfat-utils git zsh pacstrap /mnt/arch ntp cronie pacstrap /mnt/arch grub os-prober efibootmgr sleep 1 clear echo "#====== IV. INSTALLING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 5. Generating fstab #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" genfstab -U /mnt/arch > /mnt/arch/etc/fstab sleep 2 clear echo "#====== V. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#" echo "# #" echo "# 1. Now changing root #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" sleep 2 sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 2. Setting time zone # # to Paris, France, # # for this is my time zone. # # Change this later accordingly # # to your own time zone # # (Joe didn't find a quick # # and easy way to ask you # # about your time zone, # # Joe hopes your can understand) # # # #=================================# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime sleep 8 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 3. Setting hardware clock # # and ntp again # # # #=================================# hwclock --systohc ntpdate fr.pool.ntp.org systemctl enable ntpd sleep 1 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 4. Localization # # (en_US.UTF-8) # # # #=================================# sed 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen > /etc/locale.gen.42 mv /etc/locale.gen.42 /etc/locale.gen locale-gen echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 5. Setting hostname # # # #=================================# echo $hstnm > /etc/hostname echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts echo " $hstnm.localdomain $hstnm" >> /etc/hosts sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 6. Setting root password # # # #=================================# passwd $rtpwd $rtpwd sleep 2 clear #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====# # # # 7. Setting up network # # # #=================================# pacman -S networkmanager Y EOF sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch systemctl enable NetworkManager sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 8. journald stuff # # # #=================================# sed 's/#ForwardToSyslog=no/ForwardToSyslog=yes/' /etc/systemd/journald.conf > /etc/systemd/journald.conf.42 mv /etc/systemd/journald.conf.42 /etc/systemd/journald.conf sleep 2 EOF if [[ $somemore == "true" ]]; then sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 9. Installing # # some more utils # # (gst plugins, xorg...) # # # #=================================# pacman -S gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly} gst-libav xorg-{server,xinit,apps} xf86-input-{mouse,keyboard} xdg-user-dirs mesa xf86-video-vesa Y EOF fi if [[ $intelamdgpu == "intel" && $somemore == "true" ]]; then sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 9.5 Installing # # some more utils # # (xf86-video) # # # #=================================# pacman -S xf86-video-intel Y sleep 2 EOF fi if [[ $intelamdgpu == "amd" && $somemore == "true" ]]; then sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 9.5 Installing # # some more utils # # (xf86-video) # # # #=================================# pacman -S xf86-video-amdgpu Y EOF fi if [[ $isusr == "true" ]]; then sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 10. Installing sudo # # # #=================================# pacman -S sudo Y EOF sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch sleep 2 clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 11. Generating user # # # #=================================# useradd -m -g wheel -s /bin/zsh $usr passwd $usr $usrpwd $usrpwd sed 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/' /etc/sudoers > /etc/sudoers.42 mv /etc/sudoers.42 /etc/sudoers sleep 2 exit EOF fi if [[ $intelamdcpu == "intel" ]]; then sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 12. Installing CPU # # microcode # # # #=================================# pacman -S intel-ucode Y EOF fi if [[ $intelamdcpu == "amd" ]]; then sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch clear #===== V. CONFIGURING LINUX ======# # # # 12. Installing CPU # # microcode # # # #=================================# pacman -S amd-ucode Y EOF fi sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch sleep 2 clear #===== VI. CONFIGURING BOOT ======# # # # 1. Generating Kernel image # # # #=================================# mkinitcpio -p linux sleep 1 clear #===== VI. CONFIGURING BOOT ======# # # # 2. Configuring GRUB # # # #=================================# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=arch_grub --recheck grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg sleep 4 exit EOF echo && echo clear echo "#========= WORK COMPLETE =========#" echo "# #" echo "# Your system should now #" echo "# be installed. #" echo "# Thank your for using Joe's #" echo "# ARCH LINUX #" echo "# UEFI INSTALL UTILITY #" echo "# #" echo "# Your system will now reboot #" echo "# #" echo "#=================================#" echo && echo sleep 10 umount -R /mnt/arch reboot