diff options
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/joes-arch-install-UEFI.sh b/joes-arch-install-UEFI.sh
index 3bc2bc5..78c9154 100755
--- a/joes-arch-install-UEFI.sh
+++ b/joes-arch-install-UEFI.sh
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ while [[ $rtrtpwd != "$rtpwd" || $rtpwd == "" ]]; do
read -r -s rtpwd
echo && echo
echo -e "${BCYAN}Confirm ${BYELLOW}root password${BCYAN}:"
- echo -n -e "${BCYAN}> "
+ echo -n -e "${BYELLOW}> "
read -r -s rtrtpwd
if [[ $rtrtpwd != "$rtpwd" ]]; then
echo && echo
@@ -285,18 +285,18 @@ read -r answr
if [[ $answr == y || $answr == Y || $answr == yes || $answr == Yes || $answr == YES ]]; then
echo && echo
echo -e "${BCYAN}Enter your desired ${BYELLOW}username:"
- echo -n -e "> "
+ echo -n -e "${BYELLOW}> "
read -r usr
usr=$(echo "$usr" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo && echo
while [[ $usrusrpwd != "$usrpwd" || $usrpwd == "" ]]; do
echo -e "${BCYAN}Enter your disired ${BYELLOW}password ${BCYAN}for ${BYELLOW}$usr${BCYAN} (can't be empty):"
- echo -n -e "> "
+ echo -n -e "${BYELLOW}> "
read -r -s usrpwd
echo && echo
echo -e "${BCYAN}Confirm ${BYELLOW}user password:${BCYAN}"
- echo -n -e "> "
+ echo -n -e "${BYELLOW}> "
read -r -s usrusrpwd
if [[ $usrusrpwd != "$usrpwd" ]]; then
echo && echo
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ echo -e "${BMAGENTA}\
while [[ $hstnm == "" ]]; do
echo && echo
echo -e "${BCYAN}Enter your disired ${BYELLOW}hostname ${BCYAN}for this terminal (can't be empty):"
- echo -n -e "> "
+ echo -n -e "${BYELLOW}> "
read -r hstnm
if [[ $hstnm == "" ]]; then
echo && echo