diff options
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/joes-arch-install.sh b/joes-arch-install.sh
index 50d1193..8ddb6ae 100755
--- a/joes-arch-install.sh
+++ b/joes-arch-install.sh
@@ -58,6 +58,37 @@ jo_goodbye() {
+jo_chk_internet() {
+ clear
+ dialog --infobox "Verifying that you are connected to the Internet, please wait..." 4 40
+ sleep 2
+ if ! wget -q --spider https://www.archlinux.org/; then
+ dialog --title "ERROR"\
+ --msgbox "Critical error:\n\nIt seems that you are not connected to the internet,\
+therefore Joe's installer is forced to abort.\nPlease connect to the Internet and retry."\
+ 12 30
+ jo_goodbye
+ else
+ dialog --msgbox "Success\!" 5 12
+ fi
+jo_set_hstnm() {
+ while [ $hstnm = "" ]; do
+ hstnm=$(dialog\
+ --nocancel --title "$1"\
+ --inputbox "Please choose a hostname for this machine.\
+\n\nIf you are running on a managed network,\
+please ask your network administrator for an appropriate name."\
+ 12 55\
+ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
+ if [ "$hstnm" = "" ]; then
+ dialog --infobox "Hostname is empty, retrying..." 3 34
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ done
jo_pacstrap() {
echo -e "${BCYAN}Installing ${BYELLOW}$1${END}"
@@ -65,6 +96,7 @@ jo_pacstrap() {
echo -e "${BGREEN}$1 installed${END}"
#--------------------------------------------- START ----------------------------------------------#
@@ -72,33 +104,11 @@ dialog --title "Welcome" --msgbox "Welcome to Joe's Arch Linux installation util
#--------------------------------------- INTERNET CHECK -------------------------------------------#
-dialog --infobox "Verifying that you are connected to the Internet, please wait..." 4 40
-if ! wget -q --spider https://www.archlinux.org/; then
- dialog --title "ERROR"\
- --msgbox "Critical error:\n\nIt seems that you are not connected to the internet,\
-therefore Joe's installer is forced to abort.\nPlease connect to the Internet and retry."\
- 12 30
- jo_goodbye
- dialog --msgbox "Success\!" 5 12
#---------------------------------------- HOSTNAME SETUP ------------------------------------------#
-while [ $hstnm = "" ]; do
- hstnm=$(dialog\
- --nocancel --title "I. CORE SETUP"\
- --inputbox "Please choose a hostname for this machine.\
-\n\nIf you are running on a managed network,\
-please ask your network administrator for an appropriate name."\
- 12 55\
- 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
- if [ "$hstnm" = "" ]; then
- dialog --infobox "Hostname is empty, retrying..." 3 34
- sleep 2
- fi
+jo_set_hstnm "I. CORE SETUP"