arch-installerFreeBSD-inspired installer script for Arch Linux3 years
asm-cgi-exampleExample asm program for my website3 years
bsdsetsidMinimal implementation of the Linux(R) utility setsid(1) for FreeBSD3 years
cvMy cool LaTeX CV2 years
dmenuMy own fork of suckless dmenu, starting from 5.02 weeks
dotfiles-bsdMy cool dotfiles for my BSD workstation3 days
dwmMy personnal dwm build, starting from version 6.210 days
dwmblocksNo description yet12 days
gitjoe-cgitEssential files for GitJoe's cgit page23 months
gitjoe-scriptsscripts for gitjoe3 years
gitjoe-wwwOBSOLETE: The GitJoe website source files3 years
go2workCLI alarm clock in Go3 years
hardflipremote session manager in go8 months
joe-confConfig files for my jozanofastora VPS22 months
joe-scriptsHandy Perl scripts used to simplify everything on my web server3 years
joe-wwwThe website source files8 months
lowbat-bsdLightweight low battery daemon for BSD systems3 years
lowbat-gnuLightweight low battery notifier for GNU/Linux systems3 years
mpd-notificationFork of eworm-de/mpd-notification to make it FreeBSD-compliant3 years
mpdviewDisplay mpd artwork in an X Window for BSD3 years
slockFork of suckless slock3 years
stMy own fork of suckless st, starting from 0.8.42 years
unixizeSimple tool to bulk rename files to unix_case3 years
dotfilesAmazing dotfiles3 years
smithNever send a human to do a machine's job2 years
thresholdVery cool game3 years
watchoomWatchy config3 years
42-cub3dSimple raycaster project for 42 school3 years
42-minishellMinimal shell for 42 school3 years
yabsYet Another Boomer Shooter2 years