path: root/arch_install-UEFI.sh
diff options
authorRudy Bousset <bousset.rudy@gmail.com>2019-09-02 14:02:18 +0200
committerRudy Bousset <bousset.rudy@gmail.com>2019-09-02 14:02:18 +0200
commit0aacb9eef22ba4f9c24534801d6a7ce6354575b9 (patch)
tree80584b64ee10d388cf061eaa48271ccee80f55df /arch_install-UEFI.sh
parentWork nearly done (diff)
work almost done
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/arch_install-UEFI.sh b/arch_install-UEFI.sh
index 7be2624..74942b3 100755
--- a/arch_install-UEFI.sh
+++ b/arch_install-UEFI.sh
@@ -338,7 +338,16 @@ echo "# #"
echo "# 4. Installing base system #"
echo "# #"
echo "#=================================#"
-pacstrap /mnt/arch base base-devel
+pacstrap /mnt/arch base base-devel pacman-contrib
+sleep 1
+echo "#===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#"
+echo "# #"
+echo "# 4.5 Installing some extras #"
+echo "# #"
+echo "#=================================#"
+pacstrap /mnt/arch zip unzip p7zip vim mc alsa-utils syslog-ng mtools dostools lsb-releaseease ntfs-3g exfat-utils git
+pacstrap /mnt/arch grub os-prober efibootmgr
sleep 1
echo "#===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#"
@@ -349,85 +358,138 @@ echo "#=================================#"
genfstab -U /mnt/arch > /mnt/arch/etc/fstab
sleep 2
-echo "#===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#"
+echo "#===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#"
echo "# #"
-echo "# 6. Now changing root #"
+echo "# 1. Now changing root #"
echo "# #"
echo "#=================================#"
sleep 2
-sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
- clear
- #===== III. INSTALLIG LINUX ======#
- # #
- # 7. Setting time zone #
- # to Paris, France, #
- # for this is my time zone. #
- # Change this later accordingly #
- # to your own time zone #
- # (Joe didn't find a quick #
- # and easy way to ask you #
- # about your time zone, #
- # Joe hopes your can understand) #
- # #
- #=================================#
- ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
- sleep 8
- clear
- #===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#
- # #
- # 8. Setting hardware clock #
- # #
- #=================================#
- hwclock --systohc
- sleep 2
- clear
- #===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#
- # #
- # 9. Localization #
- # (en_US.UTF-8) #
- # #
- #=================================#
- sed 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen > /etc/locale.gen.42
- mv /etc/locale.gen.42 /etc/locale.gen
- locale-gen
- echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf
- sleep 2
- clear
- #===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#
- # #
- # 10. Setting hostname #
- # #
- #=================================#
- echo $hstnm > /etc/hostname
- echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts
- echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts
- echo " $hstnm.localdomain $hstnm" >> /etc/hosts
- sleep 2
- clear
- #===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#
- # #
- # 11. Installing sudo #
- # #
- #=================================#
- pacman -S sudo
- Y
+sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 2. Setting time zone #
+ # to Paris, France, #
+ # for this is my time zone. #
+ # Change this later accordingly #
+ # to your own time zone #
+ # (Joe didn't find a quick #
+ # and easy way to ask you #
+ # about your time zone, #
+ # Joe hopes your can understand) #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
+ sleep 8
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 3. Setting hardware clock #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ hwclock --systohc
+ sleep 2
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 4. Localization #
+ # (en_US.UTF-8) #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ sed 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen > /etc/locale.gen.42
+ mv /etc/locale.gen.42 /etc/locale.gen
+ locale-gen
+ echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf
+ sleep 2
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 5. Setting hostname #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ echo $hstnm > /etc/hostname
+ echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts
+ echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts
+ echo " $hstnm.localdomain $hstnm" >> /etc/hosts
+ sleep 2
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 6. Setting root password #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ passwd
+ $rtpwd
+ $rtpwd
+ sleep 2
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 7. Setting network #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ pacman -S networkmanager
+ Y
-sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
- clear
- #===== III. INSTALLING LINUX =====#
- # #
- # 12. Generating users #
- # #
- #=================================#
- passwd
- root
- root
- sleep 2
+sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
+ systemctl enable NetworkManager
if [[ $isusr == "true" ]]; then
- sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
- useradd -G wheel,audio,video -m $usr -p $usrpwd
- sed 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/' /etc/sudoers > /etc/sudoers.42
- mv /etc/sudoers.42 /etc/sudoers
+ sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 8. Installing sudo #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ pacman -S sudo
+ Y
+sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
+ clear
+ #===== IV. CONFIGURING LINUX =====#
+ # #
+ # 9. Generating user #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ useradd -G wheel,audio,video -m $usr
+ passwd $usr
+ $usrpwd
+ $usrpwd
+ sed 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/' /etc/sudoers > /etc/sudoers.42
+ mv /etc/sudoers.42 /etc/sudoers
+sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z \"=#()[]{}<>,:. - \_\/?!@$%^&~`*|]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | arch-chroot /mnt/arch
+ clear
+ #====== V. CONFIGURING BOOT ======#
+ # #
+ # 1. Generating Kernel image #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ mkinitcpio -p linux
+ sleep 1
+ clear
+ #====== V. CONFIGURING BOOT ======#
+ # #
+ # 2. Configuring GRUB #
+ # #
+ #=================================#
+ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
+ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=arch_grub --recheck
+echo "#========= WORK COMPLETE =========#"
+echo "# #"
+echo "# Your system should now #"
+echo "# be installed. #"
+echo "# Thank your for using Joe's #"
+echo "# ARCH LINUX #"
+echo "# #"
+echo "# (press [return] to reboot...) #"
+echo "# #"
+echo "#=================================#"
+umount -R /mnt/arch